Heart Struck ♥

Just Another Girl in the Crowd.

Sorry for the really late update! TTwwwwTT




"Hyung..." a voice called.



"Hyung..." it called again.



Huh? Who is that? Wait? Where am I? I can't see anything in here, it's too dark. Did anyone turned off the lights?



"Kris hyuuuung." the same voice called to me and I felt a finger poke my cheeks. But I couldn't see anything or anyone else except for myself.



I felt the cold fingers touch my cheeks again but this time, the coldness spread into my whole body in just a second. The overwhelming coldness made my body jerk up.




"Hahahahahahahahaha~!" I heard the same voice calling me, laugh. Pfft.



"Owww." I mumbled as I tried to get up. I can see panda slippers beside me as I tried to gain consciousness of my surroundings. I was on the floor, obviously, with my dark blue comforters draped around me like a sushi wrapper. I tumbled a couple of times more before I balanced myself and got to sit on the side of my bed.


Ahh~ the perks of being a really tall man. Gravity pull.



I was on the process of getting my breathing even when I heard muffled laughs in front of me. I opened up my sleepy eyes and gazed sternly on the kid in front of me.



"We have class today, hyung. You get up now or we'll be late." Tao said quite amused as he tried to suppress a laugh from his lips.



"I'm still sleepy, Tao-Tao. You go ahead and I'll just meet you in class." I said as I was slowly drifting off to sleep again.



"But hyuuuung, there's only 30 minutes left before the first bell rings. If I let you fall asleep again you'll surely miss half of our classes including our rehearsal with Miss Tiffany. You know better than missing a practice session with her." Tao said in a paniced manner as he tried to pull me out of bed.


I mentally groaned to myself.


I didn't had enough sleep last night. I was greatly missing my mom and I had to wait a couple more hours  past my bed time to be able to call her due to time differences. It's been six years since I left home. The reason behind leaving? Let's not talk about it anymore, shall we?



All I have left of a family is my mom. Well, let's just say that she's the only one I consider as a family, aside from my friends and all of course. And with that, you can say that I'm sort of a mama's kid. I mean, I would really do anything she asks me to do, even the things that are usually not my style. I love my mom so much and she is the one that inspires me to reach my dreams.



And here I am now, a few steps closer to becoming a star.



A step closer to becoming what I wanted since I first learned how to sing a note.



An idol.




I got to convince Tao and the others to go to school ahead of me. Now, I'm currently fixing up my things that I recall I need for my classes.



Notebook. check.

Pens and correctors. check.

Wallet. check.

Music sheets. check.

Laboratory gear. check.

Manual. no check.



Okay? Where did I put that last time? I know I got it prepared yesterday. I swear I put it in here. I checked every bag I have used at school, every bag meaning a new one everyday, and yes, it took me about 10 minutes to check them all. But to my greatest luck, no manuals found TT-TT Professor V would kill me with her novel-length sermons!



"Oh well, better not add up to the missing manual by being late to her class."


I got out of the house after having a last look on the mirror. Dashing as always, Kris. I dumped my bag at the passenger's side of my Mercedes Benz-F700 as I jumped into the driver's seat. Fancy car? Well my mom gave me this baby as a birthday present last year. Another reason why I love my mom. :)



The drive to school was just for a couple of minutes. To be honest, the guys and I could just walk from our house to school, but due to security issues, our manager ordered us to use our cars instead and park it just a block away from school. As I pulled in onto the parking lot beside Baekhyun's handsome Audi r8, I grabbed the duffel bag at the back seat and rummaged for my mask and nerd glasses. It isn't much of a disguise, but people really don't recognize me in these. Don't ask me why, I don't have the slightest idea.



I took a deep breath as I entered the hallways of the school. Ever since we got accepted as trainees, girls from school acted like high school fan girls rather than proper college students. More over when we debuted as EXO, college life seemed to be tougher than before. We have to go through all the screaming, flailing, pushing, crowding and all sorts of possible fan girlings every morning. We're also having trouble during classes, the rooms in the school having huge windows mainly for the school supervisors, benefit the fans too. And them, being the over supportive fans, are noisy and distracts almost all of our classes with their chants and yells.






I got startled with the sudden screams I heard not far away from where I was. Instantly I looked at my back, sides but didn't see anyone rushing towards me. I was a bit dumbfounded as I tried to think of the reason behind all the screaming until I spotted a very huge crowd in the lobby. I think almost all the girls studying here belongs to the crowd. There are even young lady professors joining them, which as a matter of fact makes me laugh inside my head all the time. No offense inteded, I find it really cute. And let's not forget those more proper and strict professors trying to rid the crowd aways from the chemist--



Holy guacamole! Now how am I supposed to go to class?! I only got 5 miutes left before the first bell rings. I'll be surely dead if I come to class late. I took a very deep breath trying to gather all the strength in my system before plunging into the crowd and getting into class. I was careful not to bump into anyone or step on anyone's foot but it was quite impossible to do so. In the process, I got pushed and shouted at, someone even hit me in the head, intentional or not, I don't know. I was starting to get really pissed off and dizzy at the same time when I spotted a girl heading the same direction as I was. She doesn't seem to be enjoying this just like me.



Well who would have thought? Maybe not all of the girls here are like these crazy fans. Thank goodness!



As she was almost out of the crowd, some girl had pushed her way too hard and she started tripping towards the floor. I managed to get pass from a few more students and caught her right on time. I tripped a little and sort of got myself into a sitting position but I made sure she doesn't fall. I really haven't got the chance to see her face for I was holding her in a hugging manner. I slowly walked her into a bench not far away from where we are. I sat her there and saw her face.



The most beautiful and innocent face I ever saw in my life.



Her skin was beautifully pale, her eyes were still closed giving me a chance to see her long pretty eyelashes. I gazed at her face for quite a long time thankful enough that she's not opening her eyes yet. Her lips look really soft and kissable that I had to control my self from kissing her right here, right now. It had an adorable shade of pink. Her hair was fairly long, it reached I guess until her waist. It had the color of automn, you know the rich shade of brown that has a touch of vibrant red? She looked really surreal, in a good way of course. I tried to look closer and noticed that she was not wearing any make-up on. What? All I thought I was beautiful but this girl sitting in front of me had surpassed the meaning of beauty, Aphrodite would be jealous herself.


I noticed that she's beginning to become more paler that it really worried me. Is she okay? Is she sick? Oh goodness maybe she had hit her head in the crowd to! I paniced. For a thousandth time in my life, I didnot know what to do. I gathered all the confidence remaining in my body after seeing her immortal beauty, and tried to speak.


"Are you okay?" was all I managed to say. I was thankful enough that my voice didn't sounded awkward. I forgot that I was wearing a mask and that it sort of changed the sound of my voice a bit. But I just really can't afford to take it off. I mean, I can't risk on someone seeing me, it would surely bring her trouble also.


I noticed that she was slowly opening up her eyes. My breathing was caught up in my throat as I waited to have a view of this beautiful girl's eyes. Her naturally perfect brows met at the middle for a while, maybe she's adjusting with the light. I do that also. Keke~! Woah~! Her eyes got to be the most breath taking orbs I have ever seen. They're even prettier than Luhan's! They possess the color of the light rich earth, gold specks of the suns golden rays.


"Y-yeah. Thanks for helping me out." she smiled at me as she sat up properly on the bench. Goodness she is so adorable even when she stammers!



"Sorry about all that, uhh, what's your name?" I said apologetically as I motioned to the group of girls that's now slowly depleting. Maybe the professors got to control them at last. I was really sorry about all the fuss our fans are causing. I mean, how many more others are being affected by them?



"Oh~ Uhm, Lea. But, why are you apologizing? I don't think you have anything to do with that." She said rather amused. Sh*t! I forgot that I was on disguise. Gosh! The things this girl does to me.



"O-oh~! Yeah. Right. Keke~ I must have really hit my head hard back there. It's nice to meet you by the way, Lea." I said sheepishly and very nervously hoping that she doesn't notice who I am. I mentally groaned to myself for forgetting my disguise. She seemed to have noticed something and my heart literally began racing.



"You hit your head? Oh, dear come on I'll go with you to the Nurse's office to have that checked." she said as she tried standing up. I was thankful that she hadn't seen through my disguise. As much as I want her to know who I really am, I can't afford dragging her along the everyday trouble the boys and I are facing.



Just as she was starting to head for the direction of the Nurse's office, I got the chance to grab the softest hand I have ever held, even softer than Baekhyun's. I softly pulled her back towards my direction. I haven't really paid attention to what I was doing and I got really shocked so I suddenly let go of her soft hand and rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. I noticed that she too had the same shocked expression on her face.



Lea, you look beautiful no matter what you do.



"Sorry about that. Uhmm, you don't need to come with me. I don't want to be a burden. And besides, the bell is just about to ring. You should probably go to your class now. We wouldn't want to be late in this freaking Monday morning." I said shyly. Really?! Why am I being like this? Oh god! I'm turning into a softy! -___-"



And as if on my cue, the bell did rang after I had finished my sentence. Hoo~! Saved by the bell! Haha~ And besides, Nurse Yura knows about our disguises, so she might blow up the cover. I was really hoping that she doesn't insist on coming with me or else I wouldn't know what to do.



"Oh. You're right. But have that checked okay? I should get going now. Thanks again, uhhh" she said as she ran towards the direction she was heading to earlier this morning. Most probably her class. I was thankful that she started moving away. As much as it hurts, I can't really become close to her, it will only cause her trouble.



I was watching her run through the hallways when she suddenly came to a stop and looked back to me, her eyes smiling making her beauty glow more. I internally chuckled that I realized that she hadn't really asked my name earlier. But it's okay. Anything would be okay if for her.



"Kevin. The name's Kevin." I smiled to her as I turned and headed to meet Nurse Yura.



Lea. A pretty name that suits a very pretty girl. I don't think I would be able to forget her.








It was now lunch time and again, the fans are making it hard for us to pass through. Don't they realize that we're also getting hurt? Yes, we're idols but we're humans too! The noise they're creating is just adding up to my headache and my already pissed mood. We should've just stick to the plan and wear our disguises and eat lunch by pairs so that we don't get too much attention, but Lay seemed to have forgotten to bring his disguise so we all had to do this for him. Just like our signature line, "We are one."



I got to see Nurse Yura earlier and she gave me pain relievers after checking for bumps in my head. Fortunately, there were none. And another fortunate event, Nurse Yura told me to stay there and rest and that she would just send a note to my professor, the dearest Professor V, that I wouldn't be able to attend her class. Ha~! I should do this more often. Hahahaha~ Kidding ;)



After the lunch break, the day went by pretty fast. The commotions eventually died down as there were classes that ended ahead of time than ours. We are already heading to Miss Tiffany's studio for our practice sessions. The group were divided into four cars with me, Baekhyun, Suho and Xiumin on the wheels. I was with Tao, Lay and Chanyeol so we were pretty much noiy inside the car singing whatever song we can think of. Well, except for the sleeping Lay. Mehehe :3




"Say galaxy, where were you earlier? You didn't came into our laboratory class. You missed the fun of watching professor V rant all period to our fans." Chanyeol's head popped out at my side. His usual derp face plastered on.




"I was trying to enter the class but some fan had hit me in the head and it really was impossible to get through them. And also I helped Lea out of the crowd then I went to Nurse Yura." I suddenly bit my tongue for saying out her name to these people.



"Who's Lea?" the three of them said in chorus as I parked my car infront of Tiffany's studio.



"What? Who are you talking about?" I played dumb as I mused a smile to them anrrying to get inside.



The practice session went by pretty fast with all of us enjoying every song and choreography taught to us. After a while, the practice session eventually turned into an eating session and after all the things that happened today, every one of us had pigged out. Thankfully, Tiffany didn't scold us like she usually does.



We all reached home exactly at one o'clock in the morning. We were all getting used to the late night rests and all the hectic schedules. It's better this way so that we will be able to adjust ourselves when we start the tour. And speaking of, it was only a week away from all the restless days.



As I lay down on the comforts of my bed, I suddenly thought of something.



Someone rather.



Someone named Lea.



And I smiled at the thought. I hope I will be able see her often before we leave for the tour. I sighed as I let sleep overcome my mind. I hope she will be the contents of my dreams.




I am definitely heart struck by her.

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leyawufan #1
Chapter 7: Baeeeeek. Whut is zutem. Ahahaha I cant wait for another update. My stress reliver. Thankssss benjjj.
leyawufan #2
Chapter 7: Zutem. :D hahahaha
nice story!
leyawufan #4
Chapter 6: Moreeeeeeeee.. Love lots. Benj :*
leyawufan #5
Chapter 5: Benj. The word leo. Its lea. hahahahhahahahah by the way. Thanksss for the update. Loveyou authornim.
leyawufan #6
Chapter 4: Im gonna die. My feels. It is overflowing. My goddamn feels. Why. How. What. This is so freaking sweet. I cant contain my feels.. Ooooooooo. Moorrreeee :)
leyawufan #7
Chapter 3: Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh. So excited for moree :*! Iloveyouuuu :*
Chapter 2: beh. iniba mo.? pero owkei lng. love ko parin. hehehe. exzoited for more.
leyawufan #9
Chapter 2: Thank you for upfating mu lovely benj. Waiting for moreee. :) lovelotsss.
leyawufan #10
Update pleaseee. Hahahh iloveyoubenj. :* my feelssss. :)