Chapter 19

False Identity

During the ride to Joe's house, Charmaine remained silent. She was still trying to absorb all this new information about Raymond. Isn't Joe Ma one of the most powerful gang leaders in Hong Kong and Raymond worked for him?

"Can you please take me home?" Charmaine asked quietly without looking at him.

Raymond could sense the tension in her. He knew that Charmaine would never be with someone in the triad life. Yet he can't expose his identity. Not now, when they were so close to gathering evidence on Joe. But he didn't want to lose Charmaine.

Raymond tried to take a hold of her hand but she pulled her hand away. "Charmaine. Let us just go to his house for a short meeting. I promise you that I'll try to explain everything when we leave. I don't want you to be alone right now. You had a fright."

He didn't get a response from Charmaine. When he turned to look at her she had her face averted.

Inside the house, the four of them gathered inside Joe's home study. Bosco, Sharon and Charmaine occupied the sofa which faced Joe's large desk. Bosco was rubbing his hand softly up and down Sharon's arm to soothe her. Raymond stood by the bookcase looking at Charmaine. She had avoided looking at him since the cafe. Right now, she just stared at her clasped hands.

The door opened and Tavia walked in. She saw Raymond and hugged him tightly. "Thank God you're ok. When Joe told me what happened I was so scared." She rested her head on his shoulder.

Raymond pushed her away not knowing why she is acting like this. He rarely spoke a word to her since he started working for Joe. He only knew her as Joe's godsister. They never spoke to each other except for an occasional greeting when necessary. Most of the times, they ignored each other. However, Raymond did know that her heart was as evil and cold as Joe's. He once saw her beat up a seven months pregnant woman because that woman's husband had an affair with Tavia. In the end, the woman lost her baby. The husband, overcome with guilt, killed himself.

Raymond looked at Charmaine, who was staring with teary eyes at Tavia. She looked from Tavia to Raymond. Then she quickly lowered her head again to her clasped hands. Raymond was about to go over to Charmaine but Tavia held onto his arm.

"Raymond, why don't you come to the kitchen with me. I'll make you some hot tea." Tavia touched the bruises that marked his face, "and something for these." She half pulled and half dragged him out. Raymond did not want to cause a scene. He also wanted to find out why she was acting so strangely.

Bosco turned to Charmaine. "Its not what you're thinking. I seriously don't know why Tavia is acting like that. There's nothing between the two of them."

Sharon looked at Bosco with disbelief, "It looks as if there's a LOT going on between them."

Bosco tried to explain, "I'm telling you the truth. Raymond doesn't even like her. He can't stand her."

"If that's the case, why did he leave with her," countered Sharon.

Bosco continued to defend Raymond, "I don't know but I know he must have a reason." He turned to Charmaine and firmly said, "He loves you."

Not wanting to hear anymore, Charmaine got up. "I'm leaving. I don't know why I'm here in the first place."

Bosco caught Charmaine's arm. "Wait for Raymond. Please trust him and give him a chance to explain."

Charmaine thought about it. Fine. She would give him a chance to explain later. Right now, she wanted to leave. "Tell Raymond that I've went home and I'll talk to him later." When she saw the look on Bosco's face, she added, "I promise I'll give him a chance to explain."

Bosco was relieved. "Ok. When you leave this room, make a right. Go down the stairs. The door is right pass the living room."

Charmaine turned to Sharon. "I'll see you later."

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YouDunnoMe #1
ow wow great !!
Great story