Just Perfect

Just Perfect - Xiumin

The warm day enveloped you both as the stars looked down on the two of you, your hands fiddled with each other in front of you as Xiumin kept his hands in his pockets. His white shirt clung to his shoulders loosely then hung from his figure as his black jeans contrasted the bright shirt. The turquoise tulip skirt hit right above your knees as it flowed behind you, your black tank top clung to your skin as your bracelet moved against your wrist as you walked down the street slowly.

"Beautiful night." Xiumin said as you nodded, he looked over at you as your hair caught the breeze and seemed to float, just like an angel.

"Where are we going?" You asked as you tucked some hair behind your ears.

"I thought that we would just walk around, enjoy the clear night." Xiumin looked over at you as he furrowed his brow together. "Is there somewhere you would like to go?" You nodded your head with a smile as you unclasped your hands and pulled Xiumin’s hand out of his pocket as you jogged to the bus stop that was nearby.

The bus soon pulled up as you two loaded onto the bus as Xiumin found you a seat and held onto a hook in front of you as he enjoyed the ride out of the city.

Trees began to replace buildings as the bus reached the end of its route. Xiumin and you both exited off of the bus as he laced his fingers between yours.

"Where are we going?" Xiumin said with a chuckle as you pulled him along happily.

"You’ll see." You cooed as the brush rubbed against your legs as you stepped up onto the bridge that overlooked a beautiful flowing stream.

Leaning on the railing, you took a deep breath of the fresh air as you closed your eyes. Xiumin looked over at you as he saw a smile gently grow on your face. Following your lead, he copied you and leaned on the railing too. The sound of the rushing river was so serene and beautiful as you could hear the birds chirping happily. He opened his eyes as he saw your bright smile on your face as your eyes were still closed.

"You really like this spot?" Xiumin teased as you opened your eyes and looked over at him.

"It is my favorite, I don’t get to come here very often though." You let your hands slip from the railing as you picked up a pebble laying on the floorboards of the bridge. Tossing it into the water below, you heard it enter the water as you smiled.

Always smiling at the simple things, Xiumin couldn’t help fall for you, his recently acquired girlfriend. Picking up another pebble he tried to throw it as far as he could. The small rock bounced off of a large rock and plopped into the stream.

"Wow, you can throw really far." You giggled as your eyes followed the flow of the water.

"Is there any other secret places you want to show me, or shall we go find some more rocks!" He said with excitement as he held out his hand for you to take.

"Let’s go find some more rocks" You smiled at him as you walked off of the narrow bridge first, Remembering to step down, you held your hand behind you as Xiumin’s heel of his foot caught on the edge of the bridge,  tumbling forward, you turned around just in time to catch his body and hit the dirt. Something was pressed on your lips as your eyes shot open just to see Xiumin’s eyes wide as his hands were on your arms. His lips were pressed against yours. Moving his eyes from yours he pushed himself up as he grabbed your hands and helped you up as you were still in shock.

"S-S-Sorry I am just clumsy." He apologized as you nodded, pulling down your skirt. He helped brush the dirt off of your back as he kept on saying that he was really sorry.

"I-I think the bus is coming." You said as you heard the rumbling engine climb the hills.

"We better be going then." Xiumin said as you nodded, heading back down the trail, he tried to slip his hand in yours as you just moved your hand into your other one and fiddled with your couple ring. Xiumin looked at you a little puzzled as he faded back and followed you to the bus stop.

Sure enough, the bus was waiting for us as you walked onto the bus and Xiumin followed you, finding a seat at the back of the bus, you sat next to the window as Xiumin occupied the seat next to you.

His eyes kept on looking at you as you looked out the window as the kiss replayed in your head.

"I’m sorry." Xiumin whispered in your ear at one last attempt, before he pulled out his phone, he plugged his ear phones into his phone as he played his music. "Do you want to listen?" He held up his other ear bud to you as you shook your head. Nodding he bit his lip as he looked forward at the road ahead.

The light began to fade as his eyes began to drop. Closing his eyes for a moment, he felt something on his shoulder as he opened them to see your tired head resting on his shoulder. Sinking into his seat, he held your head against his shoulder as he brushed your hair out of your face.

"I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for that to be our first kiss." Xiumin felt bad, knowing how special things like that were to you. Everything had to be perfect but it wasn’t. You deserve for everything to be perfect, he began to doubt himself that he would ever be good enough to deserve for you to stay in his life. Resting his head on yours, he wrapped his arm around you as the bumpy bus moved around the city.

Arriving at your stop, he shook your shoulder as your eyes fluttered open.

"We’re home." Xiumin smiled as he stood up, offering his hand to you as you stood up by yourself and walked down out of the bus, the bus driver bid you a goodnight as Xiumin paid and followed you like a puppy dog.

Sliding his hands back into his pockets he watched your dress flow with ever step as you walked back to your house. Unlocking the door, you walked through as Xiumin slid his hand between the closing door.

"Goodnight, I’m sorry about tonight. I really am." His eyes tried to look into yours as you glanced up at him.

"It’s fine." You said as his hand slid from the door and he nodded. his lips, he stepped away from the door as he waved to you. Closing the door, you felt bad, you knew that he didn’t mean to do that, but it wouldn’t have ever happened if you ideas would have gotten in the way of spending the day with him.

Xiumin kicked a rock between his feet as he looked up at the stars that began to appear. Standing on your toes, you looked out your peep hole as you got another idea. Opening the door, catching Xiumin’s attention, he turned around as you placed your hands on his shoulders as you moved on your toes and pressed your lips on his.

Widening his eyes, like earlier, his eyes began to flutter close as his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to him. With your arms slowly moving to wrap around his shoulders, he took over the kiss as his lips moved over yours slowly, yet lovingly as he tried to show you all of the love in his heart for you.

Pulling away after a short while, you stood down on your feet as you moved your eyes from his. His hand carefully rubbed your back as his eyes looked down at you.

"What was that for?" He whispered in your ear as your fists bunched his shirt between your fingers.

"I forgive you." You whispered back as your hand moved to the back of his neck, slowly moving your fingers from his hair to his bare neck. His grip tightened on you as he buried his head into your shoulder.

"I just wanted our first kiss to be perfect." Xiumin mumbled against your skin.

"It was perfect." You whispered in his ear with a smile as he pulled away and looked at your face, wanting you to continue. "It was with you, that is perfect to me."

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Chapter 1: xiuxiu.... ^_^
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Kin and innocent couple! Just like i want xD ahhaha xiumin is prefect ~ i like the way you write the character ^^ perfect story <3
Chapter 1: Yes xiumin it was prefect~ that gif is cute ~
Chapter 1: I love the gif and story. I would probably be like that but not mad at him.
awwwwwww. Our Baozi. Aigoo he's so cute. This story was so cute! C: <3
Chapter 1: Sweeeet!!! XDi love it!!!