Autumn Song

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You could still feel that aching feeling in your heart. This shouldnt be this way. How could you love someone again if your heart had not fully recovered. But still, his alluring charm at the moment you first saw him putting you under spell.

“What’s your name again?” He took a glance to Kris before landed his all-the-sudden-gorgeous eyes on yours. Your heart skipped a beat.

“It’s Kai.”

Your heart said yes but your head said no.


Hi! It's me again matsudairatori! \(^o^)/

I'm back with new story, the main project I've talked about on the first story I posted (click here to read).

I knooow, it's almost a year since the first time I posted my first story, I was so busy with studying and scholarship stuffs I barely had time to work on it. :(

It's actually (still) hasn't finished yet, but I think I'm just gonna post it so I'd be more enthusiastic in finishing the story. XP

Hope you guys enjoy it!


PS: I'd love to hear some constructive comments from you guys so I'd know in what parts I should improve myself. ^^

Kamsahamnida for reading this. :D


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