Chapter 24

Road of Destruction

“Charmaine!” Raymond called out to her. Since they exited the cave he had remained at the edge of the waterfall watching Charmaine reunite with Derek and Joe. Now that she was leaving he didn’t want to have whatever it was between them to end just like that. “Can I talk to you alone?”

Derek gave Raymond an icy stare and said, “She has nothing to say to you.” Holding tightly onto Charmaine, he said, “Let’s go home.”

Raymond continued to look at Charmaine and with aching softness said, “Please.”

Charmaine tugged on Derek’s sleeve, “I’ll be right back.” She saw that Derek was about to argue with her so she added, “I have something to tell him. It won’t take long.” She felt the eyes of everyone watching her as she walked over to where Raymond stood.

When she was standing in front of him, Raymond asked, “When can I see you again?”

Charmaine shook her head, “You won’t. After I leave this place all that has happened will be forgotten.”

Raymond’s heart twisted and he dully asked, “Including me?”

“Yes,” Charmaine answered curtly, although inside she was hurting just as much as he was.

“Why?” Raymond asked hoarsely, “You know how I feel about you and I know you have feelings for me too. I saw it…”

“You’re wrong,” Charmaine injected flatly.

Raymond tried to take hold of her hands but she pulled them away, “Inside the cave, you said you were worried about my safety. If you didn’t feel anything for me then why would you even care? Why are you denying your feelings for me?”

Charmaine held his eyes and steadily said, “Don’t you get it? It will never work out for us. The feud between our gangs run too deep and there’ll be too much conflict for us. Let’s just pretend that we’ve never met. It’s better this way.” Giving him one last look, she brokenly said, “I’m sorry.” Without giving him a chance to respond, she turned around and returned to Derek and Joe. Raymond didn’t stop her this time when she left.

When Derek and his people were out of sight, Michael walked over to Raymond and sneered, “I want to hear your explanation.”

“I’m sorry Michael but I…” Raymond started but didn’t get a chance to finish for Michael had kicked him in the stomach and he doubled over in pain.

“That is for disobeying my command,” Michael said through clenched teeth then lifted his foot and kicked Raymond again. “This is for running off with her!”

Ron quickly jumped to Raymond’s defense and when Michael lifted his foot again he placed an arm over Raymond’s body, “Please no more Michael!”

Michael looked at the two guys whom he had taken in and looked after like his younger brothers. He felt remorseful when he saw Raymond’s pale face etched with pain. Bending over him, he said, “See what you made me do.”

Ron helped Raymond up and said, “Give him a chance Michael. You know Raymond is very loyal to you and he isn’t usually like this.”

Michael’s anger was gone as abruptly as it came. He placed a hand on Raymond’s shoulder, “I’m sorry for hitting you and I don’t blame you for helping her.”

Raymond looked at Michael with surprise, “You don’t?”

Michael laughed, “I understand why you did it.” Seeing the look of confusion on Raymond’s face, he leaned in and said, “She has an amazing body.”

Raymond frowned not comprehending the meaning of the words and yet he has this gut feeling he knew where that came from. He looked over at Bosco and saw the sly grin on the other man’s face. In a toneless voice he said quietly, “Bosco gave you the pictures.”

Michael laughed harder, “You bet he did! Something that good should be shared.”

Raymond looked beseechingly at Michael, “Can I get all the pictures back?”

“What?” Michael asked, his face turning hard, “Are you trying to make me angry again?”

Ron nudged Raymond, silently telling him not to press it. Raymond got the message and quickly shook his head, “No, no. I meant I want a copy for myself.”

“Of course,” Michael chuckled. “You’ll get the first set of copies.” He looked at Bosco and said, “Spread word around that we have pictures of her and make sure that Derek hears of it. We can now use these pictures to make Derek turn over what we want. If Derek still does not relent then we will send these pictures to every magazine and newspaper in the city.”

Raymond didn’t say a word but Ron saw the anger flare up in his friend’s eyes. He knew that this was far from over.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 42: Surprised that Michael is the bad character! But oh my, Really can’t get enough of charay and honestly Bosco & Ron are too cute (: