It Will Always Be You

It Will Always Be You
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"Will you open up your heart for Yixing, Junmyeon."


Junmyeon's eyes widened in horror as he heard those words from his boyfriend. He knew something was off.


"Yi-yifan?" Junmyeon asked, with his eyes starting to get teary. He lifted his head and looked directly into his boyfriend's eyes.


When he saw those two brown orbs, he made a mistake to take a look at it longer than a split second.


He can no longer hold his tears back. He wanted to say something, but his throat seemed dry and not a single word can flow out from his mouth.


In Yifan's eyes he saw fear, sadness, despair and a lot more awful emotions.


He could not think straight when Yifan broke out the heartbreaking truth.


"I have only a month to live with you Junmyeon..a month to cherish with you. Don't fret babe. I am happy. We will be happy."


Junmyeon's knees turned into jelly. Just as he was almost about to fall, Yifan caught him by the waist and held him tighter.


Junmyeon's now sobbing. He held onto Yifan, like he's holding onto his dear life. Holding the latter tighter like he's going to leave now. He clutched his hands tighter onto Yifan's shirt and sobbed.


Yifan let Junmyeon cry this time. He knew too well that it was really hard for his boyfriend.


He was always the stronger one.


But, he couldn't ignore the fact that he is also scared. He wa

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2438 streak #1
Chapter 1: even if it wasn't mentioned, the inevitable end to whatever they have still hurts... HUHUHU why
siuchun85 #2
Chapter 2: I will definitely read it ^^
Thank u :)
theant256 #3
Chapter 2: Ok i will read it thanks
david98 #4
Chapter 1: Can you write more krisho pleaseeee???? Oh I love your stories! And write more angst please, please.... Thanks for noticing me about your new krisho fic btw :)
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwww krisho <33
exoprinette #6
how dd u knw that im not satisfied !???!hahaha
Limitless2 #7
Chapter 1: its so sweet
Chapter 2: Minjusoo? Me?
Chapter 2: thanks for the rec!^^ i really liked this one. angst is my weakness tbh. ;A; off to read your other rec! ^^
MaraudingSnitch1314 #10
Chapter 1: So sad... especially when Yifan mentioned reserving a home for Junmyeon and him in heaven. T__T