Chapter 23

False Identity

The women were in the kitchen making tea while the men sat in the living room discussing the status of their case against Joe Ma.

"Joe apparently has something up his sleeves. All these questions about you and Charmaine. I get this feeling that he's going to get at you through her."

Raymond was silent. That thought had crossed his mind. The whole incident with the fight, Joe showing up and Tavia. It just didn't add up. The mistaken identity was his first warning bell. At that moment he just couldn't come up with anything that might remotely relate to it. Then Joe Ma shows up defending him. Joe never personally make an appearance to resolve any conflicts among his men. He usually sends a man down to relay his messages.
And lastly, Tavia's behavior was just bizarre. It came out of nowhere. But when you added these scenarios together it comes down to Joe Ma.

"I think Joe is planning something big. I'm positive by now that he knows our true identities."

Charmaine and Sharon returned, each holding two cups of steaming tea.

They sat silently sipping their tea. Charmaine caught a movement by her front door. There was an envelope stuck underneath the door that wasn't there before. She went to pick it up. In the front was just the name Raymond.

Raymond and Bosco watched the entire progress and eagerly asked her what's in the envelope.

Charmaine handed the envelope to Raymond, "Its for you."

Raymond opened the envelope. Inside was a picture of Ron with his German Shepard Rocky.

Bosco tooked the picture, "What is this?" He turned the picture around looking for some note or scribbling but didn't see anything. "Who would send this?"

Raymond didn't answer. Ron and Rocky. What does that mean? Ron and Rocky. "Michael is trying to tell us something," Raymond said to Bosco. The both of them knew that the less communciation between them and Michael, the better it is for all of them. This picture held meaning on Joe Ma's case but what.

Suddenly Bosco stood up, "I know!" He turned to Sharon. "Do you recall seeing something odd on Joe's desk?"

Sharon tried to picture Joe's desk in her mind. It was an ordinary desk with the usual paper and pens. There was a framed picture of Joe with Tavia and a stranger. His desk was extremely organized. All the papers were neatly stacked into three piles. The phone and computer were on the right hand side. Even the dog collar was coiled neatly next to the computer. "Nothing odd except that this Joe guy is very organized and neat."

"The dog collar!" Bosco said loudly, "Joe does not have a dog and he is not fond of animals."

Sharon's eyes widen, "but there was a dog collar on his desk."

Raymond got up also. "I think Ron is trying to tell us something with this picture."

Bosco and Raymond looked at each other. Bosco was all hyped now, "the evidence we need and want is in that collar."

Raymond patted Bosco's back. "Now we have to figure out a way to get it."

Charmaine interrupted them, "How? You said that Joe Ma is onto you guys. You can't just walk back into his house. That's like walking into a trap."

Raymond turned to Charmaine, "Don't worry. Bosco and I will have a plan."

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YouDunnoMe #1
ow wow great !!
Great story