Once I feel you.

As we begin again

Taeyeon's POV

I sit on the hospital bed.

I look out the busy night of Seoul.

I still feel the pain from my wrists because I didn't want to feel the pain anymore.

The pain of her leaving me.

That memory of the day she gave up on me..on us.

I didn't see that coming.

I never wanted it in my life.

She was my life.


"Taeyeon, it's a good thing your already awake? You should lie down. Yoona just got coffee at the cafeteria."


Yuri sits beside me urging me to lie down.

I didn't want to move.

I couldn't think.

I could only stare at the life I once had.


"Taeyeon. Lie down. Let me tuck you in. Doctor said you should be resting"


"Yuri-ah. I don't want to be here anymore" i start crying.


"Stop crying Tae. You eyes haven't rested from crying"


I feel this sharp pain in my eyes.

They are so swollen.

I don't know what to do anymore.

I don't have any reason to live.


Yoona entered the room and I could smell that sweet aroma of coffee but I still didn't want to eat.


"Yoona, stay beside Taeyeon. I have to talk to the doctor about when she can go home"


"Yul, also ask about her treatment."


I was left with yoona who was fixing my things.


"Yoona, did you perhaps pack my ipod?"


"I did. I thought you might ask for it"


She gave me my ipod but before I could I put it on she held my hand.


"Taeyeon, do not stop living. Do not think that the world stops spinning. Sure it would slow down for a while but as time passes you would go back to the same pace as it was before"


I look down and try to hear her thoughts.

All I could see is Sunny smiling in my memories.


"You are important to us Taeyeon. It doesn't mean that you lose one, you lose a whole lot more. We are here Taeyeon. Yul and I are here. We would only leave you once we see that you are okay and you are ready"


I look at Yoona. I stare at her.


"Why did she leave me?" i feel the water in my eyes again


"What did I do wrong? I thought we would fight the world together. She said to me that she can never see a future where in I am not there. SHE COULD'VE TOLD ME WHAT WAS WRONG!!!"


Yoona jolted up as I started slamming the bed. She hugged me so tightly that I couldn't move.


"TAEYEON, stop."


I don't know how I would be able to get through this.

I lay down as I continue sobbing.

I slept as soon as I stopped.


Sunny's POV

I was eating dinner and watching the news when I get a call from Yul.




"Yah, What the hell were you thinking?"


"What? I don't understand."


"You left Taeyeon. She is in the hospital right now."


"WHAT? WHERE? I am going to the hospital right now" i feel my body warm from the news.


"Please. It would only make things worse Sunny. She slit her wrists. I found her in my bathroom when she went to my house to tell me that you called it off"


"Yul, Let me explain..."


"I don't need your explanation. We all thought it was all good Sunny but you need to realize the damage you have done emotionally and mentally. We would talk again soon Sunny but right now Taeyeon is resting so I suggest you give her some space so you two could talk properly"


I hear the phone hang up.

I sulk on the kitchen floor.

I want to see Taeyeon.

I wanna see if she is alright.

I can't.

I need to move on.

My mind says not to go but my heart says otherwise.


The food will get cold.

I should refrigerate it instead.

I didn't want to eat anymore.

I just wanted to be alone.

I decided to pop a cold bottle of beer and sat on the sofa.

I took out my ipod instead and started listening to music but I couldn't listen to the songs because all I remember was the time when Taeyeon and I bought these matching Ipods.



I went to the bedroom.

I wanted to sleep but the bed feels different.

It is too big.

The bed was meant for two but now I am the only one.



Yul's POV

I hanged up on Sunny.

I never thought I would be disappointed with her.

I get to the nurse desk and ask for the discharge papers of Taeyeon.


"Hi, I need to speak to the doctor of Ms. Kim Taeyeon?"


"Yes, proceed to the Dr. Choi's office."


I enter the Doctor's office and he wasn't there but I still went inside the the room and waited. I take a look around. He is an all around doctor. He is even a cardiologist. In my mind im thinking that whatever he is going to say will be good for Taeyeon and hey, he is a cardiologist.


"Hello, I'm sorry I'm late. I just went to get some x-rays of my other patients. Heart dieseases, some in the rarest cases"


"Oh. I hope they will be okay."


"Well, let us proceed with Ms. Taeyeon. Well as far as her records show, she going to be okay. She slit her wrists and a few stitches did the trick but I do recommend she goes to the pyschologist. We have to make preventive measures for this not to happen again"


"I see. Will you be the one to recommend the pyschologist or is it an option?"


"It is an option or you can ask for a recommendation but I guess she has her friends to get well?"


I laugh because that is why I asked if it is an option. I don't want Taeyeon to have a person just agreeing to everything she is saying.


"Yes. I think we can manage. I might get that recommendation if Taeyeon insists on it"


"Okay then, just give her these so that we can lessen infection and such"


"Thank you Doctor"


I leave the office with a prescription and a new hope for my best friend. I want Taeyeon to start over again. I don't want her seeing as if she can't breathe anymore.



Taeyeon's POV

I woke up at 4:06 am. I see Yul and yoona sleeping.

I get my ipod.


Now Playing: Bruno Mars - Talking to the Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x94m407UJSI

(I wrote this part while listening to this song. Listen to the song and read it with this part. This is my favorite part of this chapter)


I start listening to the music.

It is true what they say about songs when you are emotional you hear the lyrics instead of the tune.

I see Sunny again. I hold my hands as if Sunny is holding mine. That memory alone makes me happy and I don't want it to be gone.

I pretend Sunny is sitting on the side of the bed. Holding my hand. Smiling. I see her. Am I imagining? I start talking to her.


"Sunny, I wanna ask you what is happening and then you would tell me that it would all be okay because we have each other. You would promise me that you would make it go away. Please don't go Sunny. I am in so much pain. I need you. I need you Sunny. Please comeback. You can't leave. What about forever Sunny? You said that We would fight the world as long as we are together. You can't give up on us... on me sunny.. Not to me.." i feel my tears continue to build up


"I need you to tell me why you left. I want you to tell me that you are wrong Sunny. I want you to comeback. Say something please. Don't give up. I would do anything for you. I did everything for you so you wouldn't leave me. Please. Comeback"


I see her getting ready to leave.


"Please don't go Sunny."


I hold her hand even more tightly. The grip just slipped.


I knew I was just imagining things.


"Don't go...." 


I cry even more.

I wanna feel okay again.

Sunny is all I have.


I hear the door open.

I see Sunny.

Please, tell me I am just dreaming.


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mei-chan4556 #1
Chapter 1: Is too late to say "update soon"?
I like this is so sad but sunny has a reason.
Please update soon author!!!! This story is very interesting ^^
DanDyuDream #3
Chapter 2: keep going! i love the update
Chapter 2: So sad. I cannot imagine Sunny Bunny leaving Taengoo. Though there is a hint that feelings has changed, but I refuse to believe that. Maybe Sunny is sick and she does not want Tae to suffer with her. Sunny has always been considerate. Though I hope that everything will be all right. I am in hospital myself right now so I can take any troubles Dandyu have in this fanfic... please, Dandyu has to be together, there is no other option!
Chapter 1: this was really sad. Whatever the case Soonkyu should reconsider their place is beside Tae.
Thanks for the story. Please update soon
DanDyuDream #6
Chapter 1: love this!! update soon
ejx_sunshiner #7
Chapter 1: Update soon!! This story is very intersting...thank you ^^
Chapter 1: NOOOOO CLIFFY!?!?!?! Anyways this is sooooo good already! Update soon author-ssi!
Chapter 1: Seems interesting, I wonder what happened between them?
Looking forward to the next update :)
lovedandyu #10
Chapter 1: Woww...another sunyeon story, I like this story,same like ur other fanfic story about us.
I will keep wait for ur update :) thanks ^^