So Long,Love Life


Kim JanGeum

-Jungkooks Girl friend

-Gets Jealous easily

-Always brightful

-Never cried after being with Jungkook

Jeon Jungkook

_-JanGeum Boyfriend

-Dorkiest guy JanGeum ever met

-Always with JanGeum

-Never Upsets JanGeum

A Love Story

They were the most happiest couple that everyone love

But suddenly one stumble and fell on the road while playing tag[couples do that]

HE/SHE tried to save HIM/HER 

Was it too late?

Was it the end of their love life?

Was it the end of their happiness?


Will they live happily together alive or dead


wanna know

Read and subscribe


My first time writing a one shot HOPE YALL LIKE IT

Sorry for the late update i had school and family problem. sorry for the shortness too


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i updated ouo
kpopmargherite #2
Waiting for the first update o/
AdivineScenario #3
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
opparisgay #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^