Troubled Heart

“What’s going to happen tonight?” you asked as you stepped out of your room fresh and clean from the shower.

Hyun Seung’s door was open, “Training.”

“Where?” You went to his room and saw him lying down on his bead reading.

“Under MBLAQ’s beach house.” He closed the book and looked at you, “it’s exactly like ours but way bigger.”

You smiled, excited, “Awesome.”

You ran to the kitchen and prepared dinner. After dinner you and B2ST went up to your rooms to prepare. You dressed into black skinny jeans and a white long sleeved polo. You left the buttons ed to show your black tank top hugging your perfect body. You rolled up your sleeves and tied your hair back. You were your favorite training shoes and the amulet the Eli gave you on your birthday.

You kissed it, ‘I won’t fail you oppa. I’ll stay hidden for those who died for me.’

There was a knock on your door, you turned around and saw Gi Kwang.

“Hey oppa.” You smiled at him and got your contacts.
“You look good.” Gi Kwang sat on your bed.

You were finished wearing your contacts and you looked at him. He was wearing the exact same clothes you were wearing, except for the amulet and shoes.
“Copy cat.” You smiled.

He smiled, “I thought of it first.”

“No.” You threw a pillow it him, it landed on his face, “I planned this since I came here.”

“Well I’m okay with wearing the same clothes.” He said as he threw the pillow to you.

You caught it and smiled, “So am I.”

“Everyone ready?” Hyun Seung popped his head in the room and did a double take from you to Gi Kwang, “Whats with the matching outfit.”

You smiled, “Oppa copied me.”

Gi Kwang shook his head, “Nah. Just a coincidence.”

Hyun Seung forced a smile, feeling a bit jealous, “Come on let’s go.”

You went down the stairs and the others saw you and Gi Kwang’s clothes. They also felt a bit jealous but just shook the feeling off and head for the training room under MBLAQ’s house. You entered the room and everyone was there getting ready. You took your vest and belt then a hand landed on your shoulder. You looked up to see Joon.

“You’ll be the leader of your team.” He told you and handed you an earpiece.

“My team?” You took the earpiece.

“You, Dong Woon, Amber, Thunder and Key.” He walked away.

Somehow you didn’t like the idea of Key being in your team. You continued strapping the belt and vest around you.

“Alright!” Joon yelled, “Yo Seob, Mir and Min Ho in the info booth now!” the three followed, “The rest I want you to go to your team leaders now!”

Dong Woon, Amber, Thunder and Key walked to you.

“Hey.” You smiled at them.

They all smiled back, except Key.

“So give me your codenames.” You looked at them.

“Ambs.” Amber smiled.

“Sky.” Thunder smiled.

“Key.” Key said.

You arched a brow and looked away from him, “Tell me what the three of you can do.”

“Combat.” Amber smiled, proud.

“Disguise and hiding.” Thunder answered.

“Everything.” Key looked at you.

“Awesome.” You nodded.

“Alright so this is how it goes!” Joon yelled, “Anz’ team goes in first and tells us where the chip is.” He looked at you, “Before you go in someone has to disguise himself and follow the lead into a room and take information from him when in that room.”

You looked at Thunder.

“Sky once you got the info get out and tell everyone.” Joon ordered.

He nodded.

“Anz and Key you better go with him just incase something happens.” Joon looked at the two of you. You nodded and went to change. You came back wearing a y black jacket, your hair was down, and you wearing the y shades the Angelina Jolie used in Tomb Raider. You looked completely different.

You looked at Thunder and Key, they were ready.

You nodded at them and went in the room. You were in the same mall where you got your memory back. At the same time you knew this mission.

The three of you immediately separated and acted like you were shopping. You went in a Zara store and got a random dress then headed for the dressing room.
“Update me.” You said.
“Alright,” Yo Seob answered, “So Sky’s following the man to a place full of phones and electronics. Key is in the next store. Your position there is cool, because seems like the guy isn’t alone.”

You nodded, “How many are they?”

“A and a bastard.” Mir answered.

You smiled, “Key got the bastard and I got the ?”

“Kinda yeah.” Mir chuckled, “She’s headed for the bathroom.”

You got out the dressing room and gave the dress to the employee. You coolly strode to the bathroom, ready for some action. You entered the bathroom and it was empty. You walked to the sink and washed your hands. You walked to the door, opened it then closed it. You silently locked it. You silently tiptoed and looked under all the cubicles. There was a pair of boots moving and scattered gadgets everywhere. You smirked and silently went to the cubicle beside it.

“There are only two of them.” The girl said, informing the other guys.

“Yes I’m sure.” She sounded pissed.

You silently climbed on top of the toilet; she was facing the cubicle’s door typing away on her laptop. You reached for mascara and opened it. You blew the dart and it punctured her neck. She fell asleep at once. You jumped over the wall and quickly messed around with her laptop. The chip was in the third floor. You smiled, ‘Bingo.’ And went out the door. You left the bathroom and started walking. You passed by Key and he looked at you. You smirked and looked away.

You took out your phone, “Got it. Tech, its in the third floor. But I feel it’s well hidden.”

“Got it.” Yo Seob said through the earpiece, “Ambs and the others are coming. Stand guard of the girl.”

You smiled and put the phone in your pocket.

You were walking around when you herd chaos from behind; you looked at the back and saw a lot of people crowding near the bathroom. You smirked and took out your shades. You looked at the reflection of the store opposite of the bathroom and saw the girl you took out looking pissed and hell. You smirked and went in an elevator. You got in and saw Ambs. She arched a brow and looked away. There were other people in the elevator and you couldn’t tell Amber the update. The elevator’s door opened and all the people left except you and Amber.
“Chaos in the girls restroom.” You smirked.

Amber chuckled, “Awesome.”

“Anz, Amber!” Min Ho said through the earpiece, “Thunder needs help. Key’s on his way too. And Anz, watch your back.” The both of you nodded and got out the next floor. You walked with Amber and suddenly Key was at your side. You didn’t look at him but followed him to a corner. There was a door and you herd muffled screams. You pushed Amber to the door and she went in to help Thunder. You guard the door with Key.
“Why didn’t you kill her?” Key asked.

You put your shades back on, “I kill when needed. She was harmless anyway.”

“I don’t think so.” Key shook his head.

“Well we could have a little bit of fun right?” You smiled at him. He smiled and looked away. Suddenly you herd yells of people.
“Whats up?” You looked at Key.

“DJ started a fire to get the people out,” Mir said through the earpiece, “the chip was well guarded and the called for back up.”

You smiled and took out your gun, “Let’s have some fun.” You clicked your gun and bust open the door behind you.

You pointed the gun at the guy on the chair, “Pick I kill you know or let someone else torture you.”

He gave you a dirty look, “KILL ME NOW!”

You smirked and shot him on the head. Ambs and Sky looked at you, they weren’t expecting you to kill him.
You looked at them, “Get your guns. Let’s find some asses to kill.”

You walked out the door and Key followed you.

“Good job Anz,” Tech said through the earpiece, “you killed the mini boss. Now half our problem is almost done. I need your team to help out Joon’s in the ground floor.”

You smiled and went to the view in the middle. The mall was shaped like a circle and you saw Joon’s team in the middle. You saw banners hanging from the ceiling and smiled. You got on the railings.
“Are you crazy?” Dong Woon looked at you.

You smirked at him, “If I wasn’t then my plan would have failed.” And jumped of the railings. You reached for a banner and slid down to the chaos under you. You shot all the men from the top view until you landed perfectly on the ground. DJ met eyes with you and smiled. You smiled back and started kicking asses. Your other teammates came after a few minutes and soon everyone was down.

“Nice work guys now head for the third floor to the chip,” Yo Seob informed, “oh yeah and Anz watch out. The girl really wants you dead.”

You smiled and nodded. Everyone ran to the third floor and herd bullets everywhere. You shot every guy in black that came in eye contact.

“ANZ BEHIND YOU!” Min Ho yelled at the earpiece.

You turned around and hid behind a trash bin. Just in time that the girl’s bullet missed you.
“AISH YOU !” She yelled and looked for you. You smirked and saw a clear view of her behind all the people. You aimed the gun and shot, but you were out of bullets.

“.” You hissed and threw your gun at her. It hit her on her head and she fell on the ground. You herd chuckles from your earpiece and smiled. You punched some guys and pushed them over the railings. You looked for the girl and saw her trying to gain her focus. You ran to her and kicked her gun, “Looking for me?”
She looked at you, “YOU ! YOU RUINED MY SYSTEM!” she stood up and was about to punch you, but you were to fast and dodged every kick and punch she gave you. She soon got tired and you took that chance to torture her. You grabbed her wrist and twisted it to her back. She yelped in pain. You pushed her to a wall and kicked her on her chest. She started tasting blood on and spat it at you. You wiped the blood of your face and punched her hard on the face, causing her head to hit the wall hard. She was dead. You smirked and ran to her gun, you took it and started shooting at the others. Soon all the guys in black were dead and everyone was looking at everyone. Jong Hyun had a cut on his lip and so did Seung Ho. Joon had a cut on his shoulder and so did Luna. Krystal, Sulli and the other girl, Victoria, had bad marks on their faces. You and your team had nothing on your bodies. You smirked and looked at Joon, “Now what?”

“The bigger boss is waiting inside with the chip,” Joon spat blood, “we can’t get through the door.”

You smiled and motioned your team to follow you to the door. You took out your DS gadget and attached in to the knob and started typing. In less than three seconds the door was unlocked. You smirked and put it back in your belt.

“After you.” You looked at Joon and the others. They all just stared at you in awe. Joon’s team and DJ’s went in first. Your team was the last. The room was black with very few light sources. But your eyes were used to the limited light so you could see perfectly. You herd movement and looked to your left. There were moving things in a cage.

“What the?” you looked at it.

“Insectabytes,” Min Ho informed, “don’t touch it. Just keep moving.”

You nodded and everyone stopped.

“Alright,” Yo Seob said through the earpiece, “Joon takes the door on the left, Du Jun’s on the right and Anz yours is in the center.”

Everyone nodded and went to the respective doors. You looked at the doorknob and smirked. You took out your mirror device from your belt and placed it in front of the knob. The mirror then turned into a computer screen and scanned the knob. It scanned fingerprints from the big boss named Ji Lee. You smirked, “Found it.”

“Careful Anz.” Key went to your side, “there might be traps.”

You looked at him and used the mirror to scan the whole door. The screen showed the room behind the door and you saw lasers and a censored floor.

“There’s gonna a bit of dancing in this room.” You put the mirror back in your belt.
“Whose up for the fun?” You looked at your teammates.

Dong Woon and Key smiled and nodded.

“Cool,” You twisted the knob and the lights in the room . You got a bottle of spray and sprayed it in the room, revealing all the lasers that could kill you.

“Tech there’s a floor pattern,” You said as you scanned the room, “what is it?”

“Theres actually a floor time.” Yo Seob corrected, “You stay on a tile for more than two seconds your dead. Theres a box at the end of the room, shoot it and everything will turn off.”

You looked at Dong Woon and Key, “You guys still up for it?”

“I am.” Key stepped beside you, “let me do it.”

You looked at him and nodded. Key took a deep breath and jumped in the room. He flipped here and there while moving as fast as he could, avoiding the lasers. Finally he stood in front of the control box and shot it. The lasers went off and the floor went back to normal. You smiled and entered the room. Everyone followed you. There was a big door and behind that was the big boss.

You refilled your gun with bullets and clicked it. You opened the door and started shooting everyone in your way. The sudden shooting startled the guys. Amber kicked two men and so did Thunder. Seho shot five men down and so did Key. You looked for the chip and found it on the neck of a buff man must be the boss. You jumped to him and kicked him on the face.

“.” He hissed as he got up.

You were going to kick him but he caught your ankle and twisted it. You fell to the ground feeling pain.

“You .” He looked at you.

You shot him on the head and he went down. You limped to his body and took the chip from his neck.

“I got it.” You yelled and everyone looked at you.

“Look out!” Key pushed you to the side as a bullet flew passed you. You landed on the floor with him on top. You opened your eyes. His face was near yours. Dong Woon immediately pulled him off you and helped you up, “You okay?”

You nodded and limped to the door. Dong Woon shook his head and walked to you.

“Get on my back.” He said as he bent down.

“I’m fine I can walk.” You told him and started to walk.

“Look its either you do it the easy way or hard way,” Dong Woon stated, “either way I’ll still carry you.”

You sighed in defeat and rode on his back. You and your team and went out the room and head for the exit of the mall.

“Good job guys.” Yo Seob congratulated as you exit the training room.

You smirked and Dong Woon sat you down.

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 54: OMG this story is Daebak!!!
Omg. I read a story like this winglin, but the author stopped writing after the explosion. I love you for writing this!! I wanted to know what happened after so badly. Your story answered my prayers. THANK YOU!!! :) <3
pandawriter #3
nice story~!
shirlayyxb #5
OOOOOOH, this was amazing. I loved it. :)
Nice job.
@BearyChocolatey: omo, thankyou for commenting. I swear my eyes got teary at your comment. THANKYOUVERYKAMSA!
omo!!!i've read this long time ago,but i don't have an acc. back then so I can't subscribe. <br />
This kinds fics are worth reading, :)<br />
great job!!! <3
hehehe thanks :) this is my first story so i wanted to give it my all :)
SenyaG #9
wow just started this story and all I can say is that I'm pretty impressed.. You are the first writer I met here who would write such a long first chapter... ♥
haha yehey good job! Thanks for calling it awesome \m/