Not fictitious.

I hate to say I told you so
What is the best type of partner in a relationship ? Someone who was always there for you ? Someone who would make you smile and laugh, play with you daily ? Someone who would make your whole world just shine ?
That's what Jongin's boyfriend was to him. Too bad no one believed he even had a boyfriend. He wasn't lying by all means really. He truly did have a boyfriend. Just no one saw him. 
How did this all start you ask ? Well if you go back about two weeks or so there was the one of the school typical fundraiser events and this years was just like last years. A dance. Now Jongin only went to the dance last year because Sehun practically begged him and they ended up dancing the whole night tiring themselves out by 10 and in bed by 11. Poor babies.
Though that's not what caused this so called "issue". What did was Minhyu going up to Jongin in the middle of lunch and publicly asking him to the dance. Her plan was if not her beauty to get him to agree then the peer pressure would make him say yes. But nothing ever works out anyone's way.


"Sorry Minhyu-sshi but I'm gay." 
Oh yeah this was also the day Jongin came out publicly without a care in the world.
"What ?!." The girl mentally cried shocked. Since when was Kim Jongin, THE Kim Jongin gay. But she couldn't let this ruin her plans.
"That doesn't mean you can't take me." She said with a smirk.
"Well you see I already have a boyfriend and he wouldn't be so happy with me if I took you to the dance."
"Boyfriend ? What boyfriend ? I never saw you with any boy like that. Maybe Sehun but no."
You could faintly here Sehun make a disgusted noise in the background.
"It's not Sehun. He's like my brother. But I do have one. He's just not here." Jongin said taking a sip of his milk.
"Where is he ?" Minhyu asked her hand on her hip.
"Why do you care ?"
"Because if you wanted to reject me you could have just said no." She said.
"I did say no. I even gave you a reason as to why I said no. But you're still here." Jongin snapped getting annoyed. 
"Your reason doesn't make since !" Minhyu voice was getting higher and higher each word.
"You don't make since. Get out of my face."
Minhyu eyes started to water but Jongin just blinked.
"Shoo." And with that said Minhyu went running out the cafeteria crying. Leaving everyone with the gossip of the newly came out boy rejecting one of the popular girls in their school. 
Word spread quick about it and Jongin was sure it would be in the schools news paper by tomorrow. Though he didn't have tomorrow because soon as he opened his door his friends bombarded him with questions.
"I knew you were gay ! Why didn't you tell us ?" Chanyeol shouted.
"Pay up es." Kris said from his seat on the couch.
"Are you sure you wanted to come out like that Kai ?" Joonmyeon asked.
"What the ?"
Everyone paused to look at Sehun who was on his laptop.
"Sorry weird side of YouTube. This girl is a real mermaid." The maknae said.
"Mermaid are pretty. Pretty hair, pretty shells, pretty voices. Myeonie is pretty." Yixing giggled in his barely awake state on Joonmyeon's lap.
"Anyways welcome to the club." Joonmyeon said with a grin.
"Why are you all in my room." Was the first thing Jongin said.
"Your mom let us in. She even gave us cookies see !" Chanyeol held up a brown and white checkered cookie before talking a bite.
"These are beautiful." He said wiping a tear away.
"You're an idiot. Go home guys we have school tomorrow." Jongin said taking off his school shirt leaving him to have only his under shirt.
"Why so you can talk to your "boyfriend" ?" Kris mocked and if looks could kill ...Jongin would probably be dead because Kris is one scary looking mother er.
"I would but it's very late over where he is at." 
"Pfft. If you were gonna like at least make it believable. Like you even went as far as to make Minhyu cry." Sehun said.
"That was funny to be honest." Tao said.
"But I'm not lying. It's probably 4 am in America right now." Jongin said looking at his clock.
"Oh so your boyfriends American ?" Sehun grinned. Jongin didn't trust that grin.
"Does he whisper naughty things to you in English at night ?" Chanyeol asked grinning too.
"Shut up you're just jealous. When's the last one anyone whispered anything to you at night ? Oh wait never." Jongin smiled as Chanyeol's grin was wiped off his face. The tall boy grumbled and stuffed another cookie into his mouth.
"Don't worry Chanyeol. Kai's boyfriend isn't even real. So you have nothing to worry about." Kris said turning his attention towards the tv. A documentary about sea turtles was on and he was highly intrigued.
"He is too real !" Jongin anger grew the more they would mess with him.
"Then prove it." Sehun said.
"Prove it how ?" Jongin asked and Sehun wondered why was he best friends with a world class dumb .
"Picture, text, phone call. Anything."
"Most likely something visual though. You know the saying." Chanyeol said.
"Pics or it didn't happen. Hihi." Yixing was pulled into a fit of laughter and Joonmyeon began patting his back softly lulling him back to sleep. Yixing was a little loopy when he was tired. It was both endearing and annoying at the same time.
"I can't." Jongin mumbled.
"What was that? I didn't hear you." Sehun  cupped his ear mockingly.
"I said I can't." Jongin said a bit louder.
"And why not ? Is it because he don't re-"
"He is real !" Jongin cut him off. "He just has privacy polices."
"Wow." Was all Chanyeol said.
"Such a liar." Sehun hummed.
"Get out of my room !"
It was not Jongin's week for the rest of the week. People would pick on him. Call him childish names though he wouldn't let them get to him because seriously. They were all old enough to keep their mouths shut so they should. 
Though no one dared to touch him for he was still THE Kim Jongin and people still loved. He was valuable in a sense. Though Jongin didn't need their protection. He was swift and agile. He was strong and sturdy. Those are some of the many aspects that Jongin is wonderful for. That pulls people towards him.
"Hey wake up loser." A harsh poke to his temple made Jongin open his closed eyes with a groan.
"Leave me alone." Jongin shoved his blanket back over his head and sighed in content at its warmth.
"If you don't get up you'll miss the bus and then you'll have to take that hour walk to school." Sehun's ever so annoying voice said. How he wanted to choke Sehun till he couldn't talk at that moment.
"I don't even need to be at school. There's nothing for me there." Jongin whined.
"I'm pretty sure your imaginary boyfriend wouldn't want you if you were dumb. Actually that is probably why he isn't here right now." 
At that Jongin jumped up and harshly tugged at Sehun's collar.
"Don't ever talk about us like that. You know nothing." The elder growled and Sehun smirked.
"Cute. Now get off me puppy. You have 30 minuets." Sehun said. Jongin shoved him into a wall on his way towards his bathroom.
"What's up with him ?" Chanyeol asked looking at his dongsaeng who you could practically see the sad floppy dog ears.
"Maybe he finally came to realization that he's single." A groan could be heard at Kris's remark.
"Aww it's okay Jonginnie. Lay-mama believes you." Yixing then squeezed Jongin towards his chest and the younger sighed again leaning into his hyung.
"Yah what are you doing to my boyfriend ?!" Joonmyeon asked as he entered the classroom, dropping his bag in his seat and stalking over to his group of friends.
"Don't worry Myeonie he just needs some comforting." Yixing said and on cue Jongin whined.
"He sounds like a dying whale." Tao said looking at Jongin weirdly.
"No dying whales sound much deeper. I would know. I saw a documentary." Kris explained.
"Shut the up." A kid from the front of the room whispered harshly.
"You can shut the up on this ! Turn around." Sehun said and the guy just glared at him before turning around grumbling.
"Anyways Jongloser. Mind telling us what's up ?" Sehun said turning his attention back to this friend.
"And why you're so snug with my wife." Joonmyeon asked.
"Hey I'm not the in this relationship." Yixing said.
"You don't even know what that means." Kris said judging the younger.
"Who taught you that ?" Joonmyeon asked.
"Sehun-ah. He teaches me all the nice Korean slang." Yixing smiled his dimple prominent and eyes going up into crescents.
"Of ing course." Tao said.
"Why is it a bad word ? Sehunnie said it meant one with less control." Yixing said.
"That is true." Kris mumbled from the side. Chanyeol nodded.
"No sweetie it means.. Like a dog." Joonmyeon tried to explain.
"Ohh what kind ? I never heard of a puppy before."
And Sehun was in tears at that. 
"Kris-hyung explain to him." Joonmyeon asked.
"What ?" Kris said looking up from his book. The pages filled with bright and colorful fish.
"I-" Joonmyeon couldn't even finish.
"Did you know that-" neither could Kris.
"Shut up. Do you guys even know what you are talking about ? You all sound like a bunch of es."
" who the do you think you're talking to. Don't hold me back Tao-hyung.  Don't hold me back." Sehun tried struggling out of the taller's grasp so he could up.
"Sehun sit down." Joonmyeon said hitting the maknae on the back of his head.
Yixing chuckled because his friends was funny though he could only comprehend 15 out of 25 words.
Once they settled down all their attention went back to Jongin.
"As we were saying. Kai. What the is up ?" Sehun asked.
"Your mouth is filthy you know." Jongin said.
"I could fill it other stuff."
"Sehun !"
Chanyeol was probably glad he put his headphones on because by the way Jongin's face looks Sehun either said something insulting or highly disgusting.
"But I'm just a bit sad. My boyfriend hasn't texted me in three weeks and I feel like something bad has happened." Jongin explained.
"So you're all over my boyfriend thanks to your imaginary feelings ?!" Joonmyeon snapped.
"No. Xingie-hyung kind of reminds me of my boyfriend." 
"What ?!" Joonmyeon was turning red.
"You are so not helping yourself." Tao said.
"No I meant like they're both caring and comforting and it's really sweet and endearing." Jongin tried to explain.
"Aww Jonggiee. I'm glad you think that way about me." Yixing pulled the younger into another face to chest hug. Jongin quickly backed out of it though feeling the laser ray death glare Joonmyeon was giving him.
"Yo be chill hyung. Jongin obviously don't want no Xing if he obviously getting that imaginary ."
Oh yes. Jongin would seriously choke Sehun. Maybe till he stopped breathing.
"I have a surprise for you."
The mood changes Jongin was having lately had to be because he was bipolar. There is no other choice. Well in Sehun's mind their wasn't.
"Why the are you so suddenly happy ?" The younger asked between the two after they just got done taking the hardest math test in the damn world.
"He texted me back?" Jongin said with a smile.
"Who ?" 
"My boyfriend."
"Not this again. Come on Jongie."
"But I'm serious." Jongin said the smile turning into a slight frown.
"Yeah yeah sure. Talk to me when you're out of lala land."
Jongin wanted to lala land Sehun up the . But sadly they were in the middle of class.
"What kind of surprise ?"
"You'll know when it comes."
"Are you sure you don't want to go to the dance ?" Tao asked. Because he had a whole extra seventeen suits in his closet that Jongin could borrow.
"Yeah Taozi. I don't want to feel guilty." Jongin said giving his hyung a smile.
"Guilt over what ?"
"This ." Sehun answered which Joonmyeon threw his socks at him.
"My boyfriend."
"Oh god not this . No one likes these types of excuses. Especially when they are lies." Kris said.
"But he's really hyung ! He has the most beautiful eyes and the voice of an angel."
"I believe you. Just like my boyfriend with doe eyes and the iest body to exist." Said Sehun.
"But you don't have a boyfriend." Kai said.
The rest of the boys started laughing minus Yixing with his pitiful look and Chanyeol because he was single as well and had zero room to talk. Though he did in his head.
"You guys are going to regret if you ever meet my boyfriend." Jongin said pouting a bit.
"Key word if." Tao whispered.
"Get out of my house ! Why are you guys always in my house ?!" Jongin said.
"Your internet connection is amazing." Sehun said.
"And you have great cable like wow I can watch the documentary about killer whales and rediscovering glow fish at the same time." Kris said voice full of fascination
"Your hyung is just gorgeous" Yixing said. All eyes looked at him and Joonmyeon had a hurt expression on his face. 
"What have you guys seen his older brother. My goodness if I wasn't in a happily committed relationship id be all over that." Yixing said shamelessly. 
"We are leaving now." Joonmyeon said tugging the younger male with him.
"He's right though." Chanyeol said.
"True your hyung has such nice thighs. And ." Tao said
"Punishment tonight." was Kris's reply to that.
"Got dammit Kris no one wants to hear about you and Tao's life you   voyeuristic bastard." Sehun said earning him a pillow to the face.
Jongin groaned.  His hyungs (and annoying Sehun) were so embarrassing.
"Jongin-ah wake up."
Jongin groaned in his sleep.
"Jongin it's time to get up."
"But I don't ... I don't like... jellyfish Kris-hyung..."
Jongin woke up with a jump and almost fell off is bed.
"Hyung ! Leave me alone." Jongin said burning his face back into his sheets.
"Come on get dressed, breakfast is ready."
The sound of his door shutting made Jongin sigh for his lack of sleep that night. His head then popped back up in confusion. His hyung never made breakfast.
After going to the bathroom and what only he would call brushing his teeth, Jongin slipped downstairs with a yawn.
"Hyung you know you're not allowed in the kitchen. Who told you you could cook ?" Jongin asked eyes closed as he rubbed them tiredly.
"But Jonginnie. You always love my cooking."
That voice was not his hyungs voice. Well it was his hyungs voice but it wasn't his hyung as in older legit came from the same hyung. Opening his eyes he practically flew across the kitchen. 
"Kyungsoo ! You're here !" Jongin said. All that tiredness gone from his system as he swept the smaller boy into his arms and kissing all over his face.
"Jongin let me go." Kyungsoo laughed but Jongin just help him tighter. "No seriously Jongin I can't breathe."
The gasping serious voice got Jongin out of his trace and he let the older go.
"Sorry. It's just your so cute I couldn't resist." Jongin said taking in the sight of his boyfriend wearing their cute green and white apron and his bangs tied up in an apple style with a small hair tie.
"Me cute ? Look at you, so adorable when you're a sleepy puppy. But so y with no shirt on." The pinch at his cheeks made Jongin blush.
"No time. Eat so we can head to school."
"Ne." Jongin didn't complain because Kyungsoo's food is amazing. He quickly got dressed, gave his hyung a hug and began putting on his shoes."
"Are you sure it's okay if you take the bus I mean you're-"
"We aren't taking the bus. Hyung is old enough to have a car." Kyungsoo said pulling out his keys.
"Is that a keychain picture of us when we went to Singapore and you forced me to wear that god awful doggie onsie ?"
"Hyung !"
Kyungsoo just laughed and ran towards the car. As soon as they closed the doors two heads popped up from the back.
"Surprise !"
Jongin almost had an aneurysm for he just woke up about half an hour go and he wasn't ready for that.
"Baekhyun-hyung ? Luhan-hyung ? You're here as well ?" Jongin asked and the two nodded with smiles.
"Of course Jongin-ah !" Baekhyun said.
"We are a trio of course." Luhan said and the both of them placed kisses on each side of Jongin's cheeks which Jongin quickly wiped off in disgust.
"Okay lets go." Kyungsoo said starting the car.
"Yes ! Onward to which you call high school !" Luhan said all bubbly.
The drive went mostly smoothly until Luhan began messing with Kyungsoo.
"Yah ! Don't distract the driver !" Baekhyun said. "He might crash."
"Pfft. I would never-" Kyungsoo wasn't able to finish his sentence because a hard thump hit the window sheild and they all scream. 
"What the hell is that ?!" Luhan cried.
"Oh my god it's a cat. Get it off get it off." Jongin said shivering. He hated cats.
"I'm trying I'm trying !" Kyungsoo shouted back pressing the on button for the windshield wipers. The cat meowed angry as the wiper smack him across the face and began to scratch at the window.
"We're gonna die." Baekhyun cried tears streaming down his face.
Kyungsoo finally seemed to have gotten the cat off as the car swerved.
"Oh thank god." Jongin said holding his breath. But he spoke to soon as a loud truck horn rung throughout the road. It was headed straight for them. 
"AHHHHH !" they all screamed and Kyungsoo quickly turned the steering wheel and put them back on the right side of the road. They all took a moment to calm themselves before the burst into laughter.
"Oh my god I thought I was gonna die." Baekhyun said holding his hand over his chest.
"I saw my life. You are never driving again Kyungsoo." Luhan said. They all agreed minus Kyungsoo who still believed that he was an exceptionally good driver.
They reached school smoothly and Jongin was a bit upset to be parting from his hyung so soon and Kyungsoo couldn't help but pinch the younger's cheek.
"Aigoo. Smile for me please Jonginnie." Jongin lips twitched up at that cute plea. "I'll see you soon okay ? But right now the hyung's and I need to go get our schedules." Kyungsoo smiled softly.
"Ne Soo. Three hours is nothing compared to the months I haven't seen you." Jongin said making Kyungsoo squeal and because his boyfriend was adorable and he needed to hug him. Which he did soon after squealing like a girl. Jongin pulled back slightly to lift his chin up and place a kiss on his lips.
"Aww. How disgusting." Baekhyun said and Luhan was in a fit of giggles again.
"I hope you get lost in this school and no one finds you." Jongin said when he pulled away.
"Hurtful." Baekhyun frowned.
"Bye Hyungs ! I'll see you later !" Jongin said walking down the hall toward his classroom.
"Bye Jonginnie !" all three of them said waving.
"What is this I hear about you kissing someone in front of the main office ?" Sehun asked.
"Well-" Jongin began but Chanyeol interrupted him.
"Oh my god haven't you heard ! Three Delights are going to our school !" he cried shoving his phone into the others faces with pictures of the group in their airport.
"I know !! I saw one of them in the hallway earlier. He was so cute !" Joonmyeon said with a grin.
"Who did you see ?" Chanyeol asked.
"Kyungsoo-ssi !" Joonmyeon said and Chanyeol couldn't help but to be jealous.
"He is the cutest one ! Oh my god. I hate you." Tao said joining in on the madness.
"Can you two shut up I'm trying to interrogate Jongin here." Sehun said.
"Oh right." Chanyeol said putting his phone away. All eyes went to Jongin.
"Well you see-"
"Oh my god it's them !" A scream was heard and all eyes shifted towards the classroom door as Three Delights strunted in their classroom with their professionally tailored uniforms and top of the line book bags and other accessories. Everyone watched as they headed towards Jongin's little clique and many couldn't help but be jealous.
"Annyeonghasyeo !" they greeted, bowing simultaneously.
"Jongin-ah ! Have you missed hyung ? I missed you. High school is so weird." Kyungsoo said wrapping his arms around his boyfriends midsection with a pout.
"It's true. I don't understand why we have so many subjects." Baekhyun said a bit annoyed joining in on the hug.. He honestly didn't need high school when his career was already set out.
"It hurts my brain." Luhan said with a pout as well.
"Introduce us to your friends." Kyungsoo said pulling away a bit.
"Hyungs. Sehun." Sehun glared at him. " This Kyungsoo my boyfriend and my friends Luhan and Baekhyun-hyung."
All the boys were frozen minus Sehun who choked and snorted up his chocolate milk.
"B-boyfriend ?" Joonmyeon squeaked.
"YOU KNOW THREE DELIGHTS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US ?!!" Chanyeol shouted with tears coming down his face.
"Wait wait wait go back. You have a boyfriend ??" Sehun said after composing himself.
"Yes. I've been telling you guys that for like a month now." Jongin reminded.
"And you guys didn't believe him ?" Kyungsoo asked wide eyes.
"No who would." Chanyeol said making Kris snort.
"Oh Jonginnie. I made you lunch when you were sleeping so peacefully. I know how much you hate veggies so I left most of them out." Kyungsoo said reaching into his bag and pulling out a bento. Jongin gratefully took it and opened it and he couldn't help but smile a bit. It was really adorable.
"Do you like it ?" Kyungsoo asked. "It's okay if you don't. I-I'll make you something better." Kyungsoo sputtered and those plump lips forming an adorable frown.
" me."Joonmyeon said and all eyes turned to him. "I-I mean I'm Kim Joonmyeon. Student body president. 17 and three quarters old."
Kyungsoo giggle. "Nice to meet you Joonmyeon..hyung ? May I call you hyung ?" he asked.
"You can call me whatever you want." Joonmyeon winked and Kyungsoo laughed at that again but blushed when Joonmyeon called him cute. Though he couldn't say any more because Yixing decided to smack him upside the head.
"You idiot. How dare you shamelessly flirt in front of me like I'm not your boyfriend. Bastard I ought to make you sleep on the couch for two weeks. Stupid, idiot no good for nothing..." Yixing's voice trailed off as Joonmyeon put him over his shoulder and walked out the classroom.
"Are they going to be alright ?" Luhan asked.
"Yeah. They're just going to in the student president office. No big deal." Sehun said brushing them off. Luhan looked at him and smiled before saying something in Mandarin making Tao and Kris laugh and snort.
Sehun frowned wondering what the other said.
"HI I'm Park Chanyeol. You're very pretty. We should do a duet." Chanyeol said straightforwardly.
"Who do you think I-..."Baekhyun paused as he took in the sight of Chanyeol towering over him. "I-I mean alright." Baekhyun squeaked before hiding behind Luhan.
"Anyways back to Three Delights. How do you know Jongin ?" Sehun asked.
"We've known each other for years." Kyungsoo said.
"And you didn't tell us ?" Chanyeol asked.
"I couldn't. Their contract forbid it. But it's been lifted." Jongin said/
"Yeah back when Jongin was all chubby and cried about everything." Baekhyun said.
"Ha. He sounded charming." Tao said.
"Aww you're really cute. I thought you were going to kill me but now that you've talked you're so cute." Baekhyun said pinching Tao's cheeks. Chanyeol heart ached at his bias touching someone other then him.
"I'll have you know he's very y." Kris said coming up from behind Tao. He had just got finish watching "The Ocean, Unknown." and needed to stretch.
"Wow you're even taller then him." Baekhyun looked up at Kris wide eyed.
"He has a height ." Luhan giggled and Sehun smiled because he was cute.
"Well then he's going to love us." the maknae grumbled as Tao let Baekhyun climb on his back and the smaller giggled happily.
"Come on gege let's show Baek-ge around school. We could stop at the store at buy you those fish candies that you like." Tao suggested and Kris was up in seconds with his wallet.
"Wait do you know what this means ?" Sehun asked as something clicked in his head.
"What ?" They all asked.
"Luhan is my dream guy. Why didn't I noticed this before ?" Sehun said.
"W-what ?" Luhan cried flushing red.
"You're perfect. Come with me. I have to woo you." and with that Sehun grabbed a burning bright Luhan and they left the class room.
"I can't ! Baekhyun is my dream guy. I He can't be into Tao and Kris-hyung sick fantasies." Chanyeol cried running to find Baekhyun.
"And then there was two." Jongin whispered as he took the last bit of his food. It was delicious of course though Kyungsoo forced him to eat the veggies. Saying it was rude to waste food. The class and other wondering eyes had left long ago and it was quiet between them.
"It's always us two." Kyungsoo said chuckling when Jongin pulled him down to his lap.
"All I need is you." Jongin whispered. Kyungsoo flushed.
"You must have been lonely a lot Jonginnie. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." Kyungsoo said wrapping his arms around the taller's neck.
"I'd wait an eternity for you." Jongin whispered as he leaned in closer. Kyungsoo flushed before leaning in the rest of the way and made their lips touched. The kiss went from soft and sweet to lip biting, tongue goodness that made Kyungsoo's toes curl. All that was building up from their months apart was starting to come crashing down on them. Jongin kissed Kyungsoo harder. Pulling the older closer to him. His hands gripped tightly on Kyungsoo's waist and Kyungsoo moaned because oh that felt good.
They needed a room quick. Because Jongin was going to do terrible terrible things to Kyungsoo and the older was going to love it.

AN- Konnichiwa. I updated this fast no ? Hm PLEASE COMMENT RATE AND SUBSCRIBE !! I'd love to hear what you guys thought about this. Until then.

Ja Ne~

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Lilianlimi #1
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaawwwwwww so cuteeeeeee XDDDD
Blue82 #2
Chapter 1: I'm re-reading so many of your stories tonight. *sigh* I really enjoyed this.
Blue82 #3
bloomemerald #4
Chapter 1: lol kris giving tao a punishment
isn't it usaully him giving tao reward's like 'ramen'^^
hugs you if you got what i mean:)
Hishana #5
Chapter 1: Sehun, don't swear. Baby fetuses never swear. >_<
T-araFans #6
Chapter 1: Hahaha....Poor Jongin because no one believe him...
Nice story...
Good Job Author...
morninghamstergyu #7
Chapter 1: pweashhhhhhhhhh make a sequel i would die for that because baekyeol
Chapter 1: AHHHH This is so cute! I was imagining the others faces when Kai told them Kyungsoo is his bf!