Chapter 21

False Identity

Charmaine was crying hysterically as she ran out of Joe's house. The house was located in a remote neighborhood up in the hills where cabs rarely drove by. Once she passed the gate, she made a right turn down the hill. She heard Raymond behind her and quicken her speed. He caught up to her less than twenty feet from the gate and grabbed her shoulders.

"Charmaine, please let me explain," he cried.

"I saw it with my own eyes." She pushed at his arms. "I saw it with my own eyes."

Raymond refused to let her go. He kept his hold on her arms. "Please," he cried. "Let me explain."

When Charmaine realized that he wasn't going to let her go, she stood still in his arms.

Realizing that he has her attention for the moment, Raymond implored, "Please believe me... I don't know why Tavia did what she did. I swear!"

"I saw you guys kissing!" Charmaine screamed then she asked achingly, "Do you know how much that hurts me?"

Raymond knew. He knew because he know that he would fall apart if he ever saw Charmaine kissing another guy. He took her hands and pleaded, "Please believe me. I swear she kissed me. I was caught off guard myself. I was trying to push her off when you saw us." Raymond saw the tears fall. He wiped them away softly with his thumb and caressed her cheek. "I love you. I would never hurt you."

Charmaine didn't say a word. She was confused. She wanted to believe him so badly because she loved him. Yet, she's afraid. What if Raymond is lying to her?

Raymond cradled her face with the palm of his hands and stared deep into her eyes. "Please say you believe me," he begged. "Please believe me," he repeated.

Charmaine looked up into his eyes and their eyes held. She saw the tenderness in them and nodded not knowing why but she did believe him.

When she nodded, Raymond hugged her tightly to him. She hugged him back just as fiercely. He whispered, "I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you."

Charmaine started crying against him. "I love you so much Raymond. I'm afraid of losing you."

Raymond pulled away from their embrace to look at her and took her hands into his. With a firm tone he said, "You would never lose me."

Charmaine smiled and felt secured by his words. Suddenly she remembered why they were there. "Can you be honest with me? Do you really work for Joe Ma?"

Raymond knew that its time to tell her the truth. He owes her that much. "I don't."

"Then why are we here?" Charmaine asked as she waited patiently for him to continue.

"I'm an undercover cop."

"You're what?" Charmaine never expected this.

"I can't really get into the details now. Don't ask anymore. I want you to trust and believe in me," Raymond said as he looked at her intently.

Charmaine nodded, "I do trust and believe in you."

Touched by her faith in him, Raymond bent and kissed her. With the touch of his lips on her's, Charmaine wrapped her arms around him.

Joe Ma stepped back from the gate where he stood for the past few minutes eavesdropping unseen by Raymond and Charmaine. He slowly made his way back to the house. "Raymond Lam. You won't even know what hit you when I'm done with you."

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YouDunnoMe #1
ow wow great !!
Great story