


" You know, Myungsoo, there's girls flocking around you like flies around food and here you are, turning everyone of them down. Sometimes, I can't tell if you're dumb or heartless. " Sungyeol facepalmed, shaking his head as he looked at his best friend with disappointment. Myungsoo snorted and flicked a few pieces of french fries to Sungyeol before popping one into his mouth, " The keyword is not interested and please do not compare everything with food, Sungyeol. This is why you're hungry twenty four seven. " Rolling his eyes, the taller male brought the straw to his lip and took a huge sip, " You're hopeless, Myungsoo. Completely hopeless. "


" She's cute. " Myungsoo mumbled, staring at the girl as she walked passed, her hair flying in every direction due to the windy season. " Woah s hit, did Myungsoo just call a girl cute? " Woohyun gasped in amazement, slapping the person beside him who happened to be Sunggyu, who happened to be sleeping just a few seconds ago before he received slaps from his bestfriend. " Ow! Damn Woohyun, must you really slap me that hard? " Sunggyu hissed, rubbing the spot that the male beside him had abused earlier before.

" Sorry but, Myungsoo just called the transfered student cute. " Woohyun grinned, expecting an over-dramatic reaction from the older but instead, he received a raised eyebrow and a " Get a life, Woohyun. " Pouting, he continued to stare at Myungsoo who was somehow now staring at thin air. " Her name is Soojung by the way. The girl you called cute. " He added and the other nodded blankly. 

" Argh. " Fighting the urge to ram his head on the table, Woohyun fluttered open his eyes to see Sungyeol staring at him curiously. " Sungyeol! " He shrieked, clinging himself onto the frightened boy. " Ew, god. Go away, hyung! " He made a face and attempted to push the cheerful male away from him. " Myungsoo just called the transfered student cute! " He repeated, yelling his heart out. " Seriously? " Sungyeol joined in on the screaming conversation and turned to look at Myungsoo who was only beside him a few seconds ago but suddenly had disappeared, " Oh wait, where did he go? "


" Hi. " Myungsoo grinned, sitting across Soojung with his lunch in his hands. " Oh hello. " She smiled, glancing at him once before returning to the book she was reading. " What are you reading? " He asked, trying to gain her attention but she didn't lift her head. " A story. " She replied, flipping the page of her book. " What kind? " He pushed on and she shrugged, her eyes not leaving the novel in her hands. " It's fantasy. " He mumbled, staring at the cover of her book. " I know that book, The Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. " 

She lifted her gaze and leaned forward, her eyes not leaving his, " You do? " He nodded, " Somehow, she'd gotten it into her head. That she could communicate with the dead. " Something flickered in Soojung's expression but she leaned back and gave him a nod, " So you do know. " Myungsoo stared at her curiously, he noticed her sudden change of behaviour but he didn't ask anymore questions. " Well then, I better get going. " He stood up and dusted his jeans, feeling rather awkward but before he did, she reached out to him, " Wait. Can I have your name? " He smiled and placed his lunch beside her, " Myungsoo, my name's Myungsoo. " Then, he ran off. 


Myungsoo yawned as he sat down beside his best friend, carefully placing his camera on the table and his cup of coffee beside it. " You look like you just died. " Sungyeol said. " I wonder why. " He replied, sarcastically. He tossed the bag of pictures to his best friend and zipped up his bag, " Here's what you asked for. "  Sungyeol picked it up and blinked, " That's fast. I gave you a week. " 

" Well- " Before Myungsoo could retort, a lunch box was placed in front of him. He lifted his head to see who cut him off and came face to face with Soojung. She sat down across him and shook her head, " What kind of idiot would just walk away without asking for my name. Obviously you but, thanks for yesterday. That is to return the favor. " She pointed at the lunch box and smiled, " and this. " She tapped on the cover which was scribbled Soojung, " is for you to remember me by my name. " Myungsoo chuckled and gave her a nod, " Thanks. "

" Wow wow wow, hi. " Sungyeol beamed, butting into their conversation. " I'm Sungyeol. " He reached his hand out and she shook it, a small smile plastered across her face, " Soojung. " Myungsoo pushed his friend away and rolled his eyes, " Go away, Yeol. You got what you want. " Pouting, he remained in his sit, " I want to talk to the pretty one too! " Soojung raised her eyebrow and tapped on the table, " I'm still here. " The shorter male sighed in embarrassment, " Yeah and Sungyeol was just about to leave, right? " He pushed on and his friend rolled his eyes, " Fine. I'll see you around, Soojung. " He grabbed his bag, which accidentally knocked against Myungsoo's head and left with a smug expression on his face.

" You have an interesting friend. " She chuckled and he shook his head, chuckling along, " I'd rather not say. " 


Myungsoo walked down the school hallways, with his rucksack hanging on his shoulder. He was waiting for Sungyeol's class to end it and just so happened to be the last class in the whole campus so there was hardly any other students walking around. " I'm sorry but I really can't help you! " He heard a familiar voice sighed. It was Soojung. His eyes widened when he turned to the corner and noticed Soojung talking to the air. He watched as she shook her head and frowned at nothing. That was when their eyes met and the girl gasped in suprise, " Myungsoo. "

" Why were you talking to the air earlier? " He asked as they sat across each other on one of the benches. She shrugged and gazed at the trees that swayed from side to side due to the breeze. " I'd rather not say. " She quoted, turning her head to glance at the male with a small smile on her face. Myungsoo chuckled softly and nodded, not saying much. Biting in her lip in frustration, she allowed the words to escape her lip. " I can see ghosts. " Soojung said so suddenly and hurriedly. 

" I'm sorry. What? " Myungsoo asked with wide eyes, " You can see them? " She nodded and sighed while the male stared at her in disbelief. They sat in silence for a moment before Soojung stood up and tugged onto the strap of her bag. " Where are you going? " Myungsoo wondered, lifting his head just to look at her. " Home. " She replied, her voice cold and hurt. Just before she walked away, he grabbed onto her wrist and their eyes met. " I usually do not believe in things like this but right now,  I'll believe you. " 

wow theres so many of you.
im flattered. 


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Chapter 2: Finally a confession :3
AFishandeer #2
Chapter 2: I love thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssssss
Chapter 2: OMO The update was amazing! You never failed to impress me with your updates authori-ssi. Can't wait to see some MyungStal moments in the next chapter!
Chapter 1: Can!t wait for your next update, it's really interesting hope you continue on with this story ;)
Chapter 1: Great start! I cant wait to read the next chapter
Chapter 1: Ayiee~ myungstal. Can't wait to read the next chapter.