When you first met him


Your eyes felt very heavy. A loud sigh escaped from your mouth. You looked at your piled assignment. How you wish you can turn back time and finish it earlier. 
"Babo!" You knock your head. You take a glance at your watch.
"OMG! It's 8 am already!" You rushed to the bathroom and washed yourself.  Sloppily, you took a white-shirt, black skinny jeans and a blue cardigan.
"God, I'm gonna be late. Prof. Lee is going to kill me with his detention and additional assignment." You put your wedge heel and running down the stairs. Suddenly, your phone vibrate. It's from your friend. 
"Hello. I know I'm late. Please don't tell me Prof. Lee is looking for me. Gosh,why does he hate me so much."
"______!" Your friend shouted and you stop running.
"Calm down. Prof. Lee cancelled today's lecture."
"Oh really! Why don't you tell me earlier?" You whined.
"Maybe I can tell you earlier if you answer my call earlier this morning. Please stop putting your phone on silent mode. God!"
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. You know Prof. Lee hate if he heard any phone ringing during his lecture."
"Hmmm..That's okay. I guess you can go back to sleep." Your friend's laughed.
"Haishh, I would love to but my assignment is piling so I need to finish them first."
"Okay. Good luck with your piling assignment." Once again her evil laugh filled your ear.
"I better get a cup of coffee first before I dozed off. Bye."
"Bye." The phone call ended and you switch your phone to normal mode. You decide to go to a new coffee shop near your apartment. Once you entered the coffee shop, you can smell the aroma of coffee. The arrangement of the coffe shop also look very nice. You walk to the counter and there is a huge, tall  man standing in front of you. He is so huge you barely can see the hanged menu.Since the coffee shop is new, you want to see what is in the menu. You struggled with your tip-toe and finally gave up and just wait for the man to finish ordering his coffee. The man take an awfully long time to decide his order. You're getting annoyed with him and unconsciously let a loud sigh. You bite your lips and knock your head. The man turn his head and looked at you. He have the kind of cold feeling when you first saw him. However, he is undeniably gorgeous even with his intimidating face. You quickly avoid from having any eye contact with him and cleared your throat. 
"Excuse me miss, do you want to take your order first?" 
His voice is suprisingly soft, contrast with his chic and cold expression.
"No, it's okay. You can take your order first. I'm sorry for being rude."
"It's okay. Sometimes I can't decide what to order and I know that is kind of annoying. Please make your order first."
He smiled at you. Your heart beat faster and your face turns red. You mentally slaped yourself.
"Get a hold of yourself"
You went forward to the counter and examined the menu. In less than a  minute, you decided to buy a cup of hot vanilla latte.
"1 hot vanilla latte please." 
"Make that 2 please."
You turned back at the man and you saw his smilling at you. 
"Who is this guy? Do I know him?"
You smiled back at him and turn your head back to the cashier when you heard her cleared .
"Excuse me miss, your coffee."
"Oh, sorry. How much is it?"
Your eyes widen.
"It's okay, I'll pay for it." He said when he saw you blank for a moment.
"I'm sorry miss, I thought you guys are couple or something. I'm so sorry" The cashier bowed 90 degree to both of you. The man gave her a 20,000 won bill. She quickly gave him the balance and bowed again. He took both cup and gave one to you. 
"Thank you." You took the coffee and quickly gave a 10,000 won bill to him. He shaked his head cutely.
"That is my treat. For helping me out with the ordering."
He smiled sweetly and took a sip at the coffee.
"This is my first time drinking vanilla latte. I always want to try it but I always end up buying Americano." He scratched his head. You looked intently at him. Trying to figure out what is he trying to do. 
"Do you have anything to do right now?" He asked
"No. Not really. My class just got cancelled. Why?"
". Why did I tell him that? He is a stranger. Seriously, what is wrong with me?"
"So, how about having a coffee with me over there?" He pointed to the table on the coffee shop's verandah. He made a puppy face.
"God! Can you stop being so adorable!"
"O..okay." He let you walk to the table first and followed you. He pull a chair for you.
"My pleasure." He smiled at you.
"Who are you mysterious guy? Gosh! My mom will kill me if she know I'm drinking coffee with a stranger. And plus my never-ending assignment. What am I doing here?" 
Suddenly, the man clear his throat.
"What's wrong? You look a little distracted."
"No. It's nothing." You shaked your head. He chuckled  when he saw your face. He took a sip at his coffee.
"So, may I know what is your name?" He looked intently at you.
"_____. My name is_____."
"That is a very beautiful name. My name is Jung Taekwoon. You can call me Taekwoon. You mentioned about your cancelled lecture earlier. So, I guess you are a student?" He titled his head.
"Stop doing that! Why are you like that" 
"Yes. I'm on my final year. How about you, Taekwoon shi?" He chuckled.
"You must be a very hardworking student.You don't recognize me?" He push himself closer to you. You blinked slowly and try to recognize his face.
"I'm sorry, but I never know anyone named Jung Taekwoon."
"How about Leo? You heard about VIXX before?"
"Leo? VIXX? Argghhh! What is that!" 
"I'm really sorry. I don't know. I spend my life with assignment and final year project. I am so lame." You sighed.
"Well, that's okay. Actually I'm a singer. Leo is my stage name."
"VIXX?" You asked him. A loud laugh escape from his small lips.
"VIXX is my group. There are 6 of us including me." You open your mouth widely.
"So you're an idol? Wow! You guys can walk around like this? What if your fan saw us?"
"We have some free time today and our manager let us out. So, I decide to  have some nice coffee. And thanks to you I get to taste this instead of Americano."
"But Americano is not bad. I drink it when I need to stay up all night." You laughed. Both of you spent almost an hour at the coffee shop. Suddenly, Taekwoon's phone ringing.
"Yeoboseyo.What's wrong hyung?" You looked at your watch. It's almost 9.30 am.
"Shooting? But I thought you said today is our free time." You took a glance at his perfect face. He looked a little upset.
"What's wrong?" You asked him once he ended his phone call.
"Manager hyung said that we have some shooting for today. I need to go now."
"I better get going too. I got a lot of stuff to do to." You get up from your chair.
"______, can we meet again next time?" He pulled your hand. You froze and your brain failed to function.
"I...You.." You stuttered.
"I know that is kind of imposibble since we are both busy with our work but I really want to hang out with you again."
"But, how?"
"Can we exchange our phone number?" He smiled again. 
"Gosh! Are you trying to kill me with your cute smile? Look a those eyes. *mentally sigh*"
"Of course. It's nice hanging out with you, Taekwoon shi." You guys exchange your phone number.
"I'll call you once I finish today's shooting." He said happily while waving his phone. You smiled at him. Both of you went outside the coffee shop.
"Okay. You better get going. You have shooting right?" He ruffled your bangs.
"Arasseo~" He replied with his soft yet y voice.
"Don't forget to finish your assignment okay?" You made an okay sign with your finger. After that, a black van came and stopped in front of you and Taekwoon.
"That's my manager hyung. See you again. Bye." 
"Bye." You waved your hand. Once he opened the van, a group of boys shouted at him, telling him to get into the van quickly. You bowed to them when they looked at you.
"Hyung, who is that? Your girlfriend?" A cute blonde boy ask Taekwoon. You blushed when you heard the question. Taekwoon knock the boy's head. 
"Bye." Taekwoon take a look at you before he close the door. You laughed when you saw his friends also waving at you. You smiled and waved back to them. The van slowly dissapeared from your sight. Unconsciously, a smile formed on your lips.
"Well, maybe today is not so bad at all. Prof. Lee's lecture was cancelled and I get to meet a very gorgeous guy. Not bad at all." You keep smiling as you walked back home. Suddenly you remembered about your piling work.
"Gosh! I need to finish my work." You walked quickly to your apartment with your smile still planted on your face.


Credit: gif by venusianvip.tumblr

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Train_girl #1
Chapter 1: I'm gonna request!!
Story- When lina the makeup artist for luhan fell in love with him.
Thanks & please make it a long oneshot!!
Chapter 2: Aw so cute couldn't stop squealing at this woo!
Make some moreeee! This is so great ;)
Mystery-fan99 #4
Chapter 2: Hello!! I just found this. And I really fell in love with it. Especially with the second oneshot. It was so cute and adorable. Can't wait for the next chapter <33