Please save us~

Hamster Gyu or Hamster?

Hello, everyone! It has been a long time, right? 

Did you guys miss this story? No? Yes?

Well, I miss you guys and your comments :)

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ^^

I put some flasback so that you guys can remember what happened in the previous chapter :D

So, enjoy and dont forget to leave your comments <3

Thank you so much /throws sarangs/


At the hospital…

            The doctor comes out from Sunggyu’s room and Mrs. Kim quickly approaches him. “How‘s my son?” she asks. “He’s stable now,” the doctor says. “But, may I know something?” The doctor asks. “Sure, what is it, doctor?” Mrs. Kim replies. “Have he eats yet?” the doctor asks. “Not yet. He doesn’t want to eat anything since this evening,” Mrs. Kim explains. “Did he perhaps missing someone? He keeps on calling someone’s name before,” The doctor asks again. “I guess so…” That’s the only thing Mrs. Kim can answer. “I think if that person come and be besides him, he will heal faster,” the doctor states as he smiles. “I’ll try to call that person,” Mrs. Kim answers before the doctor walks away.

            Then, Mrs. Kim looks at her younger sister. “Minha-ya, I’ll go inside first,” Mrs. Kim says. “Okay, eonnie. I’ll be here. Just call me if you need anything,” the younger reply and then Mrs. Kim inside Sunggyu’s room. She sits on the chair besides Sunggyu’s bed. She can see that Sunggyu’s sleeping soundly like a baby. She caress Sunggyu’s hair and then she stand up for a while to give a peck at Sunggyu’s forehead. Then, she hears Sunggyu call someone’s name. “Woohyun-ah, Woohyun-ah~” Sunggyu mutters in his sleep. After a few calls, he then quiet again. Mrs. Kim becomes more worried. She suddenly remembers what the doctor said just now. “I think if that person come and be besides him, he will heal faster,” “Should I call Woohyun?”

Flashback ends...

            “Hello, there. Mr. Nam’s house here,” A voice of a little kid gets into Mrs. Kim’s ear. Finally, she has courage to call Woohyun. “Woohyun-ah, this is Mrs. Kim here,” Mrs. Kim says softly. Woohyun gasps when he knows who is on the phone. “Goodbye,” Woohyun says and he decides to cut the line off but he stops when he hears Mrs. Kim asks him to wait. With a little courage, Woohyun put the phone back to his ear. “Y..yes, Mrs. Kim?” Woohyun stuttered. He still trauma with what Mrs. Kim ever did to him. When Mrs. Kim heard Woohyun stuttered, she feels guilty. Guilty because she is the reason why Woohyun becomes like that. “Woohyun-ah, come to the hospital now. Sunggyu is sick. I beg you,” Mrs. Kim starts to cry. “Sunggyu hyung is sick?!” Woohyun raises his voice in shock and it gets Mrs. Nam attention to get to him. “Yes, Woohyun-ah… Please, I need you to be here now. Sunggyu needs you too. Jebal~” Mrs. Kim begs. “Arasseo, auntie. I’ll be there,” Woohyun agrees and he can hear Mrs. Kim sighs in relief. “Thank you, Woohyun-ah. Thank you so much,” Mrs. Kim says before she cut of the line.

            Mrs. Nam, who is patiently waiting beside Woohyun finally open . “Why, Woohyun-ah? What wrong with Sunggyu?” she asked worriedly. “Omma, we have to go to the hospital. Now! Sunggyu hyung is sick. Palli, omma~” Woohyun beg his mother. “But, I afraid that Mrs. Kim will hurt you again~” Mrs. Nam says in worried. “No, omma. She… she wont hurt me because Sunggyu hyung needs me,” Woohyun try to guarantee his mother. After thinking for a while, Mrs. Nam finally agrees to go to the hospital.


At the hospital…

            “Myungsoo-ah, where is Sunggyu hyung?” Woohyun quickly asks as soon as he saw Myungsoo and his mother sitting in front of a room. “Oh, Woohyun hyung. Come and follow me,” Myungsoo says as he pulls Woohyun’s hand into Sunggyu’s room. “Auntie, Woohyun hyung is here,” Myungsoo tells his aunt. “Oh, thank you, Myungsoo-ah,” Mrs. Kim smiles the she looks at Woohyun. “Come here, Woohyun-ah~” Mrs. Kim says. Woohyun slowly walks towards Mrs. Kim. More like he want to be careful so that Mrs. Kim won’t hit him again. “Don’t worry, Woohyun-ah~ I won’t hurt you. My son needs you,” Mrs. Kim says as she smiles warmly. With some strength that remain in himself, Woohyun walks towards Mrs. Kim and climbs up the chair besides Mrs. Kim and knee on it so that he can see Sunggyu who is still sleeping soundly on the bed.

            Suddenly, Sunggyu calls out Woohyun’s name again. “Woohyun-ah~ Hyunnie~” Sunggyu keeps repeating Woohyun’s name. Following his instinct, Woohyun pats Sunggyu’s shoulder to calm him. Then, his other hand holds Sunggyu right hand. Woohyun can feels that Sunggyu holds his hand back as if he wants some energy from Woohyun. Woohyun gets his face near to Sunggyu’s ear and whispers, “Hyung, wake up faster okay? I’ll always wait here. I won’t go anywhere. I promise,” While for Sunggyu, he taught it was a dream yet he only smiles with his eyes close and drove back to sleep. He just wishes that it was not a dream when he wakes up.

            After half an hour, Sunggyu finally wake up from his long sleep. When he turns at his right, he sees Woohyun sleeping soundly with his head besides Sunggyu’s hand on the bed. His hand still intertwines with Sunggyu’s hand and it makes Sunggyu smiles. “It’s not a dream,” Sunggyu mutters slowly. Sunggyu turns around to see if there anyone else in that room. As a result, there is no one in the room except Woohyun and himself. When Sunggyu looks back at Woohyun, Woohyun already wake up. He rubs his eyes with his cute hand while looking at Sunggyu. “Oh, hyung! Finally you wake up!” Woohyun says in excitement and he jumps on the bed to hugs Sunggyu. But, of course Sunggyu have to sit first. How can Woohyun hugs Sunggyu if Sunggyu still lying down, right? Hehe…

              Sunggyu happily hugs Woohyun back. “I miss you, Woohyun-ah~” Sunggyu says. “I miss you too, hyung. How are you now, hyung? Feel better?” Woohyun asks as he releases the hug. “I’m okay, Hyunnie~ don’t worry~” Sunggyu replies as he shows his warm smiles to calm the younger. Sunggyu thought that Woohyun will be happy when he said he’s okay but Woohyun pouts instead. “Yah~ why pouts?” Sunggyu asks cutely as he pinches both of Woohyun’s cheeks. “That’s hurt, hyung,” Woohyun whines. “Arasseo, just tell me why you pouts?” Sunggyu says as he pulls away his hands from Woohyun’s cheeks. “You promise me that you will not get sick while I’m gone~” Woohyun says as he cross his arm on his chest and pouts cutely again. Out of Woohyun expectation, Sunggyu laughs with al his might. That’s make Woohyun even more sad. Woohyun crawls down the bed and about to go out the room. Sunggyu immediately stop laughs and pretend to groans in pain. “Oh, Woohyun-ah! Help! My head hurt!” Sunggyu groans while he place his hand at his head. Woohyun rush to the bed again in worried. He looks at Sunggyu’s headand try to check if there any serious injury. Then, Sunggyu giggles and its make Woohyun frowns. “Hyung, you lied to me!” Woohyun says as he pretends to cry. Sunggyu’s getting panic. “Hey, Hyunnie~ I was just kidding. Don’t cry~” Sunggyu coax as he pats Woohyun’s shoulder. Woohyun let out his laughs since he can’t hold it anymore. Seeing Sunggyu’s panic face make he laughs. At that time, Sunggyu finally know that he has been fooled by Woohyun. “Oho~ a revenge, hurm?” Sunggyu asks playfully as he tickles Woohyun and it makes Woohyun laughs even more. “It’s ticklish, hyung. Stop!” Woohyun says between his laughs. Sunggyu doesn’t care and keeps on tickling Woohyun as he laughs too.

             Suddenly, the room’s door is open by someone which make the too kids completely silent. “Omma!” Sunggyu says as he quickly sits infront of Woohyun. Its looks like he want to protect Woohyun from his mother. When his mother walks towards him, he quickly hugs Woohyun and shut his eyes while prayings in his heart...

                                          "Please save us,”

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