Must be dreaming?


          Seungho looked away from the look-a-like and kept crying. Not long after he looked away there was the sound of the door opening then closing again and suddenly a pair of arms brought him into a crushing hug. He wanted to pull away and tell the person he was OK but he couldn't. He leaned in and continued on crying, clinging to the edge of the persons shirt. While in the warm embrace Seungho took the time to think thing's through. Joon was one hundred percent dead. He knew that. He saw with his own eye's several times. So there was no way in hell Joon was just in front of him

          Seungho closed his eye's and sighed slightly, letting the tear's slow down. He knew he couldn't get to worked up over this. I mean it was only someone who looked like Joon. He couldn't act like this every time he saw someone who looked like him. Or maybe someone that had the same voice or even the same smell. It was then it hit him. He broke Joon's Promise. Now he felt utterly helpless. How would he ever face thing's now? How would he could to Joon's grave and smile. He knew that now, he would most likely break down if he visited it.

          Standing up, he pulled out of the person's embrace, Not even looking up, or thanking the person, he walked out o the shop. He needed to go and beg. Beg for forgiveness from Joon. Walking down the street, he hailed a Taxi, got in, told them were to go and closed his eyes. He needed to pull himself together first. What felt like hour's past and the driver stopped, Seungho paid, Got out and immediately ran down the path to where Joon's grave was. When he arrived he sank to his knee's and did exactly what he came to do. Beg.

"Baby... I'm sorry..." He mumbled, his hands in front of him, rubbing together like that where begging. Which he was. "I-I'm Sorry... Please forgive me..." He hiccuped, trying to hold back the new tear's threatening to fall. "I Know... I promised... But he looked so much like you... I almost... I almost... " Shaking his head. "I did.. I cried... I knew he wasn't you... "

          Seungho spent hour's there, Begging. Not noticing someone was watching him, in tears. Finally in the early hour's of the morning, Seungho pulled himself up and walked to the small church. He wanted to see Joon in the morning. So there was no way he was going home now. When he opened the door's, he was pulled into a hug, by the lady who looked after the Grave's. She sighed.

"I set up a bed. Go get some sleep, then in the morning Join me upstairs. You have to. Understand?" Seungho just nodded and gave he a weak smile, before heading to the small room he used to sleep in. As soon as the door was closed, he stripped and got into the bed. Sleep was slowly taking him over.




          It was 12pm the next day when a knock came to the door, waking Seungho up. When he opened his eye's at first he was confused as to where he was but then it hit him. He was in the church he spent countless night's in after Joon's burial. Groaning at the headache he hand, he got dressed in a spare pair of clothe's he left here before and opened the door.

"Come on. I let you sleep in. Come have something to eat, then go see Chang Sun again. ok?" The Lady chuckled and patted Seungho's shoulder before walking off. Seungho smiled and closed the door, walking after her.

          Once Seungho had finished his lunch an Helped wash up, he grabbed the flask and filled it was coffee, Taking two cup's he bowed and left the kitchen. Once he was out the church he headed straight to Joon's grave. When as he got closer he noticed someone in front of the grave. It was clearly a man in all black. But Seungho was to far away to tell who it was. There was no one close to Joon. Seungho was the only person that attended his Funeral, So who would visit now?

         As Seungho got closer he suddenly stopped. It was the look-a-like. He was wearing the same clothe's as he was the day before. He had bag's under his eye's and his hair was all misplaced. As though he had been here all night. Seungho blinked a couple of times. He even shook his head. Who was this person? Why did he fell so drawn to him? When Seungho looked up again. The person was now stood in front of him. Seungho really had to double take. The person was an exact copy. The Height, The Body, The smell. The eye's, The Lip's the mole on his neck. Only he had a depressed look in his eye's. Seungho wanted to cry again. But The look-a-like caught him off guard by talking. With the same voice. The Voice he always loved.

"Teddy Bear... Don't cry..."

          Seungho dropped the flask and mug (Which smashed to pieces). How?

"H-how... Do you know that nickname? W-why? W-why do you look.. Speak and smell like him... W-who are you?" Seungho took another step back. He saw the flicker of sadness flash across the look-a-like's face.

"Its me... Joon..."

          Seungho shook his head. He must be dreaming. He brought his hand's to his face. But before he could slap himself. The Look-a-Like grabbed his hands. As if he knew what Seungho was about to do. The touch.. it was soft and Warm, Although he had freezing cold hand's the touch to Seungho was warm. Just like Joon. Seungho's eye's widened and he pulled back shaking his head.

"Must be dreaming... "




Hey, So this is the second Chapter. I hope you like it. Thank you to my 11 Subscribers', My upvoter's and my Cementers' :D

Sorry for any error's :)








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i missed SeungJoon sooo much this day ㅠㅠ that's why i re-read all their story here and i remember this awesome story of yours ^^ it would be great if someday you could continue this story.. thank you ♡♡
cutedi #2
Chapter 2: Can you update I'm starting to ship this couple and I fell in love with your storie ❤️
satrina7 #3
Chapter 2: please update soon, there are not enough JoonHo/SeungJoon fics u.u
ainto87 #4
Chapter 2: almost laugh out loud at the gifs.. seungho the cutieeeee ;DDD

owh and i looooooooove this story! thankyou for writing n updating ♥♥♥
Chapter 1: huhu i'm crying right now~
it's like I know what it feels...
thanks for the update ^^
I'd love to help you but your english is fine~ xD
I like the idea! seungho oppa is my bias in Mblaq...update soon~