drunken night

I can't help falling in love with you



“should we start this?” Jessica asked while showing them the wine..

“are you sure about that?” Tiffany asked worriedly

“of course!” Jessica answered..


“g-guys” tsk! “since it’s a c-celebration, I will sing” Jessica said..

“are you drunk?” Krystal asked

“me? Of course not” Jessica said

“well, sure you are” Krystal said



All of them took a glass of wine.. It’s almost 1 hour since they started drinking..


“can you still drink?” Amber asked Krystal

“yeah, Don’t worry, I’m not drunk” Krystal said


“g-guys” tsk! “since it’s a c-celebration, I will sing” Jessica said..

“are you drunk?” Krystal asked

“me? Of course not” Jessica said

“well, sure you are” Krystal said


Jessica grabbed the microphone. And started singing..


Little by little I walk towards you, little by little
Soon I've come close enough to where I can see you

But just watching you like this won't be the end
Today, yet again, a girl like me is standing here


“You’re saying that you’re not drunk and your sister is when you exactly look like her now” Amber said

“yah! I may be drunk but I’m still fine, not like her she’s insane” Krystal said

“I hope that you’re not drunk.. Cause if you do who will take care of your sister and Tiffany both of them look really drunk” Amber said

“Yah!! Am I their baby sitter?!” Krystal said

“Of course you’re not, but look at them, I think they’re not in their right mind” Amber said while laughing

“that’s why I told you, be ready for that” Krystal said

“are you not worried, what if they just go outside in that state or maybe worst grab a knife and stab all of us” she looked at Krystal  “just kidding” Amber said

“not funny,, but do you know that I’m……. really worried about you earlier,” Krystal said

“sorry about that,” Amber said

“what if something happen, what should I do? Should we leave or help you?” Krystal asked

“well, If something like that happen, I hope that you will leave as soon as possible” Amber said

“How can we leave you, when you’re in that situation because of me” Krystal said

“because I can take care of myself, so you shouldn’t be worry” Amber said then smiled at her

“yah! How c-can I not worried if they can hurt you anytime” Krystal said while tearing up

“are you going to cry because of that?”  Amber said while laughing

“Yah! I’m not crying!” Krystal said

“ I didn’t say that you’re crying.. but you know what you’re like Jessica and Tiffany when you’re drunk, It’s just that you’re full of drama when you’re drunk” Amber said still laughing

“ I told you I'm not drunk! but earlier when you came and asked me if I'm okay, I feel like I was a damsel in distress and my prince charming came" Krystal said

"so, am I your prince charming?" Amber asked

"you were my prince charming earlier, but not now!!"  Krystal said


Amber only smiled..

Krystal was yawning and closing her eyes..



"wanna sleep now?" Amber whispered to her

"yeahh.. But I'm a baby sitter right now remember" Krystal said while laughing

"If you want to sleep, you should go now.. we have class tommorow right" Amber said

"what about them", (pointing to Jessica and Tiffany)Krystal said

"Don't worry about them, we will take care of them" Amber said

" are you sure?" Krystal asked


Amber nodded..

Krystal stood up and walk through the stairs to go to her room.. Taeyeon saw that Krystal can't walk properly..


"Amber, you should go with her" Taeyeon said

"why?" Amber asked

"looked at her, she can't walk properly," Taeyeon said

"are you sure?" Amber asked

"yeah,, no problem.. It will be more problem if she trip and fell on the stairs" Taeyeon said while laughing..

Amber laughed.."i will bring her to her room, I'll be back later" Amber said then she walk towards Krystal


Krystal was going to fell when Amber hold her arm..


"you're not drunk, huh" Amber said

"tch.." Krystal said

"can you walk?" Amber asked

"am I injured?" Krystal asked

"well you're not but you look like one" Amber answered

" I to---" Krystal coundn't finish what she's going to say when Amber suddenly carried her..


on Amber's right arm she's carrying Kristal's back and her left arm was on Krystal's lower body.. and Amber started to walked


"yah!! I can still walk," Krystal said

"yeah you can, but in your situatuon right now, you will take forever before you can go to your room" Amber said

"It's embarrassing" Krystal said shyly..

"don't be.. Cause right now I am you're prince charming again" Amber said then she smiled at Krystal

"am I a damsel in distress again?" Krystal asked

" Yes you are" Amber said


then Krystal wrapped her arm around Amber's neck.. and closed her eyes..



Little by little I walk towards you, little by little
Soon I've come close enough to where I can see you

But just watching you like this won't be the end
Today, yet again, a girl like me is standing here


“she’s good” Sunny said while drinking her wine..

“yeah, she is” Sooyoung said while eating


When my tears overflow and become a river, and become an ocean,
Do you want to know more about me, who loves only you
Can't you be on my side so you can endlessly laugh and endlessly cry with me?
Because I will love only you even though it hurts so much


After the song, Jessica called Tiffany; she went to take another glass of wine


“Tiffany, you sing” Jessica said

“sure” Tiffany said


Jessica is drinking wine when she saw Yuri on the floor, drinking alone..


“w-why are you here? Come join us there” Jessica said

“I’m  fine here” Yuri answered

“you don’t want to join there, I will be the one who will join you here” Jessica said

“no, it’s okay” Yuri said


Then Jessica suddenly sat beside her


“are you drunk?” Yuri asked

“me? Of course not.. Why is everybody asking me that” Jessica said

“well you look drunk” Yuri said


Then they heard Tiffany singing..


Please , just pass by pretending like you don't see me
please, don't even give me a glance
in the days that are like the sandy winds
don't give anything to me


“she’s good” Yuri said

“Yah!!” Jessica said while hitting Yuri’s arm

“ahh! Why?” Yuri asked

“I also sang, why didn’t you tell me that I’m good” Jessica said

“are you that confident in yourself, huh?” Yuri asked while laughing

“Yeah.. why I’m not good?” Jessica asked

“If I said not, what are you going to do?” Yuri asked

“I will sing again and show you how good I am” Jessica said while looking at her and smiling..

“am I good or not?” Jessica asked


Yuri didn’t answer..


“you! Listen to me, I will sing again make sure you listen, huh” Jessica said


Yuri looked at her while laughing.. Jessica was about to stand when she lost her balance, Yuri immediately stand up and hold her..


“are you okay?” Yuri asked


Jessica took Yuri’s hand off of her..


“make-e sure you l-listen to m-me” Jessica said

"you can't even speak clearly, you still want to sing " Yuri said


Jessica started walking again, she's losing her balance

Yuri hold her..


“I think you need to seat now” Yuri said while still holding Jessica

“no! I need to sing” Jessica said


Yuri laughed.. “are you that serious?” Yuri asked

“Do I look like I’m joking, I need to show you my talent” Jessica said

“you don’t need to sing anymore, you’re good” Yuri said


Jessica looked at her.. "I'm not good"


Yuri looked at her confusedly.. 


"I'm not good, I'm very good!" Jessica said while laughing

Yuri laughed ..“yeah you're veeeery gooood,so please seat”


Jessica sat on the floor..


“I know that you’re going to say that” Jessica said while laughing

“wow! I’m speechless” Yuri said

“Am I that good? You became speechless?” Jessica asked

“ahh, chincha, I’m going crazy!” Yuri said


They become silent for a moment.. Jessica broke the silence


“are you not comfortable with me?” Jessica asked


Yuri surprised by Jessica’s question, but still she answered her..


“honestly, I’m not that uncomfortable with you.. It’s just that every time I look at you I feel like you’re being surrounded by some cold aura,” Yuri said

“Cold Aura?” Jessica asked

“yeah, it’s like when I look at you I feel like I’m freezing and it’s kind of creepy” Yuri said

“Am I creepy? It’s the first time I’ve heard of that” Jessica said

“well, It’s also the first time that I feel that to someone” Yuri said


Then they become silent again.. Yuri was about to talk when she felt something on her shoulder and Arm.. It was Jessica she's sleeping and wrapping her arm around Yuri's arm



"you're drinking that much when you're alcohol tolerance is low" Yuri said “you are really something, we were just talking a minute earlier, then you suddenly sleep on my shoulder, you really are creepy…….. but you know what, every time I see you sleeping, I feel like I’m watching an innocent angel, you look like a princess when you’re sleeping”

“why? Am I not like a princess when I’m awake?” Jessica asked

“I-Its not that—“ Yuri couldn’t finish what she’s going to say when she felt that Jessica’s head was sliding from her shoulder, She immediately catch Jessica’s head and placed it on her lap..


“yah! Are you awake or not?” Yuri said


Jessica didn’t answer.. Jessica turned and now she was lying side view, she’s facing the wall behind Yuri..  Yuri looked at her again smiling..


“that’s why you’re sister told us that you’re horrible and insane when you’re drunk,… but since you’re a princess tonight, I will take care of you".. Yuri whispered to Jessica


                                   Yuri’s POV


“I was seating on the floor drinking.. when I heard Jessica sing, she may be drunk but I can’t deny that she is good.. I can’t take my eyes off of her when she is singing.. and I think she can sing beautifully if she’s not drunk”..


“I saw her took another glass of wine but I got surprised when she walked towards me.. She asked me to join them but I preferred drinking that night alone but then she told me that If I don’t want to join them she will be the one to join me.. she sat beside me.. I asked her if she’s drunk of course she answered me “no” but I know that’s she’s already drunk”


 “To make the awkwardness disappear, I said that Tiffany is good in singing, well I’m serious when I said that, Tiffany is also good.. I was surprised when Jessica suddenly hit my arm.. she asked me why I didn’t said that she is good, I was laughing in my mind when she said that.. she told me that if I said that she’s not good she will sing again.. I didn’t answer her when she asked me again, then I saw her standing she was losing her balance that’s why I decide to help her.. she took my hands off of her.. then she told me that I need to make sure that I will listen to her, she’s walking again but she keep on losing her balance, I help her stand up and told her “you don’t need to sing anymore, you’re good” as soon as I told her that she’s like a child and obeyed me”..


“I got surprised when she asked me if I’m not comfortable with her, I couldn’t say a word for a moment but then I answered her truthfully. .then we became silent again.. I was about to talk when I felt something in my shoulder it was Jessica, sleeping and wrapping her arm around my arm.. I thought that she was sleeping when I said

this girl is really something, “every time I see you sleeping, I feel like I’m watching an innocent angel, you look like a princess when you’re sleeping”..

I’m really surprised when I heard her asking me.. I don’t know what to say then I suddenly felt that her head was sliding on my shoulder, I immediately catch her head and place it on my lap.. when I look at her again, I told her “your sister is right you’re horrible when you’re drunk”.. then I whispered to her “since you’re a princess tonight, I will take care of you”, 



                             (End Of Yuri’s POV)



“you sure, you can still sing?” Taeyeon asked

“of course, I just need to have a confidence” Tiffany said


please, just pass by pretending like you don't see me
please, don't even give me a glance
in the days that are like the sandy winds
don't give anything to me

folding away my one heart
hiding my one tear
like it's the first time we've seen each other, like we're strangers
just pass by. It has to be like that.

by myself, i say my love, send away my love
in the folds of the lonely accumulated memories, the tears hang

even if you're far away, i hope that you'll be happy
i bury my love deeply within my heart


“am I good?” Tiffany asked

Taeyeon clapped her hands… “yeah, you’re good… but I think it’s amazing if you sing when you’re not drunk” Taeyeon said

“yah! I’m not drunk” Tiffany said

“yes you are”.. Taeyeon said while smiling

“If I’m drunk, I won’t be able to sing clearly” Tiffany said

“do you think you sang clearly?” Taeyeon asked while teasing Tiffany

“yeah, Of course” Tiffany answered


Taeyeon laughed while clapping her hands.. “you are really drunk” 


Tiffany stared at her..


“w-why?” Taeyeon asked nervously while looking at Tiffany 


“w-why? Taeyeon asked.. “yah! Did you see yourself when you looked at me?” Taeyeon asked

“why,is something wrong?” Tiffany asked

“wow! I’m speechless!! Are you trying to kill me with that look?” Taeyeon asked while laughing

“I normally looked at people like this” Tiffany said

“If you look at people normally like that, I won’t be scared, but that look you gave me, wow!.. you’re scary” Taeyeon said


Sunny called Taeyeon..


“Taeyeon I’m going to sleep now” Sunny said


Taeyeon just nodded


“where is Amber?” Sunny asked

“she went with Krystal upstairs” Taeyeon answered

“Ahhh” Sunny said

“sunny-ahh, are you going to leave me here?” Sooyoung asked

“I feel sleepy” Sunny said

“But if you leave, I don’t have anyone to talk to” Sooyoung said

“Yaah!! Do you know why I’m sleepy? No one is talking to me” Sunny said

“then why didn’t you talk to me?” Sooyoung asked

“I’ve been talking to you the whole time!! But you’re just ignoring me and keep eating!” Sunny yelled at her


Then Sunny went upstairs..


“Yah!! Are you crazy?!“I’ve never heard you talking to me” Sooyoung said

“did she really talk to me? I thought she was just singing..” Sooyoung is thinking..

“AHhh, I’m going crazy!!,, sunny-aah, sorry” Sooyoung said then she stood up to go to Sunny


When she was going upstairs she saw Yuri and Jessica.. Jessica was on Yuri’s lap and Yuri was whispering something on Jessica..


“what are you doing?” Sooyoung asked Yuri


Yuri got surprised and don’t know what to say..


“ah-h, s-she f-fell asleep” Yuri answered


Sooyoung stared at her..


“chincha! I’m not lying” Yuri said

“who said that you’re lying” Sooyoung said while smiling

“a,I-“ Yuri don’t know what to say.


Yuri saw Sooyoung smiling


“what?” Yuri asked

“nothing” Sooyung answered while smiling

“yah!! Stop that!” Yuri said

“I’m not doing anything”,Sooyoung said

“you---“ Yuri Couldn’t finished what she’s going to say when Sooyoung interrupted her…

“you should bring her to her room, it’s really cold right now since it is raining..she will get cold if she sleep here” Sooyoung said

“yeah, but she might wake up,” Yuri said

“she’s not gonna wake up, don’t you see she’s sleeping soundly..” Sooyoung said


Then Sooyoung went upstairs


“why don’t you help me?” Yuri said

“what?” Sooyoung said then looked at her while smiling..

“never mind!” Yuri said


Taeyeon saw Yuri don't know how to carry Jessica.... since Jessica is sleeping on Yuri's lap


"need a hand?" Taeyeon asked

"yeah" Yuri answered


Taeyeon carried Jessica's head, for Yuri to stand up then she carried Jessica


"Aigoo! she's heavier than the last time I carried her" Yuri said

Taeyeon laughed "a person's weight double when they are drunk"

"I think I'm going to lose my arm" Yuri said

"want me to help you?" Taeyeon asked

"yeah, but is she (tiffany) gonna be okay? she's alone here" Yuri said

"I think so, as soon as we bring Jessica to her room,, I'll be back and ask Tiffany to sleep" Taeyeon said


then they were in the door of Jessica's room..


"Taeyeon, you should go down now, I can put  her to the bed now" Yuri said


Taeyeon stared at Yuri while smiling


"what?!" Yuri asked

"nothing" Taeyeon said while smiling

"why is everyone giving me that look?" Yuri asked irritated

"you gave this look to me, when I said Tiffany grabbed my hand" Taeyeon said while smiling

"Fine, fine.. I won't do that anymore" Yuri said

"I will go to Tiffany now, before she does something" Taeyeon said

"I think so.. thanks for helping" Yuri said


Then Taeyeon went downstairs...



^__^ SEE YOU

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Chapter 3: When dejas la escuels
megumiyuki #2
Chapter 35: Update soon author :)
mascott #3
Chapter 35: Update~~~ this fic is freakin' amazing!!!
missno22 #4
Chapter 35: Author shii, please kindly update this ff, im curious what will happen to yuri
hellsing418 #5
Chapter 35: Update soon on the second chance .. Ive been waiting it for 1 week
Aquacool89 #6
Chapter 30: hai author ~~ i already read this story twice... but still no update from you :(( hope you can update it soon ;)
tiaomkryber #7
Chapter 29: Nice ending, Kwon hehe thanks for the update! Please knock some sense into that llama, that midget and that giant's heads, author
mascott #8
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update! And ow yeah!!! You also updated the other 2 stories wooohooo!!!
KazKaz18 #9
Update soon!!!! Please please pleaseeeeee :(
1736 streak #10
Chapter 24: update soon