Chapter 22

Road of Destruction

Feeling slightly embarrassed at what they had almost done, Charmaine immediately pulled away and stood up.

Raymond on the other hand took his time getting up and muttered an oath at Ron’s untimely intrusion. “In here!” he shouted.

Within a few seconds Ron was there beside them, his body drenched with water. “I knew you’ll be here.” He flicked a glance at Charmaine and noted her flushed face, “I had to make sure the guys left this area before I can come back.”

Raymond nodded with understanding, his mind still lingering on what transpired between him and Charmaine. There was definitely an undeniable attraction between them. The only thing now was the obstacles that laid ahead for them if they continue to pursue their feelings, which he planned on doing.

Ron sensed the tension between the two and figured something happened or was about to happen just before his arrival. Dismissing it, he got down to business, “Derek refused Michael’s deal and now Michael wants her dead.”

Charmaine let out a small cry hearing the news and began backing away from them.

Raymond saw the terror on her face and wished that Ron hadn’t said that out loud. He took slow steps towards her and when he was standing in front of her said firmly, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Holding her eyes he whispered, “You believe me don’t you?”

Charmaine looked up at him wondering whether she should believe in him and the truth was she did. Raymond had proven to her that he was here to help her and not harm her. If he wanted to hurt her he could have done so on more than one occasion, why wait until now. “I believe you,” she said earnestly.

“Thank you,” Raymond said and the two remained standing there with locked eyes. No other words were spoken for their eyes have already communicated their feelings.

Ron stood off to the side studying the pair. He had a hunch on what was going on. In his usual joking manner, he walked to Raymond and slapped him on the back, “If you’re done flirting can we get down to business?” Although the remark itself was serious however, Ron’s tone was light and teasing.

Charmaine’s face went a deeper shade of red at Ron’s jest. She suspected that he knew what they were about to do right before his arrival. Feeling awkward she abruptly turned away and returned to her place by the fire.

Raymond elbowed Ron and hissed, “That wasn’t funny.”

Ron laughed loudly then whispered into Raymond’s ear, “Yes it was.”

Raymond gave Ron a look that told him to quit the jokes and Ron immediately sobered up. “Tell me what’s going on now?”

“To sum it up, Michael wants her dead to get back at Derek. And if you insist on protecting her then you’re dead meat too. Oh, by the way, Derek and his men are also here and looking for her.”

Hearing Derek’s name, Charmaine sat up and looked over at them with unconcealed interest.

Rummaging a hand through his hair, Raymond paced the cave, “How are we going to get out of this?”

Ron dropped himself on the ground and dragged the bags over to his feet. “I don’t know. We still have time to think of a plan.” He dug into the bag, “Do you have anything to eat in here?”

Raymond gestured towards the bigger bag, “I have some cookies and candy bars and a few bottles of water.”

Ron went in search of the snacks, the problem at hand forgotten for the time being.

Raymond walked over to Charmaine and sat down beside her. He saw the worry on her face and thinking that she was still scared for her own safety, tried to comfort her, “You’ll be okay. I promise I’ll protect you and I will.”

Charmaine looked at him with a tenderness that took his breath away. In a low voice she asked, “If you’re going to be protecting me then who will be protecting you?”

Raymond searched her face and realized that she was worried about his safety and not her own. Hesitantly, he asked, “Are you worried about me?”

Charmaine stared at him and gulped, “Yes.”

Taking her hand into his, Raymond smiled with reassurance, “Don’t be. I’ve been brought up on the toughest streets and know how to take care of myself.”

Charmaine did not feel comforted by his answer. She knew what happens when you betray a member of the triad, especially if it was the leader. Holding tightly to his hand, she pleaded, “Promise me that you won’t let anything happen to yourself.”

“I promise,” Raymond whispered then bent his head and gave her a soft quick kiss.

Ron cleared his throat loudly and declared, “I’m still here and you guys are giving me a free show.” He trailed off with laughter.

Raymond and Charmaine quickly pulled their hands away. Just then they heard a loud boom which sounded like a gunshot.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 42: Surprised that Michael is the bad character! But oh my, Really can’t get enough of charay and honestly Bosco & Ron are too cute (: