Something About Us

The Real Thing



Song: Daft Punk - Something About Us


“Dammit. Why does he have to be here?” Lacey glanced back once more to make sure he didn’t see her.

It was Friday night and Lacey decided to let her friends drag her out to a movie. Joseph, or Joe as he liked to be called, let her have the night off from the dance studio she worked at.

One of the dancers that worked there, thanks to her, was presently talking and laughing, waiting with a group of friends while another friend went to get their tickets.

Lacey was brought back when someone’s fingers, more specifically Fiona’s, started snapping in front of her face.

“Hello? Did you even hear what I said?” Fiona had a questioning look in her gray eyes.

“Yeah…you said something about shoes.” Lacey really didn’t care if she got that answer right or not.

“Yeah…no, but nice try.” Fiona rotated to their other friend, Lulu, before resuming her story.

Lulu peered at Lacey, wondering what she was thinking, before following Lacey’s eyesight to the handsome distraction, Jongin. Lulu smirked in acknowledgement before giving her attention to Fiona.

Lacey had managed to get through the concessions line without him seeing her. She guessed his group decided to see a different movie than the one they saw, probably something with action.

Feeling some kind of way after their movie was over, Lacey headed to the exit with her friends, only to remember she left her phone in the cup holder. She managed to dodge the mass of people trying to make their way to the restroom, returning only to find her friends making small talk with some familiar faces.

“There she is. Lacey, look who we bumped in to.” Lulu’s smile had a hint of an immoral glint in it.

“So ladies, we were talking about getting something to eat after the movie. Care to join us?” Kris, tall as hell with a style of his own, put both arms around Lacey and Lulu while unknowingly relieving some of the tension.

“Of course, is everyone coming?” Fiona was so naive sometimes.

“Yeah. We just gotta wait for the stragglers in the bathroom.” As Kris murmured that, Jongin, Jongdae, and some guy named Cameron bustled out through the doors, throwing damp paper towels at each other.

Lacey turned her head to get a look at the commotion as Jongin looked up to meet her eyes. He paused before getting himself together and strolling over next to her.

Up until this point, Lacey had been fairly quiet.

“Hey.” Jongin leaned in while peering over at Lacey, offering a small grin. Lacey smiled back before focusing her attention to the group while they decided on what to eat.



Comfortable listening to the conversations going on around their table Lacey found herself cozying up to Jongin. She liked the warmth he gave; if only she could keep some of it for her own.

Jongin settled back with his arm around Lacey, trying to figure out a way to talk to her away from everyone else. As if she read his mind, Lacey stated that they were going to go outside for some fresh air.

Her friends smirked, his friends whistled, and Lacey rolled her eyes.

They both sat on a bench just outside the restaurant’s doors. Lacey put her legs across his lap and looked at him. He was really handsome.

She only stopped when he looked in her eyes. He always had a way of making it seem like he was looking right through you. The gaze he gave made her heart speed its beats.

“You’ve been quiet.” Jongin drew her legs in so she was closer to him.

“Haven’t had much to say.” Lacey started playing with his hair.

“I want you to come over.” Jongin sighed and leaned his head back as her fingers relaxed the tension.

“Why do you even bother?” Lacey didn’t mean for her words to come out so harsh.

Jongin kept his head back and uttered a simple response. “Because we like each other.”

Lacey couldn’t roll her eyes at that one. Back when she first saw him dance, she had thought that he was the type of guy you shouldn’t get bothered with. His facial expressions when he danced and the way he exuded spelled trouble for her, lucky for him, she was wrong. As she slowly got to know him, she found out he could be quite…dorky. He laughs at his own jokes, and she laughed at him laughing at his own jokes, but that was her little secret.

That initial impression and the fact that he happened to be two years younger than she was, made her very hesitant on letting him get close to her, but she wants what she wants.

Lacey leaned in and placed a full sorry kiss to Jongin’s lips. Jongin caressed her faced and finally felt for the first time that maybe, just maybe, she would give them a chance. 



A/N: Sorry for any errors.

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sevixx #1
Chapter 1: Love it so far. ready for more