Chapter 2

Finding The Father Of My Son

Sorry for the long wait /hides from rotten tomatoes/

I've been pretty screw that, VERY busy will school work.
The teachers at my school really love giving me homework, from what I've been through.
Like seriously, half a book in just 2 months?

Anyway, like I said I am very very sorry for the 2 months+ wait,
I'm sure this chapter will be worth it.
(I hope)



1 Year Ago

???'s P.O.V.

I arrived at my apartment at 6.00 pm after giving my son a little visit. I hope his grandmother won't tell him that I was there. I unlocked the door to my apartment, went in and locked the door. I went to the kitchen and was greeted by a female Golden Retriever whom I named Sparky.

Before you ask why, I'll tell you. See, we-I mean him and I named her Sparky because some parts of her body were replaced with mechanical parts. Cool, right? The reason why she was like this because when she was younger, she was hit by a massive truck trying to save a little child on the road. That's just downright awesome. I bet some of you are being like 'aww, that's so cute I want that dog asdfghjkl'.

Anyway, while I was explaining to you stalkers-er, I mean readers about my precious little baby, she had already tackled me on the floor and started my face.

"Okay Sparky, calm down." I laughed, trying to get away from her 'attack'. Sparky finally got off me. Well, half an hour later. I got her to stay in front of the couch in the living room before I went to wash up.

After I showered and all, I walked into the living room whilst drying my hair with a towel. Sparky was curled up on the sofa while (what it looks like) watching the latest news.

"What's wrong, girl?" I asked, noticing the sad look in Sparky's eyes. She gave a whine in response as she watched the tv. I took a seat beside her and watched the news with her.

'A Mercedes had been involved in a horrible hit-and-run accident with a truck (A/N : I use trucks for every accident XD) at (insert some random road in Seoul here).'

They show a picture of the driver. Wait. He looks very familiar...

I felt my eyes widen with shock. It can't be him!

NO! Nononononononono...

I cursed under my breath as the reporter droned on about the accident.

'The driver had been sent to Seoul Hospital. Inspector Kangin says that the road will be closed for a couple of days due to investigation.'

I quickly stood up and put on a blue hoodie over my black shirt, heading towards the door. I bid Sparky goodbye while slipping on a pair of sneakers and opening the door. I quickly put on a pair of sunglasses after going out and turned around to lock the door before running off to the car park where my car was.


A Few Minutes Later

I rushed into the hospital and immediately went to the receptionist.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The kind lady asked me.

"Hello. May I know where the room of the newest patient that came in a few minutes ago?" I asked politely but hurriedly.

"You mean the drvier of the Mercedes? Level 2, Room 215. What is your relationship with the patient?" She asked.

"Husband." I quickly said before thanking her and running off towards the lift. I quickly pressed the number 2 and waited not-so-patiently for my floor.

The elevator music was soothing though.

Once the lift open, I ran out and quickly located the room.

I finally arrived at the room. It wasn't hard, really. Just find a little kid and a couple of ladies along with an elderly woman sitting at the chairs in front of the room. The elderly woman, my mother-in-law, was sitting on one of the chairs along with the little kid and a blonde lady. The other lady was pacing in front of the room but stopped when she saw me.

"I didn't think you'd still care for him." She said, arms crossed and glaring at me. The blondie put an arm on her shoulder while looking at me apologetically. The little kid, my son, ran to me and I picked him up, hugging him close to my chest. The little toddler buried his face in my shoulder.

"I didn't have a choice, okay? It was either I stay and let him get killed or leave and keep him safe." I said. I took a seat next to my mother-in-law who smiled sadly at me.

"Well, looks like they already found him." The blondie said. I sighed, nodding wistfully.

"I thought they had already given up on finding me. But after...this...I-I had thought wrong." I said, feeling tears pooling behind my eyes. The angry one, now calm, sighed deeply and gave me a pity look.

"You did try to keep him safe..." She said, staring at the wall. After a few minutes of silence, my son spoke up.

"Appa?" The little tot said, pulling away from my hug to look at me.

"Yes?" I asked gently, my eyes softening as I look at him.

"Is umma going to be okay?" He said, his eyes showing worry for his dad. I smiled a little.

"I hope so." I answered honestly. My son nodded before asking me to put him down so he could sit with his grandmother.

Half an hour had passed. Finally, a female doctor came out of the room.

"Doctor! How is my son?" My mother-in-law asked.

"Nothing serious, just a few broken bones." The doctor calmly said.

"You can see him now if you like. But may I have a word with the head of this family?" My mother-in-law and I exchanged looks.

"Of course." My mother-in-law said before I could speak. She gave me a 'You go in first' look. The two ladies-his sisters and my son had already went inside. I waited until they went out before I went in. When they did came out, the blondie was crying whereas the other lady was holding back tears. The blondie sat on one of the chairs and the other went to talk to the doctor.

I took a deep breath before going inside, preparing for the worst.

And there he is, laying on the hospital bed with a few machines hooked up to him. The room was pretty small, seeing as that he was the only occupant. He looked pale, but not deathly pale. I walked over to him and sat on one of the chairs next to the bed. I took his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers together, gazing sadly at his face. I felt a tear slide down my face as I looked at his name on the clipboard on the bedside table.

Lee Donghae.



PLEASE leave comments below (critics, praises, I don't care) because it keeps me going, ya know? :3

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x1004x #1
Oh my gosh u actually wrote it awesome :) I had a rough day and now that I saw this I can't help but laugh (*^O^*) lol
NegaFairytale #2
Waiting for the first update o/
VirtualShawol #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^