idk man.

The Aftermath.
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It had already been 3 hours after the ending of their episode ten of EXO showtime shooting and some was too tired to care that this episode had no scene in which they would eat like the uncivilized mongrels that they are when hungry or food is present, which was even a shock for all of their managers since when the 12 got to their dorm they didn’t even touch the food that has been placed neatly on the table.


“What the is wrong with them.” The overall manager asked. “Kai didn’t even touched the chickens, I thought that kid likes in both meaning.”


His statement earned a few baffled nods. “Maybe the ghosts possessed them.” One said.


“ you, those ghosts are not even ing real. They’re just tired, that’s all.”


A scoff was heard. “Tired my , Minseok and Luhan is faces and having their daily night time escapades.” The talking man smacks his forehead. “I you not I’m not getting paid enough for this.”


All six of them nodded and decided that maybe a trip to a karaoke place would ease up some tight screws and all their worries of the 12 wolves they call a boy band, thanking the high heavens that those boys can somehow still be controlled and they’re not the managers of the notorious beast-dols band; 2 ing pm.


God bless 2PM’s manager, may his sanity be strengthen each day. That man was like a god in the ‘Korean Boy band’s managers’ society’, him along with whoever is in charge of Block B.


But that was another story entirely.


EXO are responsible adults, they are no and can be held responsible for their actions and won't burn down the whole apartment building down in some freak accident. They’re not awake at the same time, and the managers made sure to install hidden security cameras inside the dorm. (Which turns out to be a horrid mistake since all they get to watch was the boys have in nearly all corners of the house with their own pairings. It was hard to look at them dead in the eye afterwards, though, if they were ever cheated by Sooman, those tapes would be beneficial for them and those rabid fangirls. The managers were feeling quite sorry for them not having peace on knowing who was dating who, they know the feeling, watching Pretty Little Liars was an insight. Not knowing who A is for the longest time was infuriating, and yes, real men watches those things as well and blame it on the children.)


That same night just as the manager left, the dorm was left with the unsettling feeling of silence and Tao was left alone in the living room.


“.” He muttered as the realization hits him like a ton of bricks that he is alone in a dark living room with images of scary ghosts dancing in his head like the Russian Ballet. “Double .” When he realized that he can’t make Kris accompany him ever since he’s been dating Lay.


“Where?” A voice suddenly asked and sent Tao across the living  room like the scared he is.


Speak of the devil, it was Lay. “ing , ge. ing .” Tao said as he clutched the shirt above his chest as his heart were about to fall off.


Lay merely shook his head. “No thanks, I don’t think that would be pleasant.”


Tao can only blink in awe, this gege of his can have his moments. “What are you doing here, ge?”


Lay smiled innocently. “I’m getting the phone book.”


The younger tilted his head in confusion. “What for?” Who the still uses the phone book these days?


Lay frowned and held the yellow thick book that he found while Tao was busy processing on his mind what would Lay want to do with it, he gave up the minute he remembers that Lay has the tendency of being an eccentric unicorn, a high dog on weed, in other words sometimes that being just doesn’t make any sense. “Wufan want’s to destroy Uranus, and he told me to call Nasa or something about it.”


Lay stood up and left, prancing gingerly towards the room where he could see a half Kris already waiting on his bed, leaving Tao’s jaw hanging.


Zhang Yixing, you beautiful idiot.


“.” He then muttered again, realizing that yet again he was alone in the dark.


“Hey.” Another disembodied voice called out and Tao nearly scratched the ceiling when jumping.


“CHRIST! STOP DOING THAT!” He yelled at the voice, which turns out to be Sehun. Sehun laughed, utterly amused by Tao’s reaction.  “You.” He pointed. “Do not touch me you yehet piece of ohorat yelling .”


“Hey.” Sehun said. “Mind your language.”


“You’re not the ing boss of me.” He retorted. “I can say whatever the hell I want to say you piece of white attractive weed.”


Sehun’s eyes widened and a grin appea

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sarang_do #1
Chapter 2: Haha lol this story cracks me up
omg my sis is looking weirdly at me right now i was laughing even from the foreword ;w;
kate64100 #3
Chapter 1: let me join all these lovely people in the comments saying that, yes, you made a very lovely piece of crack, thank you~ <3 and as much as i get them all laughing at Tao, poor baby panda~ <3 even his boyfriend betrayed him like that, awww~ <3 but, dude, everyone deciding that "spawn of satan" means Kyungsoo and Jongin have a kid, oh deer, hahaha~ <3 but, yeah, he's kind of the satan in there~ that's why i adore him more and more~ <3
and, really, great taste for the movies, of Tao's. Mean Girls is one of the best things ever~ and it doesn't matter how many times i've seen that~
though, let me just tell you that on the part about taohun watching the barbie dolls on Yifan's laptop, at first I thought he already had it downloaded and they just stole it to watch it. 'cause i wouldn't be surprised if he had, tbh. like, really, he seems like somebody to watch weird, unmanly stuff. or maybe that's just me, whoops~
and I laughed at Joonmyun disapproving the threats one couldn't keep, but since Kyungsoo promised he would keep that one, Joonmyun was like ~that's okay then~, hahaha~ <3
but, awww, the ending~ so sweet~ <3
(though, i'm curious about how jongdae's night ended~)
nerdychanyeolism #4
Chapter 1: Took me a while to understand what uranus means =.= you're one sly fox yifan. Xingxing is too innocent...
Yehet piece of ohorat bastard dfuq ?!!" XD i died at that!!
Doyoreallynotseeme #5
Chapter 1: omg i loved this!!!!! haha i was laughing my off on most of this :P