Before I Met HIm

My Idol,My Bestfriend

It was friday in the morning...Everything seems normal,in school,my friends,in home and even my mind wrecking assignments seems normal.. After doing everything I need to do, I open my laptop and spazz.. It's normal,everything is just the way it is...The echoing of my mouse clicking in the house, irritates me...So I always tend to listen to music while doing something...


My life is filled with joy and loneliness... My school life seems fine..I'm oing great in all of my subject...I'm having fun with my friends, but my life inside this house is not perfect... Mom and Dad rarely see each other..They're always busy at work..Having no time for me..Maybe it's better for them not to go home..Since I'm tire of them arguing...

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wolf--88 #1
good story