Chapter 2

Drowning in Voices

   A certain boy with rainbow colored hair was sitting in front of a dinosaur looking barista while taking glances at a certain pair.

"Stop glaring at them! It's getting on my nerves!" Chen yelled

"Wh-Wha?! What-what are you ta-talking about?! Me ish no looking." Sehun said with a completely flustered face

"Ewww~ and it's completely obvious. Instead of moping here get your off the chair and stick your on the chair next to those two."

"What do you mean by obvious? I don't know what you are talking about." Sehun replied calming down

"Everbody knows. The customers here, the employers here, heck even the forever dense Xiumin hyung knows."

"So what are you trying to say?"


   The whole cafe stopped at what ever they were doing to look at the pair. Including the pair Sehun was glancing at.

"Um... I don't know what you guys were talking about but if you guys are fighting, Sehun do you want to come sit here?"

"Um uh ah yeah?" Sehun answered while Chen was putting on a 'You better thank me later' face.

   Sehun quickly walked over to where Kris was and plopped on the nearest seat he could find.

"So Kris like I was saying, do you want to come over to my house?" 

  Sehun froze from his seat. He almost forgot who he was glaring at before.

"My father's coming home and-"


"Yeah, I wish I was my little brother."

"You mean the one your dad adopted?" 

"Yeah. My dad let's him do anything he wants but for me he complains about every single thing I do. I hate him."

"Seriously? Your father didn't seem like that when I met him last week."

"Joonmeyon... He is a CEO. He has to have a good image."

"Well, he doesn't have to"

   Sehun wasn't paying attention to the conversation anymore. 

'I can't believe how close Joonmyeong hyung and Kris hyung are. Like I have known Kris hyung for almost am year while Joonmyeong hyung only knows him for like less than a month and he knows more about Kris hyung. I'm just a third wheel.' Sehun pouted while thinking

'Should I ask him out now?'

  Suprised, Sehun looked at the owner of the thought.

  It was Kris.

  Kris also suprised at the fact that Sehun looked at him at the exact moment that he thought of the confession, turned to look at Chen and gave him a nod.

  Sehun not wanting to hear anything immediately stood up from his seat and rushed to the back door of the cafe. He hated his power. He hated knowing what everybody thinks. He prefered being clueless and naive. 

  With these thoughts Sehun was sitting with his head burried in his arms sobbing quietly, letting it all out. 

  A few minutes later a bell ringing replaced the sound of Sehun's sobbing. Picking up the phone Sehun nodded at whatever the person on the other side was saying, not really in the mood of listening to anybody talk. But he changed his mind about listening when he heard the three words that could break or relieve his heart. 'Mother', 'hospital' and 'danger.'

 Dropping his phone Sehun ran full speed towards the hospital.

 Arriving there he rushed to where his mother was resting. When he entered the room he didn't see anyone there. Confused he asked a nurse that was passing by the room.

"Excuse me"


"Do you know where the patient in this room has gone?"

"Hmm..." The nurse looked through a bunch of papers she had in her hand "Oh Jiyeon, right?"


"She has been moved to the emergency room."

"Wh-What?!? Why? Wasn't she still in coma?"

"She has just woken up yesterday but because she has cancer-"

"Mom has cancer?"

"Mom? Don't tell me, are you Oh Sehun? The patient's son?"


  The nurse put on a troubled face. After a whole five minutes of Sehun yelling the nurse sighed and began opening  

"Oh Jiyeon has cancer. She had it before she entered in coma." 

"Then why didn't you guys tell me that she had it? I COULD'VE PAID FOR HER SURGERIES!!!"

"The patient told us she didn't want it. She also said not to tell you. She said instead of wasting money on saving a life that will die soon anyways she'd prefer to use her money to at least help reduce her son's suffering. Because that's the only thing she could do."

  Sehun fell to the floor and tears fell from his eyes. All that came from Sehun was tears, he didn't make even one noise. The nurse helped Sehun up and led him in front of the emergency doors. The doors opened revealing a doctor that had a calm aura to him.

"Are you perhaps Oh Sehun?"

"Yes! Is my mom okay? She's going to be okay right?"

"She's safe for now but... she could die anytime. So if you don't want to regret anything I advise you to stay by her side from now on." Giving Sehun a warm smile the doctor left with the nurse.

   For a month Sehun hadn't gone to the cafe and instead spent time with his mother. It wasn't the fun taking care of his mother but he was the happy. But his mother was becoming paler and paler as the days went by making Sehun worry nonstop.

  At the end of the month while Sehun was taking a stroll in a park that was near the hospital he recieved a call from Kris telling him to meet him in the back of the cafe.

"Mom can you wait right here for a few minutes? I will be right back."

"Okay honey. Take your time."

"Thanks mom! I promise it won't take long." Sehun went running towards the cafe not looking back even once.

  At the cafe

 Sehun looked around the cafe searching for his crush. He found Kris leaning on the counter whispering things into Chen's ear. When Kris saw Sehun he got up from his chair and walked towards the back door. He made a motion with his fingers telling him to follow him.

'I wonder what it is. It's already been a month since I last saw him and he's even more handsome. I wonder if I should take this chance to confess. Well, I think i'll regret it if I don't and I have nothing to lose anyway.' Sehun thought as he followed Kris

  When Kris stopped and turned to look at Sehun, Sehun blushed.

'So he still has this effect on me. His gaze still makes my heart beat."

'I wonder how should I tell him that me and Suho are dating.' Sehun's eyes widened and his blush disappeared. He looked at Kris with his eyes  still widened.

"I knew it." Kris broke the silence

"What?" Sehun asked confused

"You can read people's minds." Sehun froze "You're so sly. So you've been listening to my thoughts all the time? You were looking down and laughing at me right? But since you can read people's minds you know right? No body actually thinks of you as a friend." Sehun looked at Kris in horror "Oh wait. Don't tell me you didn't know." 

"Chen too?" Sehun used all the remaining strength he had to ask

"Chen was the one who told me." Sehun felt worse than the time where his father abandoned him because he felt that he actually had bonds and he believed.

"So don't come near us ever again." With that Kris went back into the cafe slamming the door to the cafe hard.

'I don't have anything. Anyone. No one cares. What's the point of living? Everybody hates me. Ah wait... mom. That's right, I still have mom.'

  Sehun ran back to the park. When he got there he couldn't see what he most wanted to see. Desperate Sehun ran all over the park. Exhausted Sehun fell down on the park's grass and just stared emotionlessly at the sky that was now gray. Sehun chuckled. Even gray was a more colorful color than his life- which was pitch black. There is no hope in his life.

  Sehun was interrupted by someone poking him. Sehun sat up and looked at the stranger.

"What?" He said obviously irritated

"Um... If you were looking for the woman that was sitting on that bench there-"

"Where did she go?!?" Sehun pratically yelled out although their faces were only inches away.

  The stranger pointed upwards to the sky

"Do-Don't tell me..." 

"She went to heaven." The stranger said with a serious but sad face

"St-stop joking around! Hahaha! STOP MAKING THAT FACE DAMMIT!! She can't be dead. She was with me just this morning. Yeah. She can't be dead. You're lying! Right? Tell me you're lying!" 

"Her last words were, 'I love you. I'm sorry for being a bad mother. I'm sorry for not being able to give you a good life. I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for going firs-" Sehun grabbed the stranger by the collar

"SHUT UP!!! I don't want to hear it! I don't want to know because mom didn't die. She can't die, not yet! I haven't said my goodbyes yet!"

   The park was filled with Sehun's sobbing and the stranger comforting him.

  A few months later

  After the death of his mother Sehun lived with his father and his step mother. His step mother hated him and she didn't even bother to hide it.His father also hated him. His brother, well of course also hated him. So technically the whole family hated him.

  Sehun was home schooled. They decided he would be home schooled untill he got into high school.

  When Sehun finally was going to enter highschool, Sehun moved out of his home and rented a small LDK near the highschool he was going to attend.



"There is a new- well to be exact not totally new but anyways there is a new student. He is from the the other class but because of some issues he will be transferred to this class. Please welcome Byun Baekhyun."

"Hello~ My name's Baekhyun but everyone knows anyways so yup." 

  The new student's voice brought Sehun back to reality.

"Baekhyun you will be sitting next to..." The boys and the girls started waving their hands up in the air like the monkeys they are "Sehun."

  The students became quiet. 

'I feel so sad for Baekhyun.' 'Why does Baekhyun have to sit next to that creep?' 'Baekhyun knows about Sehun right?' 

  Baekhyun ignored the looks from his new classmates and plopped right next to Sehun.

"Hi~ I'm Baekhyun but call me Baek because that's the privelige of having me as your seatmate.'

  Sehun with no emotion in his face looked at Baekhyun to read his thoughts.

'8 equals2x 3.'

"8 equals2x 3?" Sehun blurted out

"So the rumors are true! You can read my mind?" Baekhyun said enthusiastic "8 equals2x 3, you really don't know?" Baekhyun whispered

 Sehun nodded still without any emotion in his face

"Look at this." Baekhyun drew on the desk '8==3'.

   Sehun just stared at Baekhyun with a WTF? face.

   Baekhyun leaned in on Sehun's ear and whispered "That's about the size of your right?"

   Sehun blushed "Wh-wha how did you know that?"

"It's a secret." Baekhyun replied smirking


A/N: IDK what I wrote...

Sorry for the crappy story

Sorry deceptioning you guys on Baek's personality... orz

Anyways, your comments gave me the power to overcome my laziness

Anyways thank you for the support~

I'm sorry if this seems rushed











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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 2: Poor sehun T.T and man baek your too funny lol please update soon!!
Chapter 2: LOL xD Pls update soon.
Apple12 #3
Please update soon
Chapter 2: Can't wait for next chapter ^_^
Chapter 2: 변태 백현!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Update soon author-nim!!! XD
NEvelyn #6
Chapter 2: AHAHAH NO WAY X''D
te #8
Chapter 2: ~Bakkeiii~you byuntae!!^//^ HEHE.. just made a great impression on Sehun!..LoL (8equals2×3- I thot he was thinking about Maths)...hahahaha
update soon!! ■_■
And yeah-I HATE YOU KRIS!! >_<
Chapter 2: Haha! Omg Baek! Such a cute XD
chodoiino #10
Chapter 2: baek* omggg