2. First Meeting

The Wolf King
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Chapter 2

Pulling on the sleeves of her robe, Feiyan waited for her brother as he organised the carriage and loaded a light luggage of both their necessities. He had told her that she wouldn't need to bring her own clothes; the King had organised that everything be provided for her, leading her to wonder briefly why the most important man in the country would go so far to provide for her.

"Fei!" Xiumin called out, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Coming!" She replied and picked up her small package of food that the servants had packed her. They had all tearfully bid her goodbye and promised to look after the estate well while the siblings were gone. 

Making her way to her brother, she admired him as he opened the carriage door then gestured for her to enter, taking hold of her hand to help her step inside. Feiyan smiled at the thought of court ladies swooning over her brother, though she didn't want to share her kind brother with anyone.

"We're ready," he said to the driver, and with the clatter of wheels and neigh of the horses they were off to the palace. Xiumin sat back and glanced at his sister; she was evidently excited, peering out the window with bright eyes. "You should rest, the journey is quite long," he suggested, tugging on the edge of her sleeves. She agreed and sat back down, moving the package of food to the side before leaning her head on her brother's shoulder.

Feiyan fell asleep soon due to her lack of sleep that night because she had too many thoughts clouding her mind, and when she finally awoke, it was to find her brother gently shaking her shoulder then slowly guiding her outside - afternoon sunlight made her blink several times until her eyes adjusted to the brightness. They had left at dawn and now it was already noon - evidently, as her stomach grumbled loudly. Xiumin laughed, "I knew you'd be hungry so we've stopped just outside the palace gates; we can go buy some snacks."

While they looked around the town, Feiyan realised that she didn't know what her job at the palace would be. Her brother hadn't said a word and from the way he occasionally glanced at her with a worried look, she knew that it could be a dangerous job. But the only thing she could think of that was remotely dangerous was being a soldier. 

As Xiumin looked at some fruits, Feiyan studied him as closely as she could without him realising. She could see dark circles under his eyes, new lines that creased his forehead and his lips looked dry and cracked. He is definitely in a bit of an unhealthy state, she thought, must be from his duties at the palace.

As soon as they had bought a few fruits and steamed buns, they continued on their way to the palace while eating their purchases and the snacks prepared by their servants. She'd hum and point out weird things to her brother; like the ox being led by farmers, wheat that shone like gold under the sun or the swallows the flew in the sky. "Like you!" Xiumin chuckled, "My cute little swallow." He patted her head affectionately and smiled, having missed seeing his sister for such a long while.

Words could not describe what Feiyan saw when they finally arrived at the palace; red paint covered the majority of surfaces, the ground was laid out in beautiful patterns with white stone, stone Shi* statues stood as guards with their fearsome growling expressions, and golden decorations added to the feel of royalty and lavish wealth. It was all utterly breathtaking. 

The wooden wheels of their carriage rattled to a stop outside of one of the outer residences within the palace walls. "Welcome to your new home, Fei!" Xiumin announced, throwing his arms wide at the entrance. He pulled her by her hand inside, excitedly pointing out things he'd grown i

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Nov 6th: Happy Birthday to our dear Kris Wu/ Wu Yifan! :)


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Chapter 10: Okay, I know this seems to be on hiatus, but I just HAD to read it! 8D
Historical/traditional stories (especially set in China or Japan) are one of my fave genres!!!
And I swear this fic is SO CUTE!! Their relationship is so vague but sweet~ <3
I'm loving the drama too and wondering who it is in the palace that they can't trust! D8
*I just wish there were more chapters*
Az4real #2
Chapter 8: One word author-ssi AWESOME!!!
Chapter 7: Omgoshhh so cuteeeee
i cant authornim i just cantt
too much feels lol
Chapter 7: aww yifan u r falling for her!!!
JDHismine #5
Chapter 6: Thanks for the great update! I'm kind of miss the updates.. Hehe