The new dance move

One Sided Love

It has been a two weeks already sence the dance teacher made me jiyoungs dance partner & thier is only two more days tell the concert. Through out all thies time i fell myself falling for him more and more. He turns me all red when i have him right in front of me.

(flash back)

While me and jiyoung were danceing i felt my heart begian to pump .. hes hand behing my wast and he gently bent me back and i came up slowly till hes face was right in front of mine (i could fell my heart pump faster) for the final part of the song when the tearcher yells.

"stop, right thier dont move",she yells

(with a confused look) "why", jiyoung askes

"beacuse we are adding a extra move to thies dance part" she sayes 

"umm.. what is it?", i ask her 

"oki when you and him are right in front like theis you ________ well put your hand on his cheak and jiyoung well slowly kiss you..

"huh",i jumped out of the posiotion she had us in

"aya! why you do that for" the teacher yells at me

"s-ssorry but i was just suprised" i answear her fast 

"Get back how you were"she tell me 

"be professional about thies its not like were doing it for real" jiyoung tells me

(yea maybe not for you but stell its my first kiss...) i said in my head 

"arasso", i told him and got back how i was 

5,6,7,8 the teacher counts and we pick it up from were we started. I closed my eyes and felt him comeing closer and closer to me when 

"stop!" the teacher yell "thats enogh for to day yall can kiss in the concert" she says (>.< realy ahh! )

(flash back ends)

_______! can you pull it together" my friend breana tell me

"were are we", i asked her 

"ashh realy you have been like thies all day seens you and him almost kissed' she said tounting me 

(play hit) "aya stop! i dont know what your talking about" i told her

"wow haha your arnt like thies when you around jiyoung" she said 

aya i said to myslef ,but shes right around him i dont know i get so shy and tens up 

"we finally made it" she said

"where?'i said 

"ashh realy your are slow dont you remember all of use(dance members + BIgbang) come out to eat"she said

"ohh! yea lol" i said smilling 

( i cant wait to go in & eat mmmm food)

(we walk in though the door)

"hey glad you could make it" are dance member said 

"haha yess i know" i said smileing and looking for a chair to seat at 

"Finaly everyones here" said a voice 

i turnd around & saw jiyong smerking at me 

"Ahh.. yess sorry" i said surprised

"aya leave the poor girl alone" top told jiyoung

(geting in th next chapter)


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