It All Started With a French Fry


The day had been…interesting. It started out fine, waking up tangled in the sheets with your boyfriend, Key. He had made you breakfast (pancakes and bacon, your favorite) and you two shared flirtatious remarks along with the bottle of maple syrup. He had gone to rehearsal and you went to your day job, promising to meet up for lunch. Since both of your breaks were short, you decided to meet up at the local fast food joint. And that was where it all occurred. The one remark that sent you running out of the restaurant.


Hello~! I’ve been kinda MIA recently, haven’t I? I began that fic that I had a solid prompt for, and I had no inspiration to write beyond the first chapter >< I hope this two-shot and another two-shot I have on the way makes up for it! I’m sorry that the that follows the fluff is longer. Or am I? It’s not necessarily a bad thing~ Anyway, thanks for reading, upvoting, and commenting. It really means a lot to me! ( ^ω^ )


I own no part of this story whatsoever. As much as I wish I was Key’s girlfriend….sigh. A girl can dream, right?


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Chapter 2: This was awesome! Fluff with to finish was just perfect
Chapter 2: omg this was so amazing, you are so amazing, my goodness; that was hot. the fluff chapter was really good too omg! i must read your other stories now.
Chapter 1: Whoo keep it going this is good! Sighh... Being Key's girlfriend. Imagine that! :D