A Walk Under the Moonlight and A Joke?!

Under the Golden Glow

Together, Yoona and Seohyun wandered the streets of Seoul. Disguised, of course, with matching sunglasses and hats they had brought with them. It was midnight, the best time to wander Seoul without drawing too much attention from fans, whose numbers seemed to increase as much as the moon seemed to shine. Attracting attention proved hard to avoid, caused by being a part of the unbelievably popular and new Girl’s Generation, but that didn’t seem to apply to tonight. So far, no fan, or anyone for that matter, had asked, though begging fit it even more so, for a signature, a selca, anything.

Nevertheless, one may ask, ‘Why would they be walking the streets alone at night?’ While it was under things Seohyun usually would refuse to do, Yoona insisted that they sneak out after coming home from filming her drama, 9 Ends 2 Outs. Seeing how tired and starved her eonni appeared, she couldn’t refuse. Although, according to Seohyun’s memory, as soon as she voiced agreement, Yoona’s seemingly fatigued state left, only to return after the younger shot a rather suspicious glance towards her.

Taking into consideration that they’d been walking around for over half an hour, they, mainly the younger girl, thought it best to return to their dorm and group members. Making their way back home through cramped alleyways and empty streets, after a while, Yoona spotted a red and yellow ‘M’ illuminating the dark sky. A familiar logo that marked an infamous fast food chain in the West, or that’s at least what Yoona believed, remembering that's all Tiffany had whined about craving.

While walking around with one of her best friends was fun, it also took a lot of energy. Just the thought of food made begin to water and that’s when she decided she wanted food and ASAP. Stopping in front of the restaurant, the shikshin tugged on the maknae’s sweater. “Seohyunnie.” Yoona pointed to the golden arches before her own mouth. Letting out a whimper, she pleaded, “I’m hungry.”

“Eonni...” Seohyun frowned, turning around to look at Yoona like mother would look at a child throwing a tantrum. Not only that, but she talked to her like a bratty kid too, in a soft voice. “All we planned on was taking a walk, not to eat. What if we get recognized?”

“No one’s going to recognize us.” The doe-eyed girl enthusiastically reassured, already reaching for her leather wallet in her jeans. Looking through it, she found it empty. As she angrily shoved her wallet back into her pleated jeans, an idea burst into her mind, one that would accommodate the lack of money.  Though, it required she get continued the conversation. “We’re disguised, Seororo.”

Seohyun gave a weak and almost anxious smile, yet somehow it was blinding. “You’re right, eonni.”

Yoona’s lips curled into a mischievous smirk, knowing that consent meant food. If she had Seohyun’s approval, that meant she didn’t need to follow the plan that in all honesty, was probably going to fail.

“No one’s going to suspect anyone wearing sunglasses at midnight.” The younger girl managed before giggling at her own words. That’s when she knew that she had thought too soon, this was after all, Seohyun, the smartest maknae of them all.

“Well, even if we did get recognized we’d just give them our autograph, take a picture with them, then ask them to not tell anyone, right?” Biting the inside of her cheek, Yoona flipped her hat around her head. Yup, this was probably going to take a while, convincing Seohyun to change her mind was nearly impossible.

“Yes, but I still don’t think that’s a great idea, Yoong.” Seohyun crossed her arms and reached out to loop her arm around the older girl’s. “You’ll die from eating hamburgers, anyway, eonni. Let’s go home, okay? It's getting late.”

The sudden skinship made her blush, not mentioning how cute her hoobae looked right now. Yoona was just glad it was so dark out, so Seohyun probably couldn’t see her face go red. Maybe.

“Seo Juhyun!” Yoona stammered and pulled out of her hold, effectively drawing Seohyun’s attention and about three other people’s. To surprise of both of them, none of them seemed to recognize the name. After bowing and politely declaring their apologies, the maknae turned to shoot an angry look at her eonni. Or that was at least what Yoona thought it was, Seohyun’s supposed angry face was almost too cute to handle. Her hoobae’s puffed-up cheeks and relatively tiny frown was hard not to smile at. To say, at the very least, it was simply adorable.

Looking at her expression made Yoona want to explode from all the cuteness, but Seohyun just stood with that same face, which kind of worried her. After a while, it was actually pretty intimidating. A few moments passed before Yoona suddenly felt the need to run away. Yeah, she was actually scared now, but she was still hungry. Deciding that only her previous plan would get her food, the older girl settled on carrying it out.

 “Listen, Seo.” Yoona’s tone softened and she dropped her gaze to stared at the ground. While looking at her own shoes, she took her best friend’s hands into her own, rubbing small circles into Seohyun’s soft skin as she looked up with the best puppy-dog face she had.“You’re the most beautiful girl in the entire world.”

It was dark out, but Seohyun’s cheeks still visibly shone a bright red. And likewise, the younger girl could still see Yoona’s brow scrunch up. A warm breeze passed to play with their brown hair, before Yoona continued. “And I’m not saying this because we’re right next to McDonalds and I’m out of money.”

“Yah!” Seohyun hissed and smacked Yoona’s hands down. “This girl…” She shook her head in disbelief and her heels to continue the walk, leaving Yoona laughing with her head thrown back at her own joke.

Yoona thought Seohyun would stop walking after a while, but she didn’t and kept stiffly stomping back to their dorm. “W-wait! Seohyun?!” All she saw was Seohyun’s back, just walking away from her.

“S-seo, I’m sorry! Wait for me!” The older girl managed after starting to full out sprint after the completely ticked-off maknae. She wasn't going to get food right now, she'd just have to wait until she got back to the dorm. Yoona smiled as she came to steadily walk next to her hoobae, almost glad that she felt like she was starving, because Seohyun's face back there was priceless.

Beyond that though, she had got to spend time with the one and only prettiest maknae of her life, something she would never regret.

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Chapter 1: Aw Yoona is sch a sweetiee haha and a smooth talker too. And I do really missed them back in the days when they debuted :*)
Precious soshi memories *sighU mentioned,this is yr first story? A pretty good start i'll say:D Good luck with yr future stories!
So cute *-*