

It was hard for her. The warmth she desired slipped away in just mere second. The clock ticked at a constant pace, however, she felt like forever. The sound of the world had long been muffled, blocking the chattering sound that tried to intrude their moment. Chaerin held his hands once again. The calm snowflake fell at the tip of his nose and within a split second, it melted away due to the warmth he emitted.

They wished for forever but forever was something too much to ask for and time couldn’t stop for both of them.

“I have to leave now.”

Kris finally said it. She was not ready. Despite her quivering hands, he let go of her. The questions on their relationship had been playing in her head. Chaerin had buried the uncertainty beneath the core of her senses and she thought it will soon be forgotten. Alas, it resurfaced and by the look in his eyes, she was sure that soon, words coming from him would affect her in so many ways.

“We were in love, right?”

She convinced herself that it was a fact but her conscience told her that it was a question to assure her, to comfort her heart that had sunk so deep that she was unsure how sane felt like.

The tall man neared himself and cupped her face and planted a lingering kiss on her forehead. As he took a step back and readied himself to speak, Chaerin forebode that her world would crumble into pieces.

“Chaerin, time change, so are we. “

A riposte that quieted her and those words adorned with icicles had snapped her heartstrings. Her heart coated with the frozen blood somehow stayed for too long that none could change her cold attitude. 

A/N: I know it is kind of short but this is the only thing I could do. Its been ages since I write. I can't really put angst in place because I wasn't listening to any music. I hope this will cheer you up. ♡
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Chapter 1: My feels have exploded. Call the 2nexo therapist cuz I'm bawling my eyes out over this.
Chae and Kris, you guys are perf together tho. Whyyyyy?!
Thanks for sharing this with us, dear amazing author.
btw im in love with your photoshop/gif skills<3
Chapter 1: OMGOMGOMGOMG. <3
chaekrissss by the one and only doda. your stories are always the best! The length doesn't bother me, as long as the plot/message is fab. anD IT IS. But it's still so SAD. It's not angsty, except, terribly depressing My heart can't handle thissss. but omggg. i need to go do a victory dance for gettin' you to write one! hallelujah.