
17 Minutes

18th November 2022

Sehun checked himself in the mirror and fixed his tie. He straightened his coat making sure he looked perfectly neat. Even though he knew he was about to visit someone's grave and not a living person, he wanted to make sure everything was proper. A familiar voice called out his name, asking him if he was ready to leave the house or not. "Coming!" he replied. He then took a bouquet of flowers on his dresser and stared at it for a few seconds; reminiscing the old days when they were together.


18th November 2013

Hyomin rushed out from her apartment as she knew she was late for the train. She slipped on her shoes and even had a toast in . With her hair all messy, she could feel her cheeks burning of embarrassment as everyone was staring back at her. 

It was Saturday, which means a morning shift at the cafe. But because of the distance, she had to take a train to get there. For an average person, it would be normal to worry about being late for work. But not this girl, as she was worried about not being able to see the usual boy who would sit beside her every time she rode the train. To college, to work, and to home. He would always be there, listening to his music while drinking bubble tea. 

When Hyomin arrived at the train station, the train that she was supposed to ride left a few seconds ago. She felt disappointed because of both being late and not being able to meet him that day. She shrugged and crouched down to tie her shoelaces. The temperature was quiet cold that day as winter was setting in. Unfortunately, she forgot to wear her sweater. 

Done with her shoelaces she stood up and rubbed her hands to gain heat, but it was only temporary until the winter breeze set in, making her hugging herself shaking. A shadow casted over her as a young man about 6 ft tall stood beside her. She noticed her scent which was quiet familiar, sweet but a light apple fragrance. Hyomin stole a glance of the male beside her and seeing him holding a bubble tea on his left hand and a comic on his other, she knew who he was right away.

Hyomin froze. Her heart beated faster and she could feel adrenaline rushing through her veins for no reason. She wanted to say hi, just a hi. But her feet were glued on the ground reminding her that if she did the slightest mistake, it would definitely be embarrassing. So she decided to pretend that she didn't saw her. 

Right on time, the train came, slowed down and came to a stop to invite passengers on board. Everyone was rushing, some going in and some going out. Hyomin tried to keep up the pace but suddenly a 'polite' man pushed her and made her fall on her back. Her things spilled out from her bag a bit too far making her hard to reach from her distance. She quickly grabbed her stuffs but the red light on the door was already beeping, telling others that the door is closing. At that moment, she was panicking and it made her a bit teary eyed.

When she saw her phone, she immediately reached for it. But a hand took it for her and it was non other than the boy himself. She stood up and brushed off the dirt from her clothes. She wanted to stay thank you but when she saw the train moving, she shouted "THE TRAIN!" The boy smiled and shook his head "It's alright, there's another one coming."

"I'm Sehun, Oh Sehun."



They started to know each other more, exchanging stories, played games, listen to songs, read books and shared some food together on the train. Even within those 17.5 minutes, they cherished it like as it was their only way to meet each other. 

Hyomin founded out that he was a college student near her cafe. That was why she would always see him buying hot cakes and bubble tea across the street. He told her that he was currently taking architecture as a major, and that he wanted to continue his studies at Australia. Hyomin envied him, she had always wanted to study in a college. But due to her family problems, she has not enough money to do so. Her younger brother is also working hard to gain money to pay for his school fees. She told Sehun the ugly truth, but he didn't care as he told her that their friendship wasn't because of money. 



9th January 2016

On that night, Sehun took her out for a dinner by the river. Sehun prepared alot of things for her that night and it was very important for him so he wanted to make sure everything goes on perfectly. Sehun ordered a dish that Hyomin would totally love and even asked the restaurant to provide them music played live by a few musician. And they did. That night, she was amazed by what Sehun did for her and she really wanted to stay by his side forever.

The clock was ticking and it was almost midnight. The restaurant switched off all the lights, and the only thing that was glowing was a single candle on their table. Every one turned their heads to them. Sehun was nervously playing with his fingers as a waitress brought a plate, beautifully decorated with flower petals. And in the center, the petals wrote "Dear Hyomin..."

He got up from his chair and stood in front of Hyomin. He took her hands and said 

"From the very first time I moved into Seoul, from the very first time I took the train and from the very first time I saw you. I knew there was something special about you. Your cute vibrate when you're shocked, they way you listened to music, and the way you dress was special. I waited for days to find the right time to say hi, to get to know you better. Until one day, that day when you were late, and so was I. We finally said hi to each other, and we got the chance to know each other better. All those times, spending 17 minutes with you, was the best. But now,"

He kneeled down, took out a small box from his pocket and opened it for her. 

"Lee Hyomin, will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

Hyomin was already in tears and she was dumfounded by what Sehun did. She nodded and repeatedly said yes. All the surrounding people cheered for the new couple. Sehun slipped the ring onto her finger and hugged her tight. The clock struck twelve and the sound of fireworks was heard. 

"Happy birthday Hyomin."



3rd November 2017


Hyomin was on her duty as usual and it was her turn to mop the floor today. So she took the mop and tied her hair into a bun. She started to mop the floor until she noticed a sharp pain on her left lung. She wanted to scream, but the pain out all her voice. She crouched down, and with her right hand she pressed in onto her left chest applying pressure. The other staff noticed her and immediately rushed to her side.

"Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" she asked. Hyomin shook her head and said that she was fine. But she was clearly not. The other staff grabbed her phone and wanted to dial her husband's phone number, but Hyomin quickly shouted "No, don't call him! Please"

Hyomin was given two days to rest because of the pain that would affect her job and herself. At first, she was confused "what would have cause this?" Until she remembered about her past 7 years ago. She knew this day would come, but she didn't want to accept the fact that it was too soon. 

Hyomin went to her room and searched for the medication that the doctor once gave her. The bedside table was empty and she couldn't find some in her dresser either. So she went to the kitchen and opened up a drawer near the fridge and found what she needed. Suddenly, something fell from beneath the drawer and it was a box of cigarettes. Her mind was filled of thoughts and her past. She grabbed the box and the doorbell rang.

"I'm home!" said Sehun with his bright smile, expecting a warm reply from his wife but none received. His faced turned as soon as he saw his wife holding something his. "Where did you get that?" he asked. Hyomin's eyes were staring right at him burning with anger. "Why do you smoke?" she asked controlling her voice, preventing herself from exploding. "I said, where did you get that box?!" he shouted. "I told you to not do these things! Why are you so stubborn! Do you know what will happen if you did this to yourself?!" Hyomin errupt, she was very disappointed with what her husband did, it was too selfish. "Why do you care?! It doesn't effect you anyway! So, what if I die?" he replied. A stingy pain felt from his right cheek as she slapped him. "I'm your wife! I have the rights to protect me, you and the baby!" 

Sehun stopped. Baby? Did I hear right? As soon as he heard the unexpected he grabbed her arms but she pulled it away and left the house. He forgot that there were someone else in that room besides the two. Their son.


For days, Hyomin didn't came back home. For days, Sehun was lost in frustration, anger and desperation. For days, they were in fear.


Sehun didn't go to work, trying to reach his wife. But no one knows where she went. He went to her mother's house and asked about her from her family but they don't even know the slightest information. He admitted to her family that it was his fault. And they accepted his apology, they told him that if he really wants her back, then chase her. 



18th November 2017



Upon hearing his wife's name, he rushed to the hospital without a second thought. It was a downpour and the traffic was at a standstill, there was no way he would reach there on time. So he left his car in the middle on the traffic jam and ran to the hospital. Thoughts began flooding into his mind, words from her friends and family.


"Hyomin lost her father 9 years ago due to heart cancer. Her father smoked all most every 5 hours and it brought bad luck to him, her and her family. Even though he showed no aggressiveness and remain warm hearted as usual. His family members couldn't stop worrying about his health."


Sehun could feel his legs getting numb, beads of sweat trailing down his face.


"She couldn't afford to continue her studies because of the medication she had to pay. But even if her father had died, and you may think that she could save money for herself to study. You're wrong."


Sehun prayed hard and didn't stop running. Even if his mind told him to stop, told him to cry, told him that he will never see her smile again. He arrived at the entrance of the hospital and immediately asked the nurse to search for Hyomin. The nurse brought him to her room. 

At the doorstep, Sehun could hear the doctor giving clear instructions to the nurses. Trying to get her back. Once, twice, thrice. And the machine made a long sound that will haunt Sehun forever. 

He broke into tears.


"She has lung cancer and is now fighting for her life. She needed you"




18th November 2022


At the cemetery, Sehun stared at her grave. Broken hearted he crouched down and placed her favourite flowers. He felt a hand on his shoulder, trying to give comfort but his wife's hands were not enough to take the sorrow away. 

For 17 minutes, they pray. For 17 minutes, tears shed. For 17 minutes, they stayed. 






And so, there goes another stupid oneshot. 



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wanhaleena #1
Chapter 1: why so sad? asdfghjkl. haha nice story btw aya :)