It's time for a vacation

Are You The One?

The heat just wouldn’t leave me alone. Upon arriving at my house, I remembered the bad news; I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the cool but in the humidity of the hot. Great, just great. Uhmma and Apa must be work right now since they’re not in their office taking non-stop phone calls from their business. Sometimes, I’m glad I weren’t them. It must be depressing handling situations. I’ve never actually came across this thought, it’s good that I did. They need a break and we should spend some quality time together as a family. That’s what we should do. I’ll go and book the tickets.



I heard the keys clapping chimes together as the door knob clicked open. Omo, they’re home, I better get things organised before the surprise would be ruined. I ran straight for the hallway where I nearly bumped into Apa. Whoa, that was close.

“What’s the matter kid?” “Is there something wrong?” Apa and Uhmma asked with curiosity as I stood there trying to catch my breath.

“Nothings’ wrong. Why don’t the both of you come to the lounge room and I’ll explain everything.” I replied with a smile any kid would give their parents.

I comforted myself on the couch in front of the other one where both my parents sat, feeling the heat seize through the walls of our mansion. Thank goodness the air conditioner in here could work.

“What is it son?” my father asked.

“Well, since both of you have been working extremely hard over the last few months.” They nodded in agreement. “I have protested that you two should take a break and go on a vacation. Of course I’d have to be coming too. And we could spend some quality time together, as a family.” With all the practising in front of the mirror, it worked.



                My toothbrush, my clothes, my hat, etc, yep, all packed and ready to go. I peeked through my parents’ room and checked them both; they too were ready and done.

“You got the plane tickets?” Uhmma asked.

“All here,” I held the three tickets like cash between my fingers.

“Okay, I think we’re all done. We better get into the limo before we’ll miss our flight.” They made their way to the vehicle as the maids and guards helped carry the suitcases into the bonnet. Quite a number of suitcases just for a mere week vacation.



Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. I needed to call the twins to let them know I’d be away for the week, so they wouldn’t worry about my absence.



“Yo hyung. Ne it’s me, Minwoo,” I answered Youngmin who picked up the phone.

“I’m just calling to let you guys know I’ll be going on a vacation to Pusan for the week with my parents, so you two needn’t to worry about where I am okay?”

“Aresso,” echoed the voices of Youngmin and Kwangmin. They sounded so alike with their low voices, not even I could tell who was who, though I’ve known them like nearly my entire life.

“Have fun in Pusan,” said Youngmin.

“And don’t forget to get us something whilst you’re there, yeah?” Kwangmin reminded.

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget and thanks guys,” I replied.

“Cya,” And the phone hung up.



The driver pulled at the drop off zone and helped take out our suitcases. They sure were heavy, especially mine. I had no idea I carried so much. But what can you say? I’m a teenage boy who likes his stuff and wouldn’t want to leave it behind. Like his favourite baseball caps. Not only one, but seven of them were packed neatly in the inside of his luggage; one for each day of the week.


                The awkward sound of tiny wheels that struggled to carry its weight, rolled along the path which led to the doors of the airport. We checked in and waved our driver goodbye.

“Just take a seat over there please ma’am and sir. Thank you,” said the Check in lady who barely looked twenty years old. Isn’t she a little too young to be working here? Oh well.

We sat waiting for our flight to be called over the P.A. system. My headphones locked onto my ears as I thoroughly searched through my playlist on my iPod. There, I found what I was looking for, my favourite song, ‘Pray’ by my number one boy band group, ‘Big Bang’. They were my idols, mostly ‘G-Dragon’. One day, I want to become like them. One day, I will.

“Flight no. #O6789 to Pusan, please make your way to gate 2.” Our flight was announced.

“Let’s go,” I stretched from the uncomfortable position I sat for the past half an hour. I think I’m finally growing, I thought as I walked beside my parents who were now shorter than me.


                That flight sure was long; from the town of Inchon to the famous Pusan. I slept as cuddly as a baby panda the whole way through; until I felt the wheels of the plane contact the gravel of the earth.


We arrived at our final destination which happened to be an hour away from the city. It was worth driving because this place was paradise. A private hotel stood proud in the green plain filled with varieties of flowers that shone millions of colours which grew with the population of this place. There were quite a lot of people, mostly families and couples taking a stroll along the sides of the ‘Lake of Peace’. Children played on the newly built playgrounds and threw Frisbees into the air, waiting for their pet dogs to catch into the slobbery mouths. 

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I love this story! You better keep writing! Cuz I love it!!!(:
Minwoo!! My hero<3
nice story :)
fbdsuigbdsiohgdsoighdos; omo, is he ok? ;_______________;
lov4ever #4
update soon
It's so descriptive, I love your writing style ! I will be reading your fanfics and I'm already impressed just by the first chapter !
whenbunniesfly #6
the way you write a story is so good .. DAEBAK ! I'm so jealous .. i'm not so good in deep words .. TT_TT ..<br />
<br />
eonni !! update !
Woahhhhhh.~ I only read the first chapter, but it's so descriptive, and I'm in love with your story already.~ ♥ :DDD