Chapter 40

Road of Destruction

Stunned by his revelation, Charmaine repeated with disbelief, “You’re an undercover cop?”

Bosco chuckled putting away his knife. “Why is that so hard to believe?” Charmaine continued to eye him warily and the suspicion showed on her face. Turning serious, Bosco held out his hand to her, “Trust me on this. Come on, let me get you out of here.”

Charmaine hesitated not knowing whether to believe him or not.

Exasperated, Bosco sighed heavily and urgently said, “I’m not joking! I’m really a cop! And if you continue debating whether to believe me or not Michael will be back and then I won’t be able to get you out.”

Hearing the name Michael, Charmaine shuddered and quickly slid her hand in his.

Squeezing her hand to reassure her, Bosco said gently, “Don’t worry. I’ll get you out.” Together they walked out the room quietly and Bosco led her down a back staircase which leads to the kitchen. The kitchen faced the back of the house and there was a door to the backyard on the side. At the door, Bosco stopped and peered out into the yard through a small window on the door. He pulled Charmaine down into a crouching position and withdrew a set of keys from his coat. “These are my car keys. My car is parked in the first spot in the driveway. It’s a silver Honda. Stay low and against the wall of this house until you see the car. There shouldn’t be anyone around because I sent them all down to the basement but just in case, run for it! The car has been left unlocked. The moment you’re in the car lock the doors and drive away. Don’t turn or look back. Keep driving until you get to a crowded area and then call for backup.” He paused and asked with a wavering smile, “Got all that?”

Charmaine’s hand shook as she took the keys from him. A thought occurred to her and she looked at him frantically, “What about Raymond? You said earlier that he was on his way. Will he be alright?”

Bosco smiled with confidence, “He’ll be alright. I’m not going to let Michael harm any of them.” He retrieved a folded piece of paper from his pants pocket and pressed it into her hand. “This is the address here. Give it to the cops.”

Charmaine nodded and tucked the piece of paper into her jeans then tightened her hold on the car keys afraid of dropping it.

Bosco edged her towards the backdoor. He opened the door a crack and peered out. “Remember, don’t turn or look back no matter what happens. Just go and get help.”

“Okay,” Charmaine assured him shakily then was about to step out when Bosco’s hand on her arm stilled her.

“One last thing,” Bosco said in a low remorseful voice, “I’m sorry about hitting you and taking the pictures. I had to do it to in order to prove myself to Michael. I hope you’ll forgive me.”

Charmaine looked at him and somberly said, “If you can get Raymond out of this in one piece all will be forgiven and forgotten.”

Bosco smiled and squeezed her shoulders, “Deal.” He gently pushed her out the door.

Charmaine pressed herself as flat as possible against the wall of the house until she saw the driveway. Just as Bosco said, his silver Honda was at the entrance of it. She scanned the area and didn’t see a soul in sight. Taking a deep breath for courage she dashed to the car. She managed to get to the car within a few seconds. Without wasting time, she inserted the key into the ignition and the car roared to life. She didn’t know she had been holding her breath until she was racing out of the driveway and merging into traffic.


Michael returned to the study and found Charmaine gone. The ropes that were used to tie her were scattered on the ground. His mind began to race as he came to the conclusion that Bosco had something to do with it. With mounting fury he slammed the door open and stalked down the stairs in search of Bosco. First Raymond and now Bosco. He had to teach them both a lesson about obeying his orders.

Raymond looked up when he heard Michael pounding down the stairs. He ran towards him and clutched his arm, “Where is she?” he demanded angrily.

Michael flung his hand off him and snickered, “Why should I tell you?” He looked over Raymond’s shoulder and saw Derek and Joe glaring at him with unconcealed hatred. “Ah... I see you did listen to me for once and brought them here.”

“We’re here,” Derek said coldly, “Release Charmaine.”

“No,” said Michael with a demonic smile. “Not until you’re dead.” He then proceeded to pull a gun out and pointed it at Raymond. With an incline of his head, he said, “Ray, you know what to do.”

Raymond stood frozen in place at the subtle command. Michael’s meaning was clear to all three men.

Seeing his reluctance, Michael barked, “Are you going to kill him or do you want me to put a bullet through Charmaine’s head?”

“Don’t!” Raymond cried out, his eyes wild with turmoil. With no choice he slowly retrieved a gun out of his jacket but did not lift it towards Derek. Instead he stood with his head hung low, conflicted on what to do.

When Raymond made no further movements Michael raged, “You’re an idiot Raymond! I could have given you everything! Money, power and lots of women but you let it all go just for one woman. Is she worth it?”

“This has nothing to do with her!” Raymond responded firmly. “It’s about right and wrong. Killing is wrong!”

Staring at Raymond, Michael remembered the young man he had picked off the streets and cared for like a son and a brother. In a quiet voice he said, “If you won’t do it then I will.” He turned and aimed his gun at Derek.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 42: Surprised that Michael is the bad character! But oh my, Really can’t get enough of charay and honestly Bosco & Ron are too cute (: