
When Kris discovers a Secret

“TAO!! YOUR MONSTER IS STINKING UP THE PLACE!” Sehun’s voice came from the living room. “WHAT DID YOU CALL MY SON, YOU LITTLE ?” Tao heard his husband’s voice filter through the bathroom door. He couldn’t help but chuckle after hearing what he said to Sehun though. Sehun was even brattier ever since he gave birth to his son, Ming Yue (to make it easy on the Korean members they just called him Min). He thinks it’s because the maknae is jealous of all the attention the baby gets. Sighing, he finished washing his hands and opened the door, making his way back to his little family. “Oh Sehun if you think my son stinks so much then why don’t you change his diaper?” Tao rolled his eyes before checking Min’s diaper to make sure the maknae just isn’t being a drama queen like always. Whew he really does stink. “Kris can you-“ “I got it babe you go ahead and make him his bottle” Tao grinned widely at the handsome leader. “Thank you Duizhang!” Kris visibly shivered at his nickname as he made his way with Ming Yue to the changing table in the baby room. “I don’t think I can ever call him Duizhang again without being grossed out, so thank you for that Taozi.” Luhan grimaced from his seat on the floor. “Oh? Why’s that?” Baekhyun asked. If Baekhyun had a tail, it would be wagging. Tao rolled his eyes and continued on to the kitchen to make his baby his bottle. “You guys are lucky your rooms are on the other side of the dorm. I can’t sleep sometimes with how loud Tao moans.” “I do not make that much noise Luhan!” Tao felt his cheeks heat up. “Do too!” all of the M members chorused. “Well stop being so nosey and listening to us have !” The panda knew it didn’t quite make sense, but he wasn’t going to admit fault. Chanyeol chuckled “So you guys have the Taoris couple, we have the Kaisoo couple. You guys may look at Kyunggie here and think he’s an innocent little thing but no. That guy is a little er. We’ve heard him begging for Jongin’s co-“ “Enough!” Kyungsoo’s hand shot out to cover Chanyeol’s mouth before he could finish his sentence. Aint nobody got time for that.

“Tao, I think you put his diaper on wrong.” Luhan was watching Tao change Ming Yue’s diaper on the floor of the living room while the other members were out doing their own thing, later that day. “I’m sure that’s how it goes Luhan; I know what I’m doing.” Tao sighs as he finishes up on his son. “No, I don’t think you do.” Tao snaps his head up at Luhan “And why not?” Luhan points to the baby still on the floor “Because then he wouldn’t be leaking.” “Leaking?” Tao asks as he looks down to see that sure enough, his son was leaking out of his diaper and onto the changing pad beneath him. Tao groaned. “Ming Yue I just changed you” Tao mutters in Chinese to the little one as the latter just smiles and plays with his feet. Tao hears Luhan mutter “Told you so.” “You still seem brave after Tao went wushu on your there Lulu.” Kris’s voice startled both men. “How long were you standing there?” Tao smiles brightly at his lover. “Long enough.” Kris makes his way over to the couch next to Luhan and sits down. Luhan scrunches his nose at the leader. “My is still sore, thank you very much.” Kris smirks a little before answering. “That doesn’t stop you from ing up the maknae now does it?” Luhan gasps loudly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kris shakes his head. “Sure you don’t…..daddy.” Luhan’s eyes go wider than D.O’s and freezes. “You. Did. Not.” Kris smirks in victory. “Did to.” Tao tilts his head sideways. “Why did you call Luhan hyung daddy?” Right before Kris or Luhan can say anything they hear another loud gasp from the direction of the front door. They turn their heads to find Sehun and Kai standing in the doorway to the apartment. Sehun looks like he just got caught by his mother with his hand in the cookie jar when he was told not to even step foot in the kitchen. “Hyung, you didn’t.” Sehun looks like he’s traumatized at this point. Kris lets out a laugh. “You’re not that quiet Sehunnie. I heard you when I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. And I’m on the opposite end of the dorms, remember?” Kai peeks his head around Sehun and blinks at the older. “Two things. One, I never heard Sehun . And two, Did you just say ‘daddy’?” Sehun’s hand shoots out from his side to smack his best friend on the back of his head. “Shut up Jongin.” Jongin pouts as he rubs the pain away from his head. “I didn’t say anything! Kris hyung did!” From his spot on the floor, a light bulb goes up in Tao’s head. “Ahh I get it now! Luhan and Sehun fu-“ Tao looked down to the baby on the floor in front of him, staring at his momma. “Did the deed, and Sehun was calling Luhan ‘daddy’ is that right?” Tao’s face looked like it would split in half with how hard he was grinning at this new information. “I wonder how Baekhyun would take this news Lu gege” Tao winked at said male. Everyone knew that Baekhyun was the biggest gossip in the group. If you want something to be spread amongst the members in record speed, Byun Baekhyun was your man to do it. He was also the member that would never let anything get passed him and would tease you about things that happened years ago, just to embarrass you. He was as much of a troll as Chen, but at least Chen knew limits. Sometimes. Occasionally. Maybe. Okay no, they’re both the devil’s spawn. Tao momentarily felt bad for their lovers. Luhan looked like he was going to cry or scream. Whichever came first. “Karma’s a , isn’t it?” Kris smiles from his spot. By this time, the maknae’s had made their way into the living room and Sehun was sitting almost on top of Luhan while Kai made himself comfortable next to Ming Yue and helped Tao put a fresh diaper on him the correct way. “Hyung, isn’t that too much though? Luhan only slipped up by telling everyone you’re pregnant, which wouldn’t have been a secret that long, and you already went kung fu panda on him Tao! His is still sore and that effects me too you know!” Sehun huffed out as he cuddled his lover closer to him to make sure he calmed down. Tao chuckled a little before glancing at Kris. “Just this once Lu ge. Just this once.” 

“Aigoo, you’re already such a big boy Min! Or should I call you a man now?” the baby giggled at the man who was holding him. “Are you sure you’re Kris and Tao’s son? You are too adorable to be theirs. I should keep you to myself. I am your favorite uncle after all, right?” Ming Yue started up into a laughing fit, his tiny hands into the man’s shirt. “Whaa too cute!” the man holding him lifted him up in order to nuzzle his nose on his little face.  The man was too distracted to hear the beep of a phone, signaling someone just stopped a recording. Footsteps approached and baby Min spotted the culprit first, reaching his tiny arms out to him. “Oh Chanyeol, you startled me.” Chanyeol flashes his teeth rich smile at the shorter boy as he takes the baby from his grasp. “Sorry Baek. You were just too cute talking to him that I didn’t want you to see me and stop. Plus I now have a great video to watch when I’m bored.” The giant winked at his boyfriend, who blushed. “We should have our own kids though. I don’t think Tao or Kris would appreciate you stealing their baby boy.” Baekhyun’s face flushed in embarrassment. “I wasn’t serious…” Chanyeol laughs his hearty laugh, making it echo in the living room. “Sure you weren’t babe.” Right as Baekhyun opened his mouth to speak, Luhan walked into the room from the hallway. “Guys, have you seen my favorite beanie? I was going to wear it out today but I can’t find it anywhere.” Luhan was distractedly looking around the room to see if he could spot it. “It’s on top of your shoes from yesterday. You left it on the floor, so Suho umma put it there for you to find later.” Luhan sighed in relief. “Thanks Baek!” Baekhyun smirked. “You’re welcome. Daddy.” Luhan froze. “KRIS!” 

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Chapter 1: LmaoXD did'it sehun its preggy?
Chapter 1: lmao XDDDDD dorks all of them. Hahaha well done!
nyongtorylove625 #3
Chapter 1: Wait... I'm really confused though.. is Sehun the one pregnant or LuHan????0_o
Chapter 1: I can't stop laughing!
The ending was hilarious! XD
chexkana #5
Chapter 1: XD I can imagine Sehun saying "Who's your daddy?" now.

AUTHOR~ I want more of this!!!
CrazyTine #6
Chapter 1: Wait... Sehun's the one pregnant? Or Luhan?
TikTok09 #7
Chapter 1: make more please...
update soon, can't wait for first chappie! I bet it's interesting same as 'When Tao discovers Skype'...update ya?? ^^