Chap 3

True other half for us

“My family is going to Korea”- Henry informed, beaming.

His smile was so bright that Amber found nearly blind. But she had better thing to do than admire his smile at that time, like worrying about meeting Henry’s family members. Her stomach was turned upside down because of the news, and she swallowed hardly, trying to clear .

Her Snoopy of course didn’t miss one bit of her expression. He grabbed her shoulders and smiled warmly down at her.

“Amber, you nervous?”

The girl smiled shyly: “Yes, I am. I don’t think I’m ready yet.” She bit her lower lip slightly.

Henry laughed and squeezed her shoulders gently to comfort her: “No, you are ready. I know you are” His eyes sparkling “Especially after all we’ve been through recently”

Amber let out a small laugh at his recall: “Your family should know I helped you out a lot.”

“I will surely tell them if you want.”- the older boy showed his solemn expression, which soon turned into a grin as Amber playfully hit his arm. “Just be yourself. Amber Liu is supposed to be confident. And you have all rights to be because you’re awesome, believe me.”

The boyish girl chuckled. Henry always had his own way to make her feel at ease. The most important part was she really had belief in his words.

Noticing Amber’s relaxed attitude, Henry let go of her and winked: “Then it’s deal, OK? Let’s meet at the party then”

That was when the Taiwanese born girl came to a horrible realization. Her eyes widened: “What!? Party!? Then am I supposed to dress up?”

She swore Henry did it on purpose, making her promise to go when intentionally removing some important part, like “Party”. Seriously? Henry didn’t try to deny though, since a smirk was playing on his lips.

“Yes, you are, Ambie. And a deal is a deal. No going back.”

The nickname earned him a kick in the shin, a hard one.

“You are so mean, Snoopy! You know more than anyone else that I am not used to such stuff. Now what should I do?”

Henry wiped off his tear, which was the result of both her kick and his hysterically laugh. When he was finally able to stand straight again, he grinned: “Come on, be confident, remember? You can ask Krystal for help. I fully count on her in this problem. Don’t you want to leave a good impression in front of my family?”

He was right. Amber thought. Therefore she muttered: “Ok, I think that’s the only way.”

Henry’s face split with a wide grin again: “Plus, I am here! You are not alone. Ahhh~, I cant wait to see you meet my family.”

Amber found her smile along with him: “Yes, I am excited, too. Nervous, but excited.”

“I will came, too”- A voice interrupted them.

Amber and Henry turned around. Kris was there again. He still didn’t desert, much to Henry’s dissatisfactory. There was nothing new about his existence anymore, since it was the 9th time already, yet his action totally surprised them. He jumped into their conversation. Which had never happened before. Usually he did nothing but sat there and silently observed them. Kris didn’t flinch, he continued anyway:

“I want to meet your family, too.”

The scandalous look on Henry’s face already stated all, even before he opened his mouth: “NO, you mustn’t come.”

“I am coming. EXO are invited too. You cant forbid me” Kris calmly said, as he stood up and asked to pay for his drink.

Another fierce glaring competition burst out between the two boys, until a waitress came to give the bill. Kris broke the eye contact, lazily pulled out some cash to pay and went off.

Leaving Henry and Amber behind, with Henry’s eyes still fixed on his, while Amber continuously shifted her eyes from Kris to Henry, then back to Kris, the male rapper smirked to himself. He won this time.


It was one of the annual parties held by SM Town. And so, every member as well as their family were invited. Usually, the idols would come alone or with their band mates rather than their date in case they were caught by some unexpected reporters. Henry would come to the party with his family that night, so he told Amber to just come with her members.

Amber had arrived at the party ball. The room was already filled with gorgeous idols chatting with each other. She looked around nervously to find a certain familiar figure but saw no trace of his. She shifted her weight to another heel, yes, she was wearing a pair of 3-inch heels today. Krystal helped her with all the make up and costume. Even she still felt a little weird in such feminine fitted skirt, she had to admit that she felt pretty. All she hoped for now was that Henry’s family would think the same.

Someone offered Amber a glass of champagne and she took it gratefully, a little alcohol could help her calm down while waiting. She looked up to see who was giving her that glass and was greeted by a charming smile from a tall man in his crimson red tux, over a set of black shirt and black tie. Amber froze a bit, partly because of their last awkward intense meeting. But then she cracked a small smile and nodded as a thank.

“You look beautiful tonight, Am”. Kris smirked as Amber blushed when he mentioned her white party dress. “Are you waiting for…”

Yet Amber didn’t pay attention on his words, or more like his existence, anymore, as her eyes widened, her head jerked toward the ball room door when she heard the waiter’s voice: “Over here, Mr.Lau”

Henry had come, along with his two siblings, who came to Korea for a trip. She found herself smile as her best friend flashed his bright smile at her. Henry looked much more mature and charming in his black suit. He whispered something to his brother then excused himself from them.


Henry spot a beautiful girl on his way. Her long hair was glowing in the ball room’s light. Krystal’s fashion sense was no joke, as her dress she was wearing showed off perfectly all her gorgeousness as well as her great body figure, which can surely caught any men’s attention. He approached the girl, giving her a wide grin and two thumbs up:

“Thanks about Amber. I always know I can rely on you, ‘beauty’”.

The girl rolled her eyes, as if he was talking nonsense, but smiled back anyway. People could tell that she was cold and y, but Henry knew that behind that ice appearance, she was a sweet and adorable girl.

“You looked not so bad yourself, Mr.Lau.”


Amber ridiculously found swallowing difficult again when “Mr.Lau” came her way. His nice smile still shone in the dim light of the room. Amber flushed, wondering whether she was the only one who was that affected by the smile. The smile that stole her heart the first time they met, not that she would ever tell him such cheesy stuffs. He grabbed her hand as soon as he reached her position. He gave her another sheepish grin that took Amber a lot of self control not to scream “cute!” out loud.

“Wow”- He muttered. “Nobody warned me beforehand that you would be this glamorous tonight.”

He was not the first one to compliment on her appearance tonight, for the fact that Kris had just did the same thing only some minutes before. But hearing directly from her special man brought her totally different feelings. It sent chill down her spine an she knew her face was getting reddened again. However, she was more than glad when he closed their gap and pulled her closer. Her heart went wild when she prepared herself to receive his…

“Dude, get your hands off her!”

The surprise made them pull apart and turned around. The boy who had just hissed the threat was wearing an angry expression. Amber thought that she could even see fume over his head.


Henry's eyebrows furrowed in anger. His original small eyes were smaller than ever, nearly disappeared into two lines.

“I said: Get away from her”- He repeated angrily.


And Amber finally understood what Henry was talking about as well as the reason why he treated Kris coldly these days.

Kris stood there, hands on the waist of a pretty girl, clearly enjoying himself. The girl was a little younger than Amber, with black long straight hair and slim figure and had the same nice smile as her two brothers. Whitney glanced at her second brother, confused.

Henry shoved Kris away from his sister, threatening: “How dare you? I have stated clearly before! No way will I leave my sister to you!”

Whitney chuckled at her overprotective brother. She had heard several times that brothers tend to prevent their friends from getting their sister, but she never expected her totally dumb brother to act like that too. She went in between the two Canadian boys, ing Henry’s eyesight. She ignored the dagger glare Henry shot her and reached for Kris’s hand, which the taller happily took. Henry seemed to be overwhelmingly shocked at his little sister’s action.


“Oh, Henry. I am old enough to take care of myself”- Whitney grinned amusingly while Henry pulled off his best acting skill as a dead fish, gasping but not really able to mouth anything.

“Bu… But… I don’t accept him!”- He whimpered.


“Come on, Henry. Let them mind their own business”- Another girl approached Henry from behind and s her arm around his waist.

“Soo Ju…”- Henry pouted as his girlfriend was also defending for Kris-the-jerk. “He’s not what I want for my sister, and she is too young for this.”

Krystal laughed at the childish!Henry: “In case you don’t realize, I am even younger than sis.”

It was all what needed for Henry to shut his mouth and let Krystal dragged him away.


When Henry was out of sight, the other four burst into laughter.

Amber clutched her stomach in result of the non-stop laughing session: “So, Kris, that’s what you aimed at all the time.”

Kris wrapped his arm around Whitney’s waist again: “Yes, but he was so stubborn. I got angry when he agreed to let you be with his brother”, as he pointed jokingly at the man who was still holding Amber’s hand- Clinton Lau. “But not even consider me being together with Whitney.”

“Oh, that’s not easy for me either. But he needed my help to get our Jung princess’s heart”.

Clinton tried to muffle his laugh at Amber’s revelation. His younger brother was too easy to deal with if you know the method.

“I will remember your advise, that stupid hyung”- Kris mumbled bitterly as he thought of all his hard days with Henry recently.


After another round of laughter and proper introduction, they broke apart, hand in hand with the ones of their dreams, happily enjoying their own party night.



Author's note: I hope I made the ending clear enough for you all.

I really had fun writing this one, lol (my fake HenKris fic, I have to admit that I kind of like seeing these 2 boys being together, in a bromance way only though)

However, I didnt intend to let readers think that way right from the fanart :)) Kris's hand resting on Henry's serves my intention right, but the general aim of the pic is to show the closeness between ALL THE THREE  >__<

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Chapter 3: Auch!!!I really thought at least this will be HenBer or HenKris couple...
But this also sound super nice and I totally love it^^
Hahahaha poor Kris...
This is not bad...but really?HenStal?That is totally unexpected...
Chapter 3: I thought its henber?
My heart is broken like a pieces of glass to the ending with henstal?!? NO to the WAY.
dieu_khuong #3
Chapter 3: troller =,=
sehitamsemut #4
Chapter 3: Haha.henry being overprotective bro definitely hilarious. Can't imagine henry and amber become in laws. Instead of couple. Haha.
dayan_m #5
Hahaha a love triangle! Looks interesting :3 I love the drawing by the way!! ^^
GeneralTao #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^