Chapter 1

Finding The Father Of My Son

Listening To : With Doctor - Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Bing Bang

Getting all pumped up XD WOOO

P.S. : Comments appreciated :)


Donghae's P.O.V

Ughh...wha-where am I?

White walls, white bed, white everywhere...


No, no...machines all around, oh god is that a packet of blood? Connected to....ME?

What happened? Did the dinosaurs come alive or what? Nuclear bombs?

Get a hold of yourself...uhh....what's my name?

Oh dear god what's my NAME?

Hold on, take a deep breath.

Okay, so...what happened brain?


Nice answer.

Normal P.O.V

Donghae was too busy talking to himself to notice a doctor was beside him.

"Mr Lee?"

"OH HOLY FU-ack!" Donghae winced as his voice cracked and throat felt sore.

"Good to see you're awake." Dr. Sung said, writing a few notes on her clipboard.

"Where am I Doctor...uh..."

"Sung Aiyeon. Just call me Dr. Sung." The doctor said, still calmly writing on her clipboard. Donghae opened his mouth to speak, but Dr. Sung beat him to it.

"You're a hospital, been in a coma for 1 year. Suffering from amnesia, a twisted ankle, a broken left arm, a sore throat, a few cracked ribs but healing. Your name is Lee Donghae and you are married with a son, still living with your mother. Your husband-" "HUSBAND?!" "Shut up. He ran away before the accident happened. Your father is deceased, your two sisters are living closely to your house." Dr. Sung finished calmly, not looking up from her clipboard.

"'re saying that i'm a married gay man, had a son and a runaway husband?" Donghae said , eyes wide in awe.

"Is that the only thing you caught?" Dr. Sung sighed, shaking her head.

"No, I heard everything. So um...where are my so-called son and family?"

"They're at home, do you want me to inform them?"

"No, just let be here for a week before you tell them. I need some rest." Donghae sighed dramatically.

"You are not some Korean Superstar, thank you very much. We'll tell them in a few hours."

"Aww man."

"Yeah, now shut up and deal with it." Dr. Sung said. (A/N : Best doctor ever XD)

After a few minutes of silence, Donghae spoke up.

"So Doc, how's life?"

"You can't be quiet can you?"


"Well, I'm working in the hospital, rather than laying helplessly on a hospital be like a damsel in distress waiting for a prince charming-" "Ouch." "-and can remember everything perfectly, no injury except for my finger that had been poked with a needle while you flail around like a cockroach on crack on it's back in your sleep a few nights ago, happily married to a husband that didn't ran away and had 2 daughters that are both succesful in their careers. So, I guess, better than you."

"Burn." A male nurse said coming in with a tray of food. Donghae glared at him as he laid out the food on a table.

"Thank you for the food, Key, but I believe you have other things to do other than mock my patients." Dr. Sung said, setting her clipboard on the bedside table.

"Yes, doctor." Key said, walking out after bowing.

"Yeah you walk away!" Donghae said, adding quietly, "Like a b*tch."

"I HEARD THAT." Key called from the hallway, earning death glares from the nurses around him.

"What a showoff." Donghae scoffed.

"He's always like that." Dr. Sung said checking Donghae's injuries. A female nurse came into the room and stood at the edge of Donghae's bed.

"Mr Lee's family has been notified and will be here in 10 minutes, doctor." The nurse said politely, bowing before she left the room.

"Aww what? I'm not sure if I'm even ready yet." Donghae whined, his hands automatically fixing his hair.

"It's not like the ing president of the United States is coming to see you." Dr. Sung said rolling her eyes.

"Good point. But still, gotta make a good first impression." Donghae said, letting his arms drop to his sides. Before Dr. Sung could reply, the door bursted open and a little boy ran into the room.


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x1004x #1
Oh my gosh u actually wrote it awesome :) I had a rough day and now that I saw this I can't help but laugh (*^O^*) lol
NegaFairytale #2
Waiting for the first update o/
VirtualShawol #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^