Let the games begin....

Life is just a Game

A/N so.... were currently alot further through this story in rp than i am writing it, so in theory it shouldnt be difficult to keep up with, since writers block wont be a problem... but my memory is terrible, so... i apologise in advance for my crappiness!!



“Tao!!! You have to come see this!!” ZhouMi called from across the store. He loved taking his little brother shopping. They had so much in common; he could trawl the shops for hours with him and never get bored.

“Yeah gege?” Tao replied, shuffling over to him. ZhouMi excitedly pointed to a big burgundy bag.

“It’s the new limited edition Gucci bag, and it’s on promotional sale!” He sounded so excited, he was almost beside himself. Tao sighed.

“You know mama would kill us if we got any more Gucci....” ZhouMi was almost bursting, intent on grabbing the offer before it ceased to exist.

“But Tao! This.... We cannot pass this up!” the older told him. “I'll talk to her...”

“....Aigoo. Fine then....” Tao tentatively picked up the bag, eyes widening at the feel of it. “Waaa....” ZhouMi grinned at him.

“Isn’t it just divine?!” Tao turned the bag over in his hands, checking it over.

“It looks amazing!” ZhouMi nodded, glad to see his younger sibling so enthralled. Tao wasn't a very visibly emotional person, and often seemed to have a scowl on his face. It made ZhouMi happy every time he saw his little brother smile, knowing he’d been able to bring him some joy. They got on well with their cousin Hangeng too, but... somehow it was never the same.

Tao was so engrossed in the bag, and ZhouMi in his own thoughts, that they didn’t notice the three men slowly surrounding them until it was too late. A hand covered ZhouMi’s mouth from behind, and a voice he didn’t recognise spoke in his ear.

“Make a sound, and I'll break your neck...” Tao gasped, eyes widening, trying to think of what to do, before another hand wrapped round to cover his mouth as well, cutting off his train of thought.

“My oh my...” A third man walked up to them, features a little feminine, and yet somehow holding a harshness that spoke clearly of the consequences of disobedience. “What do we have here?”  ZhouMi opened his mouth to reply, but the man behind him pressed a little harder over his mouth, speaking in his ear again.

“What did I say about making a sound?” he hissed. “Now, be good, and listen well to Jaejoong...” ZhouMi quickly closed his mouth behind the hand covering it, looking slightly at Tao, who was shaking in fear. Tao could feel tears starting to form in his eyes, and was desperately trying to blink them away, not wanting to give the men any cause for extra antagonisation.

“Brothers I'm guessing,” Jaejoong continued. “Sorry to cut your shopping trip short, but we need you to come with us. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone” he smirked slightly, before disappearing into thin air. ZhouMi stared at the air where Jaejoong had been standing, trying to figure out what just happened, before the voice in his ear spoke once more.

“Hold on tight beanpole....” ZhouMi began to wonder what he meant, before he suddenly found himself pulled through the air, things moving so quickly around him, that his stomach turned, and he was sure he would throw up.

Tao watched his brother disappear, gasping, but before he could begin to wonder, he found himself pulled away as well. Suddenly he was aware of dark red walls, and a big window looking out onto other similar rooms, and the world stopped moving around him. The arms that were holding him let go, and he fell to his knees, suddenly finding himself alone.

ZhouMi found himself taken to a similar room, but didn’t look around. Instead, he groaned, a hand on his stomach, trying to swallow down his nausea. He coughed a little, and the voice in his ear began speaking again.

“Oh no.... no.... Don’t tell me you’re going to throw up....” The man let him go, backing away from him, and ZhouMi turned to face him, before throwing his lunch up all over his frame. ZhouMi fell to his knees, taking deep breaths, trying to calm his churning stomach. The man in front of him froze, pulling a face that would have been highly amusing to see, if not for the current circumstances.

“J-Jae....!” he called, seemingly into thin air. The man they’d called Jaejoong suddenly appeared in the room, and ZhouMi vaguely wondered if they could teleport, before feeling himself start to gag again.

“Oh dear...” Jaejoong said, looking at Yunho. “Well, go get cleaned up Yunho. He’s locked in here now, so he can deal with his own sick.”

“B-but.... it’s all over m-me....!” Yunho sounded almost childlike, and ZhouMi suppressed a chuckle. Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

“And that’s what I'm saying. Teleport out and get cleaned up.” Yunho pulled another face before disappearing, Jaejoong looked down at ZhouMi, still holding his stomach, down on his knees. “Aish....” He shook his head slightly before teleporting out himself.

ZhouMi coughed a little more, managing not to throw up this time, before slowly pulling himself shakily to his feet.

“T-Tao....?” Tao looked through his own window, a few rooms down from him, looking at him.

“M-Mi....” ZhouMi still had a hand on his stomach, a little pale, and Tao looked worried. And afraid... Definitely afraid. Tears rolled down his cheeks, and ZhouMi could see he was barely holding it together. ZhouMi put a hand to the window.

“....Tao-shii....” Tao rested his forehead to his window, quietly starting to sob, before slowly lying down on the floor, curling up. ZhouMi sat down, leaning his shoulder on the glass, and tilting his head to rest on it too, watching his little brother fall to pieces.


Hangeng was practicing in the dance studio. He had a performance coming up, and although he’d sorted the choreography, he still felt it was missing something. He was focused on the mirror in front of him, analysing his moves, and hadn’t registered the figure stood in the doorway watching him, nor the second that appeared behind the first, rolling his eyes.

“Come on Junsu...” the second quipped. “We’re not here to watch the show...”

“I can’t help that I like watching people dance.’ The first replied, not taking his eyes from Hangeng’s dancing frame.

“Well you can watch him dance later.” He scolded. “Jae wants him brought asap. The sooner we bring everyone, the sooner the fun can begin...” The second’s mouth turned up slightly in a dark smirk, receiving a smile in return from Junsu. Junsu pulled out a drugged cloth from his pocket, walking over to Hangeng.

Hangeng had his back to the door, eyes closed. He was focused on his movements, letting the music flow through him, and was completely oblivious to the smaller man coming up behind him. Junsu placed the cloth over Hangeng’s mouth and nose, pressing hard, forcing him to inhale it. He wrapped his other arm around his torso, trying to limit the struggling.

Hangeng gasped, eyes widening, and tried to free himself. Quickly, though, he found himself weakening, and couldn’t struggle against him anymore. Junsu held him a little tighter, just in case, and it wasn't long before Hangeng fell limp in his arms.

“Lightweight....” the figure in the door muttered, before coming over.

“H-he’s heavy....” Junsu complained, struggling to keep hold of him. The other figure reached out to help him.

“Sure you can synch our teleportation?” he said jokingly. “Don’t think Jae would be too happy if we arrived with him in two halves....”

“If you're going to be like that Yoochun, I'll just hold him then drop him”

“You’re really no fun...” Yoochun replied, pouting slightly.

“The fun starts later.” Junsu reminded him, causing another dark smirk to play across Yoochun’s lips.

“True enough.... ready?” Junsu nodded.

“Yeah.” Yoochun transported them back, Junsu following with him, arriving back at the same time. Junsu quickly let go of Hangeng, letting him crumple to the floor, before stretching out his own back.


“You’re getting old...” Yoochun told him. Junsu glared at him.

“Yah! You’re older than me....”

“I'm not the one stretching his back like an old man...” Yoochun continued.

“Shut it...” Junsu ordered him. “We have more to collect anyway...” Yoochun chuckled.

“Alright, alright... Should I get Jaejoong to prepare a wheelchair for when we’re done?”

“....I will punch you so hard one day...” Junsu promised, and Yoochun just grinned cheekily at him.

“Lets go ajusshi...” Yoochun teleported out before Junsu could hit him, and Junsu growled slightly before following him out.


ZhouMi sighed, looking around at the other rooms. A few others sat quietly, no one looking like they really knew what was going on. But there was one occupant imparticular that made his eyes widen.

“Tao....” Tao slowly sat up, looking at him

“What is it....?” ZhouMi pointed to Gengs room, where Hangeng still lay knocked out, facing the window. Tao looked over, gasping.

“Gege!” Hangeng frowned slightly, latching on to Tao’s voice. Slowly, he opened his eyes, struggling to focus.

“Geng!” ZhouMi called, and the older blinked slowly, pulling himself up to lean against the window, body weak.


“Gege! Are you ok?!” Tao called to him.

“T-Tao?” Hangeng slowly brought a hand to his head, mind still feeling fuzzy and unfocused.

“We’re both here gege!” Tao continued. Hangeng took a moment to focus on them.

“W-where are w-we....?” he asked.

“...I don’t know....” Tao replied, biting his lip.

“We were... I don’t....” ZhouMi struggled to get out his words, not really knowing how to explain. “We were just shopping, and there were these guys...”

“And... then suddenly we were here....” Tao finished for him. Hangeng nodded slowly, still feeling the after effects of the drug.

“I was d-dancing....” he began. “Then there was s-someone... with a c-cloth over my m-mouth... I think they d-drugged me...”

“I.... I wonder what’s happening....” Tao said quietly. Hangeng shook his head, before closing his eyes again, groaning softly. Tao sighed, sitting cross legged on the floor.

“Geng....?” ZhouMi asked, worried for him.

“Head hurts...” Hangeng mumbled in reply, still holding his head. Tao gulped, closing his own eyes. What the hell was going on...?


Yunho teleported into one of the empty rooms, Changmin following close behind, trying to keep hold of a struggling Onew.

“Let me go!!” he shouted.

“Not gonna happen!” Yunho shouted back, getting fed up with Onew’s shouting. Changmin kept a tight hold on him.


“Who the hell are you?!” Onew continued. “Take me back!!” He twisted slightly in Changmin’s arms, trying to free his arm to hit him.

“No way!” Changmin retorted, tightening his grip. “We’re going to have fun!”

“You call this fun?! You kidnapped me!!” Yunho had had enough. He moved to stand directly in front of him, leaning in to his face, voice dangerously low.

“Listen, swine! You’re here to play a game, and if you’re lucky, you might make it out of here alive, but acting like this as soon as you get here doesn’t improve your chances!! Now... are you going to calm down?”

“Screw you!!” Onew replied, spitting in Yunho’s face. Changmin’s eyes narrowed.

“Jae!!” he called, summoning their leader. Jaejoong teleported in almost immediately.

“...Problem?...” he asked, taking in the situation.

“Ya think?!” Onew started. “I'm not gonna play your stupid game, whatever the hell it is! Take me back home!” Yunho was glaring daggers at him.

“This little....” Yunho took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before he did something stupid. “...person...” Jaejoong sighed.

“So we have a nay-sayer...” he looked at both Yunho and Changmin. “You can go, I'll deal with him.” Yunho nodded. Onew scowled at him. Changmin just rolled his eyes before teleporting out, taking Yunho with him.

“What the hell are you doing?!” Onew asked incredulously.

“Like we’ve been saying, you’re going to play a game.”

“Like hell I am!!” Onew replied, refusing to have any part in whatever twisted idea these crazy people had in store for everyone. Everyone... he looked around slightly, noticing for the first time that he was not alone. There were other rooms, arranged in a circle, all with big windows looking in towards the other rooms, and every single one of them was occupied by two people. None of them looked happy to be there, and a few looked like they’d had a little too much to drink. Had all of them been kidnapped too...?

“Sorry, no choice.” Jaejoong said, breaking Onew’s thought process by grabbing his hair tightly. Onew flailed slightly, trying to make him let go. Jaejoong just tightened his grip, before stabbing a syringe needle into Onew’s neck, emptying the contents into his bloodstream. Onew’s eyes widened.

“The hell?!” Jaejoong smirked, pulling out the needle before pushing Onew to the floor.

“What—“ Onew trailed off, gasping slightly. Jaejoong began to count.

“One... two... three.” As if on cue, Onew let out a pain filled scream, clawing at the floor beneath him. Jaejoong smirked down at him before looking out to the others.

Minho stood watching, palms flat against the glass, staring wide eyed at the scene unfolding before them. Taemin gripped onto his arm.

“What.... W-what’s happening to him?” he asked the older, trembling slightly. Minho slowly shook his head, unable to tear his eyes away from Onew.

“I... I don’t know....”

Onew slowly curled up, whimpering. Jaejoong pressed a finger to his earpiece, sending his voice through to all the rooms.

“This is what happens when you don’t cooperate. We have brought you here for your own benefit. You struggle, you die. You don’t compete in the game, you die. Am I making myself clear?” Onew brought his hands up to cover his ears, eyes widening, and mouth opening in a silent scream. Minho nodded slowly in answer to Jaejoong’s question, Taemin whimpering beside him.

“Well... You all better get some rest, the games start soon.” Jaejoong informed them. Minho backed away from the window until his back hit the wall, sliding down to the floor.

“...W-what games?!” Taemin asked, biting his lip. “I... I-I don’t....” Minho shook his head, staring wide eyed at the opposite wall.

“I... I have n-no idea...” he replied quietly.

“Sleepy time children...” Jaejoong pressed a button in his hand, sending sleeping gas into all the rooms except Onew’s. Minho felt himself getting drowsy.

“W-wha--....” he began, trailing off. Taemin blinked slowly, falling to his knees. Slowly, he fell to his side, trying to keep his eyes open. Minho’s head fell forward, hitting his chest. He tried to lift it again, but couldn’t find the energy, eyes slowly closing. Taemin’s eyes fluttered closed, falling asleep, and Minho wasn't far behind.

Gradually, all the others locked up in each of the rooms slowly fell asleep, leaving Onew the only one awake, still silently screaming.


Jaejoong knelt beside Onew, looking down at him.

“You’ll be a great use to us...” Jaejoong told him. Onew slowly stopped screaming, running out of energy. “Sleep now, you’ll need your strength...” Onew blinked slowly up at him.

“G-go to h-hell....” he said, voice weak. Jaejoong chuckled.

“When you wake up, that’s where you’ll be.” Onew was struggling to keep his eyes open, and Jaejoong stood up, running a hand through his hair. He knew it wouldn't be long before Onew joined the rest of the abductees in dreamland, although for them, it would be more of a nightmare. Onew finally closed his eyes, falling limp. Jaejoong looked down at him, smirking slightly.

“And let the games begin....”

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afiercesong #1
I enjoyed this!!
Jihyun55 #2
good story!