Dinner time and Bath time [introduction]

Father of 10
Dinner in our house was always eventful to say the least. Dinner would start around five pm, Joonmyun would announce what he plans to cook for dinner and you could guarantee a few groans would be heard and then a few claps of approval and a small happy "yes!" from another. An hour later Joonmyun would be calling out dinners to either get nodding heads or shakes of disapproval. I finally spoke up when Joonmyun was just going around in circles. "Right!" I used my stern voice sounding louder than everyone in the room, even Joonmyun jumped a little out of surprise. I looked down at our children Minsoek, Luhan, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Yixing were all wide eyed and worried whilst the troublesome five of Baekhyun, Zitao, Jongin, Sehun and Jongdae were trying not to laugh. "Joonma is going to cook one dinner and one dinner only. We will eat rice, whatever meat Joonma wants to cook and we'll even throw in some vegetables too!" I smiled at the close of my sentence as I watched my babies in front of me pretend to gag and vomit when I mentioned vegetables. "Daddy but we really don't like vegetables and the last time we ate them they made Yeollie sick" Jongdae piped up smiling sweetly as his eyes went crescent moon shaped. "We will cook up corn on the cob!" Joonmyun shrieked "Yeollie can eat corn. Plus you all love corn on the cob! We sometimes get it with the chicken take out!" Joonmyun smiled triumphant. Jongin started balling his eyes out "Corn is a vegetable!?", our little kkamjong was inconsolable until Sehun stopped his thumb and started patting him on the back with the same hand.
Our dining room had two tables of six. I sit at one and Joonmyun sits at the other, that way we can make sure the boys eat properly. "Jongdae! stop putting your veggies on Yixing's plate" Joonmyun warned. Jongdae pouted and took back his carrots. "Daddy look at me!" Chanyeol boomed, I looked over as he shoveled a big spoonful of carrots into his mouth and ate them all. "Good boy Yeollie" I ruffled his hair as he continued to eat. "Dada more!!" Sehun shrieked from his high chair demanding more water "Daaaaddddaaaaaaaa!" Sehun shrieked until I came back with the water. Zitao who was as usual quietly munching on his meal spoke up with a gasp "If we eat all our dinner can we have dessert after??" His dark eyes gleaming in the spotlights above his head. I saw Joonmyun give a small nod and I nodded at Zitao.
After everyone declares they are done eating we check there plates. I have the good table tonight I check Sehun first because he is the craftiest toddler ever. I observe the empty bowl, I pick him up from the high chair and I check his potty training pants and trousers. "Good boy Sehun-ah" I kiss his head and return him to his chair. Next up is Baekhyun, he gives me a giggle as I look at his too empty bowl and look under the table around his chair. I do the same to Chanyeol, Zitao and then I come to the last person on my table: Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is a picker, he never finishes a meal so we only give him a small bowl to start with. I looked and everything was gone! "Well I'll be dammed Kyungie finished his dinner!" I spoke to a smiling Joonmyun. Kyungsoo beamed up at us after I checked the floor. I looked at the 5 boys on my table and they all smiled contented knowing they were going to get dessert. "Okay so who is going to get dessert on my table!" Joonmyun sang. He started off with Jongin, who like Sehun was in a high chair, and is just as crafty as Sehun. Joonmyun did the checks and Jongin came up clean and clapped his baby hands when he was returned to his high chair. Yixing, Luhan and Minsoek were growing so quick we kind of already knew they would gobble all their food up and then there was Jongdae. "Alright Jongie we can do this the easy way or the hard way, you pick?" Joonmyun asked as he put his hands on his hips. Jongdae chuckled and stood up on his chair Arms and legs apart like he was going to do jumping jacks. Jongdae was a fussy eater like Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo really didn't like a lot of food, where as Jongdae just loved being a troll. A little smiling lovable troll. Joonmyun found a carrot wedged up his shirt sleeve but other than that nothing. "Eat the carrot or no ice cream" Joonmyun challenged, "I don't like ice cream" Jongdae crossed his arms over his little chest and turned his head away. "Jongdae eat the carrot, it's silly not to eat just one". Jongdae puffed up his cheeks and shook his head. Joonmyun placed the carrot in front of his mouth "We have chocolate chip cake for dessert". Jongdae swallowed the carrot stick in one gulp. "Chocolate cream with cream!" He clapped.
For dessert we kept the kids up the tables, but pushed them both together so the 12 of us were sat round in a big circle. Sehun and Jongin were sat across from each other in their high chairs poking their tongues out at each other and giggling when Zitao and Kyungsoo joined in with them. Sehun had his small fist full of Zitao's raven hair as Zitao sang to him in Chinese, and Jongin kept calling Kyungsoo "hyunggie~" and patting him to keep the attention on himself. The gruesome twosome of Baekhyun and Jongdae were snickering at heaven knows what whilst looking at Chanyeol completing his spelling homework. Chanyeol was sat next to me with his book, he peeked up at me and smiled "Daddy I finished it all!" He smiled. I checked over his words, out of a big list of 30 words only 3 were wrong. Chanyeol pouted and looked so down "Hey that's amazing, look try and spell them again and sound them out as you write them down". I saw him squeeze his eyes shut tight and silently mouth out the words until he finished writing them down. I checked them again and they were all correct. "Perfect" I grinned at him. Chanyeol clapped and gave me a big hug but screamed in my ear when he saw Joonmyun walking in with cake followed by his trusty kitchen helper Yixing. "Cake! I want cake!" Chanyeol wailed.
We put everything in the middle, I served the ice cream and Joonmyun served cake. Everyone ate in silence, enjoying dessert. Jongin had managed to get ice cream all over himself, up his arms, in his hair and all over his face. Sehun laughed dumbly at him but Sehun was covered in chocolate cake. "Cakeeeeeee~" he shoved a chocolate covered hand in Luhan's face and giggled. Chanyeol forgot about using a spoon and just devoured his cake with his hands, and then the gruesome twosome followed suit. "Minsoekkie mustache!" Kyungsoo laughed and pointed as Minsoek had used the leftover chocolate to draw a mustache on himself. "Tao-tao is a kitty cat" Minsoek pointed as Zitao meowed and mimicked the feline animal. "Chocolate love~~~" Baekhyun sang and smudged a chocolatey hand print on Jongdae's cheek. "Ewwww hyung" he moaned.
Joonmyun cooks dinner, I clean. It's a nice quiet time that rarely happens in this house. I rinse out the bowls and utensils and load the dishwasher. Then I wipe down the tables, chairs, high chairs so nothing is covered in ice cream or chocolate cake. I put everything away and then start to prepare 8 lunch boxes for school the next day. I remember that Baekhyun will only eat smooth peanut butter with the crusts cut off, Jongdae crunchy peanut butter and jam with two crusts cut off (don't ask), then Kyungsoo nutella and banana with crusts on, Zitao was nutella and peanut butter with crusts, Chanyeol just has jam with crusts, then the older three will have different sandwiches. Luhan has cheese, Minsoek has ham and Yixing has cheese and ham. I put them all in their designated lunch boxes with Joonmyun's carefully clear handwriting on them and leave them on the back of the counter ready to be grabbed off the side and shoved into their backpacks tomorrow morning. Sehun and Jongin stay home with us still as they aren't ready for nursery...more like they got kicked out and no other nursery this side of town will take them. Of course not.
"Kris Baekhyun escaped bathroom grab him!" I stifled a laugh as Joonmyun shouts for Jongdae and Chanyeol to stay in the tub. I fetch the towel of the back of the chair, kept especially there as this sort of thing usually happens. I hear Baekhyun's wet feet loudly pit patting on the hardwood floor and as he rounds the corner he goes to slip over but I grab him and wrap him up in the fluffy towel and him back to the bath tub. Joonmyun is scrubbing Jongdae's hair as Jongdae covers his eyes so the supposed "no more tears" shampoo doesn't go in his eyes, Joonmyun is giving Chanyeol a look that says "Don't you dare move!" and I drop Baekhyun back into the tub. He flails and whines until Chanyeol splashes him with water. Joonmyun simply pulls the hood up on the rain mac and continues washing Jongdae's hair. "Kris honey...go tell Zitao, Yixing and Kyungsoo they are next please". Joonmyun grins at me sweetly as he knows he has the last laugh there, telling our children to prepare for bath time just causing mass panic. I swear one time Zitao actually almost had a panic attack....
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I've just posted some story details in the foreward section... it's a few little points and the ages of exo babies! :)


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2437 streak #1

and the kids really dread bath time LMAO
the negotiation with a fort was so effective tho!!!

Luhan and Minseok breaking the frame tho... that's why you don't play soccer inside the house kids!

how i wish this was continued! would've been so much fun!
2437 streak #2
Chapter 2: the dining room setup holy moly!
Baekhyun running away feom the bathroom! HAHAHAHAHA
bath time really be one of the hardest lol
2437 streak #3
Chapter 1: they should've pulled out their file before they got called for more then? HAHAHAA
but it's gonna be so fun with 10 kids for sure!
Chapter 3: this is adorable
Chapter 3: This is so cute!!!!
I love krisho family au, the children are the cutest thing ever!!!
I can’t wait for the next chapter!!!!!!
HeroineMGC #6
Chapter 3: This is such a cute story.
Chapter 3: How came I just read this fic?
Btw hope you update a new chapter soon hehe
leeleeloveskpop #8
Chapter 3: Aww this is cute
I hope u update with more
Maisaa #9
Chapter 3: I really..really ..REALLY like this fanfic

It's sooooo cuteeee

I like the little chen sooooo much

Cuteness over loaded (⌒▽⌒)
Chapter 3: OMG! They are so cute! I can't stop squeeling! Aigoo when I try to imagined the scenerio,it's the cutest thing ever I imagined! ^--^