chapter 2: Bad Beginning

To You

Nayoung woke up and looked around dazed.

Then she noticed the air around her was a bit black.

she smelt something and ran out her room

"SMOKE???" nayoung looked around and ran toward the kitchen and saw the burning frypan

"FIRE~!!!" nayoung yelled and got out a fire extinguisher and took out the fire.

jonghyun, appearing infront of nayoung, said "Why are you DOING THAT to MY PANCAKES?"

Nayoung said, "your PANCAKES were burning my FRYPAN and almost burnt down my house!"

Jonghyun said, pointing to nayoung's face, "AND YOU PUT THAT THINGS ON MY PANCAKES!!"

Nayoung said, "CAUSE IT WAS ON FIREEE!!"

Jonghyun said, "It was COOKING!!!"

Key appeard and said, "it was burning jong hyung."

jonghyun said, "shut it D8

key sighed, "i told you i should cook not you."

jonghyun said, "NU UH D8

jinki appeard and said, "well key, you should have cooked. remember when jonghyun almost burned down half of our achedamy during cooking / lifeskills class?"

key nodded, "yes. And i was in middle of PE when he inturrupted my 1000th point in a row." key glared at jonghyun

jonghyun said, "THAT ALFREDO WAS COOKING !! "

nayoung said, "D8< what do i do about my FRYPAN D8<"

jonghyun said, "stop being so cheap and buy another one D8<"

nayoung said, "GIVE ME MULAH THEN!!"

jonghyun said, "I DONT HAVE ANY !! HELLO~!! ANGEL HERE!!"

Jinki said, "TRAINEE angel~ *cough Cough*"

jonghyun glared at jinki.

Taemin appeared behind jonghyun and said, " Me sowwy. I wanted some waffles and jonghyun TRIED to make it.. "

Key coughed "TRIED"

Jonghyun said, "IT WAS COOKINNGGGGG!!!"

Jinki said, "IT WAS BURNING~!!"

Jonghyun said, "CRITICS!!!"

Minho appeared, rubbing his eyes, "whats that smell..?"

Nayoung sighed. she looked at the clock on the wall. "ugh.. work time. you guys dont cook anything while im gone. i dont want to come home from work to see my house burnt down."

jonghyun said, "IT WAS COOKINGGG~!!"

nayoung showed her hand to jong. "talk to tha hand ."


Nayoung sighed.

Momo, her co-worker , said "whats wrong nayoung~?"

Yejin said, "yeah~ whats up with you? your all down today."

nayoung shook her head. "ugh."

Sofia, putting her arms on nayoung's shoulder, said "gr~ why so gloomy?"

Yelang said, "you lazy butts~! get out here D8< before i spank your butts!"

sofia, yejin said "AYE AYE ~!" and ran out.

Yelang said, "nayoung, whats up?"

nayoung shook her head. "ugh nothing."

yelang shrugged and left.

nayoung put her head against the wall. she sighed.


jonghyun looked down and said, "well she sure dont seem happy"

jinki said, "cuz you burnt her FRYPAN and almost her HOUSE"

taemin said, "i wish i can get something to eat.. hungryy"

Key said, "aww taemin"

Taemin went down and appeared next to nayoung.

"hey nayoung, can i get some food~?"


nayoung turned and jumped

"whoa!! when?"

taemin smiled. "just got here :DD i'm hungrry~ give me food~"


nayoung said, looking around, "Taemin!! what if people see you?"

taemin smiled, "no one can see us when we are in small form other than you, and people we'll be assigned to."

nayoung said, "oh really? wait.. then I'll LOOK like a crazy person talking to imaginary friends O.O.."

Taemin said, "exactly~<3"

nayoung sighed, "okay.. hold on.. wait. is the others here too?

taemin nodded "yep"

Nayoung sighed and walked out.

she quitely grabbed some food and ran back in.

she put them down on a corner and said, "there taemin. take them home and eat them there not here. i'm working right now."

taemin said, "okay~!"

nayoung walked out, to work.

Taemin threw a tiny cracker at jonghyun.

"revenge for burning my waffles~!! attack hyung~!!!"

minho grabbed a big piece of a cracker and hit jonghyun with it,

Jonghyun reflexively grabbed a honeybuns and tried to defend himself.

Key joined in eagearly and threw food at jonghyun.

Jonghyun yelled, "noooozzzeeee~~. jinki hyung~! help~!!'

jinki said, "eh." and just watched jonghyun get beat up by maknaes.

jonghyun said, "joo guys are soo mean T^T"

Minho stopped hitting jonghyun and started wandering around the room.

Taemin started following minho.

Minho peeked out the door and saw people working.

"borring~" said jonghyun.

jinki said, " work's not suppose to be fun D:"

jonghyun said, "then whats suppose to be the point in working D:?"

jinki said, " humans work to earn money."

jonghyun said, "thats boring~. i want some of that white icecream tho D:"

Jonghyun started flying toward the icecream machine.

nayoung was cleaning the counter when she spotted jonghyun and she snatched him out of the air.

"what are you doing?" nayoung whispered

Jong strugged to get out "I want some ICECREAM!!"

nayoung said, "NO! "

Yejin walked up to nayoung, "err?"

nayoung said, "nothing O3O"

Jonghyun hissed

Nayoung clenched her fist  and jonghyun yelled, "oW!!"

nayoung threw jong at the wall and jonghyun hit the wall

"ARRGGG" jonghyun yelled.

yejin said," did you hear something?"

nayoung said, "dunno." and left.




Nayoung grabbed jonghyun again.

"what D8

nayoung said, "you almost made me look like a crazy person!!"

Jonghyun yelled back, "WHATEVER !! THATS YOU!!!"

nayoung yelled back, "AND????"

Key appeared next to them "now now. "

nayoung and jonghyun turned to key at the same time and said, "WHAT!?!"

Key flinched.

nayoung and jong turned toward eachother. "DONT COPY ME!" , they said at the same time.

"STOP COPYING ME!" they said at the same time again.

minho appeared and said, " nayoung~~. your still in public you know."

nayoung froze then look around. she sighed in relife as she realized no one was watching her.

Jonghyun stuck his toung out at nayoung "LET GO OF ME D8<"

nayoung said, "no way! "

Jinki and taemin appeared next to them.

Taemin said, ".... stop screamming...."

nayoung stomped away and slammed her house door open and threw jonghyun.

Jonghyun flew and hit the wall. "OOF"

nayoung grabbed a fly swatter and started chasing after jonghyun.

jonghyun said, "JINKI HYUNGGGG!!!!!!"

Jinki glanced up to jonghyun, shrugged, then looked back down on his paper.

Nayoung grabbed jonghyun and squeezed him.

Jonghyun said, "OWW!! STOPP!! when i get big, i'm gonna hurt joo!!"

nayoung stuck her tounge out, "TRY ME"

jonghyun struggled to move.

Nayoung and jonghyun were starting to scream at each other again when a cloud of smoke surrounded them.

Nayoung coughed and felt something in her hand get heavy.

She fell on the ground and so did the thing.

jonghyun yelled, "OW!"

nayoung cleared the smoke to see the guys bigger again.

Jonghyun smiled evily as he stood up. "well then~ i'll try you."

nayoung smiled and stood up and patted jonghyun's head. "sha right 160. *(refering to his height)* . so short :D~"

jonghyun said, going on his tiptoes, "SHUT UP D8<"

taemin said, "aww i'm only 2 cm taller than jonghyun hyung! i want to grow bit more D:!"

jonghyun said, "no! dont grow!!!!"

minho silently stood next to jonghyun and put his arm on jonghyun's shoulder and he coughed. "COUGH"

nayoung and key laughed.

Jinki said, " aha XD"

Jonghyun chased after Minho as he started running away. "MINHHOOO!!!!"

nayoung sighed.


Jinki glanced at her.

Nayoung stretched then walked to the kitchen,

Taemin, following her, said "what joo doing ~?"

nayoung said, "Making dinner, want some?"

Taemin nodded. then nayoung paused then said, "wait.. angels eat?"

Jinki said, "TRAINEES~!"

nayoung nodded, "so normal angels dont eat?"

jinki nodded.

Nayoung smiled and turned away, thinking to herself, 'cant wait till i get rid of them then'

Jinki said, "you hate us that much?"

nayoung twitched. she turned and looked at jinki. "err?"

Jinki said, "your thoughts."

Nayoung twitched. 'whoa! privacy please!!'

jinki laughed. "sorry. i cant control my power sometimes. but you hate us that much?"

Nayoung said, "not hate.. just that.. " *glances at jonghyun. "THAT THING is bothering me"

Taemin said, " jong hyung is not bad D:~ he's just ... abnormal D:"

Key said, "yeah. he's just a bit ... flunkie"

Minho said, "and also THINGGY"

Nayoung rolled her eyes. "right. "

Jonghyun said, "im gonna hurt all of you @o@/"


Key got up and headed for the sink.

Nayoung said, "oh you dont need to do that!"

Key smiled, "dont worry. i love washing dishes~!  and you made us meal so i'll clean. Jong hyung! dry them!"

jonghyun said, " no way! if you dont want the dishes blowing up, leave me alone."

key nodded. "true.. "

nayoung said, "dishes blowing uP?"

minho said, "an old incident from the achedamy."

nayoung glanced at jong then laughed. "ahahahahha xD he's really horrible in everything isnt he?"

jonghyun said, "Shut it!" and he stormed out.


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Keep on writing!!!
AZZA, author-nim!!
aww poor jjongie~<br />
always causing trouble :[<br />
ur hurting him! bad nayoung!
bluecheese #3
I like it so far~! May I give you a tip?, Try and put it in paragraphs so it isn't one long one, its easier to read that way. ^^
bluecheese #4
Looking forward to it! ^^ <br />
Update soon. :3