~ Thanks for the Smoothie

Let his soul be your pilot

Having arrived in front of the school building, the girl heaved a huge sigh.
She was sighing too often nowadays, but she couldn’t help but dislike the thought about going to school with all the other students.

When Chi walked in the classroom, she hoped that it would be a calm and quiet day. Just like yesterday, were the students barely noticed her. The girl found her seat and quickly sat down. Just as she took out her biology book, a boy appeared in front of her. As he stared at the girl, a smirk slowly appeared on his face.

Chi slightly narrowed her eyes at him before turning her gaze to the biology book again.
“New girl, huh?” he asked. Chi didn't look up, she was nervous due to the tone in his voice, he didn't sound like he was going to welcome her. Then she decided just to nod, but it was barely noticeable. “We have a new GOTH girl in our Biology class, how interesting.” He spoke loudly, which erupted the class into laughter.

The glares and whispers from her classmates nettled the girl.

“God she must be lonely…”, “Ugh. Goth girls are so scary…”, “I can’t believe she is wearing the same uniform as me...ugh.” After some few sentence, Chi turned around, having heard enough to know that the students disliked her. She clenched her eyes and tried to distract herself from hearing the student’s negative talk that surrounded her. Once her mind began to wander off, she would slowly be deep in thoughts.
It doesn’t bother anyway even if it hurt, you would rather withstand the insults rather than repeating what happened three months ago.

She looked out of the window, as she allowed herself to be distracted by the view.  The view was beautiful in the summer. Everything blossomed in full of colors. But even the beautiful view did not distract her enough, from time to time, she would slowly think about the past.

Chi felt relief when the bell rang. Grabbing her bag she rushed out of the classroom, fast as possible. The girl fastened her pace, she just wanted to get out of here. Unfortunately, she bumped into a boy. The boy, she bumped into turned around with an annoyed expression.

The boy’s eyes were met with a pair of cold eyes, framed by a pale face. An unfamiliar face, he never had seen before. He was still gazing at her face.
“Sorry…” she muttered halfheartedly before walking past him.
Jungkook straightened up, and seemed to snap out of his trance. He stopped staring at where she disappeared to, and then he turned around and walked down the hallway.


Days passed. And she was slowly getting used to her daily routine. She also found out, she had to watch out when she was around Jun Woo. The boy enjoyed to humiliating her in front of the whole class every biology lessons.

As if her life wasn’t miserable enough, it just had to be Chi… She hadn’t done him anything… it was maybe just her fate.
But at least she only had Biology on Wednesdays.

For the rest of the week Chi avoided Jun Woo, the students, basically everyone. Even Mina. When the breaks began, she immediately left the classroom, giving Mina or anyone no chance to find her. Mina could not understand why the girl was behaving so strange. Why Chi ignored me?

The day went past and when the teacher dismissed the class, Mina immediately stood up, ready to catch up Chi before she would disappear.

The girl dashed through the corridors, her eyes searching for Chi. She finally spotted the familiar figure, standing at her locker. Chi stood there with her back faced Mina. The girl placed a few books in her locker and then she closed the locker, ready to leave, but she was stopped by a hand that grabbed her wrist. She turned around, shocked but her body relaxed a bit when she realized it was Mina. Her unnie. Not Jun Woo the jerk who has humiliated her the past two weeks.

Mina laughed slightly at Chi’s expression. “Why so shocked? it just me.”
Chi’s slightly shocked face was replaced with a smile, and she sighed in relief. “Unnie.”

“Can you please go out with me, my mom has birthday soon and I have not even bought a gift to her yet.” Mina tormented.
The girl pressed her lips against each other, feeling how dry her lips were. She then nodded, ‘’Arraso, but I have to be home early” she said and rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Then the both of them made their way towards the exit.  Chi remained silent while Mina was blabbering irrelevant thing about clothes and school. Actually Chi only listened to the half what Mina said, because she was too busy with paying her attention to the students who passed by them.  They were staring at her, wondering why Mina was hanging out with a Weirdo. It didn’t take long before rumors about Chi were spread. She was definitely an outcast, a loser, a … the list was endless.

Since Mina was popular, Chi didn’t want to ruin her image. So the girl covered her face, much as possible and dragged Mina out from the school immediately.

Mina got a bit confused when Chi suddenly covered her face, and when she rushed out of the school.
It wasn’t the first time Mina was wondering about Chi. She was so different now, especially at the school.

“Hey was going on?” Mina asked.
Chi pressed her lips into a firm line. “nothing.” she lied.
“Even if I haven’t seen you a whole year, I still know you good enough to tell when you are lying.” Mina declared and crossed her arms over her chest. “Tell me.”

Chi eyes showed a tint of pain. And the longer Mina stared into the girl’s orbs, the more uneasy feeling rush through her. Something is wrong, something isn’t right. 

Chi’s hands clenched into fists as she tried to remain calm.
“From now on, let’s act like strangers at school.” Her words were firm. However she could feel the back of her eyes burning. How could I say something like that to you? But it is best in that way.

For a second Mina was too shocked to react, only continuing stare at her.
“W-what?” she finally spoke up, “Why?” Mina looked at her worriedly.
“It’s just… I have some problem but I don’t want to talk about it.” Chi said and looked down, biting her bottom lip. “Please don’t ask… I just need time and space to gather myself together.” She gritted her teeth as she tried hard to hold her tears back, not wanting to look up, to look into her eyes, because she was not sure what was going to be reflected in them. Sadness? Disappointment? Anger?

Mine wanted her to look into her eyes, but she knew that the girl in front of her was suffering.
She was worried, sad, curious and angry. But she knew Chi well, Mina blew on her fringe as she took a deep breath. She then pulled the girl into a friendly hug. “Arraso, I won’t ask. But tell as soon as possible when you are ready okay?”

At that moment, she could feel regret and guilt rush through her. But mostly, she felt terribly for Chi’s sadness.  

Chi has noticed that Mina was popular, and of course she was popular. She looked gorgeous, with her long brown hair, her slim body and her perfect face. No wonder that she was popular, she has always been popular and it wasn’t just her look. She was beautiful inside as outside.

“Please don’t hate me unnie.” She said and her voice cracked. Mina realized she was crying.
“Don’t be sorry or sad, I understand… or I will soon.” Mina said, “I just don’t know… you were so perfect when I left.” She whispered.

The girl felt pain when Mina called her perfect, because she was absolutely not perfect at all. Chi wished she was perfect, she wished that she never made mistakes. She pulled out of the hug and stared deep into Mina eyes. She couldn’t describe how much she envied her unnie. She looked up to Mina, she always did and she always would.

Mina was trying to figure it out the whole way down to the stores, but she could not.
Everything didn’t make sense, nothing make sense.
After a year Mina never expected to see Chi again in this way, the girl looked so miserable and unhappy.
What happened to you? Mina thought and she looked at the poor girl next to her.
She looked so lifeless, Chi-ah you need to tell me soon.  Mina thought and looked at her worriedly.


They went around there and here, they went into many stores but there weren’t anything Mina could find to her mother. “Let us go in there.” She said and pointed at the big building.
The building was a shopping center, there were over 20 clothes stores, 8 food restaurants and there was also a cinema.

Mina waited the whole time they were strolling through the mall, looking for a gift to her mother. Every time Chi turned around to speak to her, she hoped that Chi would maybe just give some hints about the past. But she didn’t talk about anything like that, she was a girl who had some short sentence and replies.

Chi walked and looked around, and she was marveled by just how big this mall was.
“This store looks nice.” she mumbled and entered the store.
They were looking around for good ten minutes when Mina finally found a perfect gift to her mother.
“I think my mom would like this one.” Mina said and took a basic black cardigan with few pearls on.
Chi nodded. “I think that will suit her very well.” she replied and gave her two thumbs up. It was an elegant cardigan which would suit Mrs. Park very well. Mina nodded satisfied and they headed over to the counter.

“Finally we found a gift” Mina said and clapped her hands happily “Thank you.” she added.
“Why do you thank me? I was just the one who walked with you.” Chi said and rubbed her forehead in confusion. 
“But if you didn’t say we should go in there, I would never have found a gift.” Mina declared.
Chi giggled slightly “Okay then you welcome” she replied.

Her moods were up and down. During the evening she was happy. Mina made her laugh and forget about few things. She tried her best to forget the past, to enjoy her time with Mina fully. But it was difficult.

“Where are we headed next?” Chi asked, looking around.
Mina looked over and smiled, “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
Chi nodded, “Actually I am really thirsty.”

Mina looked around and pointed to one of her favorite cafés, “There! They have the best smoothie ever.”
The girl nodded and followed Mina towards the café.




“AARGG” Mina cried and there was smoothie all over her uniform, not only her, but Chi too.
They looked up and Mina’s eyes widened, “I am so sorry” V said and helped her up.

Jeon Jungkook the one who spilled his stupid strawberry smoothie on Chi, he was just standing there and looked at her blankly.  Chi got up by herself, she expected an apology, but nothing came out from his mouth. He didn’t look like one who was going to apologize either, his expression told everything. He didn’t felt sorry, only annoyed.

Chi was absorbed by her madness, that she didn’t even recognized it was the kingkas. Without a second thought she took the napkin out of Jungkook’s hand and removed the smoothie away from her uniform.
Jungkook, though, continued to stare blankly at her. He was met with a pair of cold eyes, then he remembered those eyes. It was the girl who bumped into him the first week after the summer vacation.

“Thanks for the smoothie.” With that, Chi smashed the dirty napkin in Jungkook hands.

Before she completely turned around and walked away, she gave him one last glare.
Jungkook watched her as she walked away, then he chuckled lightly. “You welcome.”


When Chi reached home, she could feel her anger calm down a bit. Yet she couldn’t help but slam her front door.
“That bastard” Chi muttered. Suddenly her phone rang.

“Hello?” Chi replied the phone in annoyance.
‘’Hey are you okay?” a female voice asked.
The girl could recognize the voice immediately, Oh I forgot Mina… she mentally slapped herself.
“Yes I am fine… I am sorry that I left you.” Chi said and heaved out a huge sigh. How could you forgot her… you have such a low temper Chi.
“No it’s okay, V helped me anyways…” Mina said, half squealed.
Chi narrowed her eyes in confusion “V…V?”
“Yes, however I told you. That Jungkook guy is such a jerk.”
“Jun-Jungkook? The kingka?” Chi asked nervously.
“Hmm… What did you do? Did you call him names or-“
 “Unnie I think I should take a shower now, I will call you later.” Chi said and ended the call.


“Aish Chi, how couldn’t you recognized them…” she winced and ruffled her hair in frustration.
“Let’s hope that he will let it slide…” she mumbled.
Both you and God know that he wouldn’t.

Please read.

I am so sorry for have disappointed many of you. But to be honest my story wasn’t that great, there were so many grammar errors, that I really don’t understand why I even got so many subscribers.
Then I realized, I have the most amazing subscribers ever! Really, from the bottom of my heart I am so grateful! I have exam very soon (one week) (crying)(kill me) (I hate exams!)

However I WANT to tell YOU that you DON’T HAVE TO READ my story again. You can just wait, and read where you came from you will still understand!

Thanke you so much for supporting, I will work hard this time!

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Jksyrh #1
Chapter 3: Just read it and boomm my heart want it moree♥️♥️♥️
Chapter 4: oh my god i'm so happy that you gonna continue your fiction (TT_TT) I've been waiting this for years! Keep it up! I miss you!!!
Ur story makes me veeeery happy. I hope u continue the story!!!
Thumbs up
Chapter 4: Yes! Please do update :) Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 4: Yay! I'm so happy that you'll continue :)
Chapter 4: Glad that you're finally back :)
kdramakat #8
Chapter 4: yay! LOOKING FORWARD!!!!
syazELF #9
Chapter 4: Please update soon hahahha I'm so bored with my life right now and I'm willing to wait..
SHyura #10
Chapter 4: Its okay im happy you're back :)