With You

In Your Favor

That night he found Namjoo sitting at the foot of the bed putting some lotion on. Sitting on the ground before her he wrapped his arms around her waist. Entrancing warmth captivated him when he snuggled his head into her belly. The pure clean scent of her washed pajamas floated up into his nostrils and he hugged her even tighter.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“Nothing,” he answered, “can’t I just hug you?”

Namjoo laughed at him as if he was being silly before trying to pry him off.

“Get off; if you’re tired just go to sleep.”

He felt his shoulder budge when Namjoo pushed him slightly. Grabbing her hand into his hold he ran his thumb repeatedly over the ring on her finger.

“What are you up to?” She wondered, doubting his every move.

Leaning against her he tilted his head to look up at her, “Should I get you a new ring?”


Swerving his eyes back to the one on her finger he could still recall the day he went looking for it at the jewelry store. It’d been expensive, far out of what he could afford but Namjoo deserved no less and he could imagine it sitting on her finger as it did today. He’d made the right choice, he thought. This ring was hers, but it was slowly dulling with time; might even fade in color.

“I don’t know…just,” he couldn’t find a viable reason.

His heart fluttered and butterflies invaded his stomach when she pressed a hand onto his head.

“Forget it,” Namjoo told. “I’m good. I don’t need a new one.”

Tucking her hand underneath his chest he smiled and resituated his head onto her lap. Kris loved this warmth that emanated from her. It gave him all soft, cozy, and soothing feelings. Just hugging her made him feel so secure.  

“I’m a lucky guy, right?”

“What luck are you talking about?”

“Because you married me.”

She let out a loud laugh.

“Is that all you have to say?” He pouted. “Should I say you’re the lucky one then?”

“Ok, fine,” Namjoo ruffled his somewhat damp hair. “Yes, you’re a lucky guy.”

“Hmph,” he muttered tightening his arm around her.

“Are you trying to act cute?” Namjoo questioned. “Don’t.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Geez, what is with you tonight? Having mood swings?”

“You know what everybody says about you two. If you’re not going to make commitment, you won’t last.”

The thought of Chanyeol clenched his heart until he nearly suffocated. Kris had to admit he was a little more than upset. Those words hurt, especially because everyone was hoping to see them fail.

Digging his head into the side of her leg he asked, “Namjoo, we’re committed, right?”

“Why are you asking me something like that?”

“Just answer me,” he ordered, “you’re committed to me, aren’t you? You don’t think of anyone else, you don’t want to be with anyone else, right?”

Namjoo frowned, but still held onto his hand as if to give him assurance, “Didn’t I say you’re the lucky guy? Besides, who wants a woman who’s already been married once?”

“Next year, lets start planning for a family,” Kris suggested. “I won’t go out anymore, wait, no; I’ll start doing that now. I’ll go out less, you do that too. Lets have a baby by next year.”

“Are you crazy?” Namjoo asked shocked by the sudden mention of a baby.

“I mean it!” He slightly raised his voice as well as lifted his head up to look at her. “Lets have a family. We’re married anyway and that’s what married people do.”

“Not all of them!” She shook her head. “Children don’t guarantee happiness and there’s nothing that says married people should have children.”

“Well I want to start a family,” he retaliated. “Don’t you?”

Namjoo slightly moved back and he felt disappointment swoon over him.

“What?” He asked trying to hold back his surprise. “You don’t want a family?”

Darting her eyes away she said, “I just…it’s too soon. Don’t you think?”

He fell his brows fall into a tight frown, “Soon? Namjoo, next year marks our third year of marriage. And that’s too soon?”

He felt hurt. Why? Did she not want to be tied down with him? Or was there something else?

“Some couples start planning after five years,” she said hesitantly without any confidence.

“So you don’t want to start planning with me? Is that what you’re saying?”

He watched drop open speechlessly. Kris thought to give her a few seconds to say something, but she never did. All she did was stare back at him with those wide eyes of her. Suddenly down and angry he let go of her before climbing onto the bed and pulled the covers over him.

Talking to her wouldn’t go anywhere. Either Namjoo was really blunt or she didn’t want a family with him because he wasn’t good enough.

“Kris,” Namjoo crawled up behind him and shook his arm. “Are you angry?”

Keeping his eyes shut he promised himself not to answer her. He was angry and he wanted her to know his feelings. As his wife shouldn’t she at least have come to an understanding with him through talk instead of acting like that?

When the lights went off he opened his eyes suddenly irritated that she hadn’t tried harder for his forgiveness. Angrier, he pulled the blanket over him and scooted away from her.


“After having our second child my husband is barely around to help! I feel like I’m the only one who has three jobs! I work, clean the house, do the laundry, and run around like I’m my husband’s servant! And what’s next? I have the two kids to look after! When do I get a break?”

Namjoo turned around to listen to the two women searching through the sales rack complain to each other. Tuning her ears out she stared at the display window into the street. It was overfilled with people; girls carrying shopping bags, men strutting around trying to look cool, and cars that went back and forth.

If she were single she’d have been one of those girls out there giggling amongst her friends when a man looked her way and flashed a smile. Sighing, she turned away. She turned a second later when the door opened along with a cool breeze.

“Hi, welcome,” Namjoo greeted, but the smile kind of froze when she saw someone she hadn’t seen for a while now.

If she thought about it, this person had kind of disappeared from the crowd just like Chanyeol.

Yoon Bomi used to be a part of the party crowd. Namjoo had met her during her last year of university. Bomi was known as an outgoing girl who could hold her drinks well. She rarely got drunk, was what Namjoo had been told. During the early days when she’d merged into Kris’ crowd she’d seen Bomi around on several occasions, but after they suddenly started seeing each other Bomi disappeared.

Namjoo was never close to her to begin with, but why was she here all of a sudden?

“Hi,” the girl smiled with cute curly trails over her shoulder. “Actually, I saw you here a few days ago.”

Without a smile Namjoo stiffly nodded.

“Lets go out for some coffee sometime, I’d like to catch up,” Bomi suggested and walked toward her with a business card in hand. “I’ll stop by again; it looks like you’re busy or give me a call when you have time.”

Turning around Bomi walked out of the store and down the block. Like Chanyeol she hadn’t been present for their wedding, but unlike Chanyeol she didn’t know where Bomi stood.

Her mind was clogged and she felt even more stressed out for some reason when she left work. Maybe it was the way Kris had looked at her yesterday or it was the talk they’d suddenly had. Usually they never had those kinds of talks and something about it had been off. Kris was more clingy than usual. He didn’t just hug her out of nowhere. Looking cool was one of the attributes he was proud of and she knew he’d rather cuddle in bed than hug like that.

Would Kris still be giving her his silent treatment as he had that morning?

Namjoo still didn’t get what she’d done wrong. She’d only spoken her mind. When they got married they’d come to the agreement that they wouldn’t have children until they were both well ready for it and she was long from ready, Kris knew that well. But he had still pushed the topic onto her last night.

Slinging her bag over shoulder she looked up when she heard her name. The setting sun was emanating a dull orange glow over the world casting long dark shadows off the buildings and into the street. Chanyeol was standing around the corner with a broad smile and waved when their eyes met.

“What are you doing here?” Namjoo asked walking toward him.

“I was a little bored,” Chanyeol smiled. “Are you free? Want to go grab something quick?”

Namjoo hesitated and wondered if Kris might be upset if he knew, but on the other hand what was wrong with getting something to fill up her stomach?


A few minutes later Chanyeol walked over with a tray of a couple of subs and drinks. Taking the seat in front of her he placed her food in front of her.

“I forgot how eating with someone makes food so much more delicious.”

“I thought you made new friends in Japan?” Namjoo asked. “Don’t tell me you ate alone all the time.”

“Ah…” Chanyeol slightly laughed caught off guard, “but none of them makes food taste as good as you.”  

Her eyes shot up from the food to look at him before quietly munching on the sub.

“How was work?”

Namjoo shrugged, “It was ok.” She went quiet for a few seconds then asked, “Chanyeol, do you remember a Yoon Bomi?”

“Yoon Bomi?” Chanyeol raised his brows. “Ah…yes, I do. Why?”

“Do you know who she is?”

“Not very, but I’ve heard things,” Chanyeol answered. “I heard she liked every guy school that’s why she stuck herself out there. The girls said it felt like she always had hidden intentions, so no one liked her much.”

“Oh…really?” Namjoo asked without much emotion.

Chanyeol shrugged, “But I don’t know what’s true or not. Just don’t get close to her. Why are you asking though?”

“Oh…nothing,” she shook her head before looking around. “Actually, I think I should be going now.”

“So soon?”

Namjoo quickly wrapped up her sub, “I shouldn’t stay out too long. Kris and I kind of had an argument yesterday.”

Chanyeol looked surprised, “Argument? Why?”

Her tedious hands came to a slow stop and she eased herself into her seat. Namjoo felt hesitant about telling Chanyeol the reason behind their argument. It was something between her and Kris only, wasn’t it? Starting a family shouldn’t be anyone else’s problem.

“We had a talk about starting a family and he just kind of got angry when I said I don’t want children yet.”

“You don’t?” Chanyeol sounded even more surprised.

“But I feel bad,” Namjoo dropped her tone. “I mean, it’s not like I don’t know where he’s coming from. But about having children…that can wait a little longer. Besides, it’s not like I’ll be too old to conceive then.”

“Right,” Chanyeol nodded in agreement almost eagerly, “you shouldn’t worry about that. Just do what makes you comfortable. You shouldn’t have to listen to him all the time.”

“Right?” Namjoo asked feeling almost better. “It’s not his decision alone. I mean, I’m going to be the one carrying the baby.” With a determined smile she got up. “Lets have lunch some other time. I’ll call you.”

Shooting him a grateful smile she walked by before pausing in her steps. If Kris was back he probably would be waiting for her to make him dinner. On the other hand, since she was here she should buy him something.

Namjoo walked into the house swinging the bag back and forth thinking of ways to make it up to Kris, but her mind emptied out once she opened the door. The stench of grease and freshly cooked food wafted up her nose as she walked in.

To her right was Kris looking busy in the kitchen with an apron on. He was still in his work attire and was too concentrated to look her way. It was only when the door slapped shut behind her did he turn. When he did she immediately hid the bag of subs behind her back.

“You’re back?” He asked then smiled. “I cooked.”

Namjoo’s eyes ran over the plates of food on the counter then back to him.

“You did?” She said slowly drowned with guilt.

He nodded, “Mmm…I was thinking, about yesterday…lets just forget it.”

Namjoo quickly blinked and darted her eyes around. She was suddenly feeling even worse for some reason. Had she been too insincere?

“What’s that?” He wondered catching sight of the bag.

“Oh…uh…I just bought some sandwiches,” Namjoo answered and walked toward the fridge. “We can save these for tomorrow since you made dinner.”

Opening the fridge she tucked the bag inside and closed the door before she felt his eyes locked on her. It almost felt as if he’d sensed something.

“What?” Namjoo didn’t mean to sound nervous, but she did.

“Did you eat?”

Namjoo’s eyes wavered. He would be hurt if he knew she’d eaten something instead of his dinner first. If she talked about Chanyeol she didn’t know how he’d react.

“I only had a little.”

She watched him turn away in an effort to hide his feelings. Freezing in her exact spot she fought to draw up some courage before walking over to back hug him.

“Sorry,” she apologized. “Lets have dinner anyway. Food tastes best with you.”

When he turned back to look at her she offered him a broad smile and felt him kiss her forehead.

“I think that too.” He told and gripped her hand. 

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Sweeetpanda #1
Chapter 5: this one is sooo good.,, authornim., i hope u continue it :)
Chapter 4: I love the fact Chanyeol is also part of the story, yay!
another story of Namjoo.. thank you writer-nim :)
Chapter 2: lol with Kris XD he didn't get what he wanted, hope you update soon!
Chapter 1: this is so good, really enjoyable!
of course I'm already subscribed ^o^
hannnibie #6
namjoo is my first bias and i'm so happy when you make a lot of story of her. Thank you so much ^^~
Oh, this looks good! I can't wait to read it~