
One Sided Love

5,6,7,8 the dance teacher counts and we start dance {practice} for the up comeing concert of Bigbang. 

"______ keep up with the steps and stop day dreaming", Your best friend breana tells you 

"arasso i know that ", I told her and stuck my tounge out at her.


"seungri stop messing around with the nunas and hurry and come in the dance room", Top said as he opend the door 

"arasso comeing",He yelled back 

Taeyang, seungri, and daesung tried to all come in at the same time through the door. They didnt fet and ended up falling.

"haha ashh realy you guys, stop fulling around and hury up to practic", said the leader also known as my crush gdragon.

(poke) "ah! why you do that?", i jumped

(with a smirk) "haha cause yo man here", breana told me

"shut up! girl he might hear you, stop playing around and lets hurry up and dance", i told her"

"oki know that we have everyone here" the teacher says "lets begin... _______! come here", The teacher called me over

"ne?" i said.

"you well be jiyoungs partner for thies dance", she told me

(in head) { ah!!!!!!!! omg omg omg i cant belive immm his dance partner omg i think  ima die ^^ }

"arasso" i told her


"wow you realy danced all out huh" breana said laughing 

"well duh i mean look at my partner i needa to keep up with him" i told her 

i was criscrosed with my head down when i felt someone tap me & i thought it was breana 

"mmm stop girl wat u wont" i sayed with my head stell faceing down 

"haha sorry but last time i cheaked i was a boy" the person said 

i looked up and saw breana in front of me laying down so i turned around and found my self faced with my crush 

"ahh sorry i thought you were my friend" i told him

"ahh oki" he said " 

in my head i was hopeing he came over to tell me good job or something but instead..

"i just come over to tell you that you needa work a bit harder if your going to my partner" he told me then leaft.

i just stayed thier dunb founded , and the i turn back around and found breana laughing at me.


i know it hasnt gotten good yet but it well ^^ promise lol just wait 



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