The appearances of things are deceptive

Si Xing

The spheres floating around him are windows to the world

One is focused on the Charites, although there’s not much he can see. All is blurry and too fast for him –unless one of the Charites feels generous and allows him to peek into their temple. It’s a rare event.

Another sphere shows him the angelic water prince –he still is unaware of his powers or his identity. The window to the fire prince shows that the boy knows of his ability, but has no explanation and no one to confide in.

The earth prince is ignorant as well –but he won’t be for long. Not if the sneaky dancer continues to follow him and protect him.

There are more spheres, each one focused on different places and people.

The one he considers the most important is the window where Ruah is.

He’s blissfully unaware of who he is, what fate has prepared for him.

The watcher knows that he’ll be there to protect him, to save him…to save him instead of letting him die like he did millennium ago.


Fallaces sunt rerum species

The appearances of things are deceptive



In the beginning, The God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and The God was hovering over the waters.

And The God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.


And The God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” So The God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. The God called the vault “sky.”

And The God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. The God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.”



“Joonmyun, leave that version of the bible plagiarized by someone who was on crack and help me up with these books!”

Joonmyun closed the leather book in his hands and turned to face his classmate.

Krystal was balancing about ten books in her slender arms while walking towards the desk –or so she must have thought, because Joonmyun could see that she was about to crash into a bookshelf.

The boy looked down at the book in his hands. A part of him yearned to continue reading –the very irrational part of him.

But Krystal was right –whoever wrote (or “plagiarized,” was the right term) must have been very stoned when writing such work. It escaped Joonmyun the reason why the book was in a university library, or even published to begin with. Besides, the book was so old and damaged that the first pages were missing along with some other pages in between. He found himself starting in page 3 and skipping to page 6, where everything seemed great except for the end. He could only make out “…from the light, from the water, from…the land, four princes…gifted with…power…” before the page ended suddenly. It seemed like it had been burned or something. His fingers itched to turn the page and keep on reading, even when the farther he got the more confusion he gained.

Trying to ignore his irrational part, Joonmyun placed the book back on the table where he found it and headed towards Krystal, who was seconds away from crashing against the bookshelf.   

He never noticed the man watching him. Never saw when said man took the book and turned around to leave, his black coat moving like a cape at the speed of his strides.

Joonmyun never saw the man disappear into thin air. 

“Have you found something?”

Chanyeol raised his eyes from the cup between his hands and smiled at his mother. “A few things.”

His mother didn’t ask anything else, knowing very well that “a few things” mean “nothing new.” Instead, she took his son’s hands in between her own and gave them a strong squeeze.

“One day, Chanyeol. One day, you will understand the purpose that God has for you.”

“I know, omma. I know.”

But until then, what do I do? How do I control this? 

When the warmth in her hands started to became too unbearable for her, Mrs. Park released Chanyeol’s hands. “Now, why don’t you finish that tea and go to sleep? It must be very tiring to travel so much.”

Chanyeol shook his head. “First I need to walk you home, then I can sleep.”

“It’s not very late.”

“But it’s still dangerous and you are precious to me.”

Mrs. Park smiled at his words. She leaned to touch her son’s cheek with her hand.

“Only this once. Then you come home and sleep.”

Chanyeol nodded.


Confusing, I know.

BUT! It will make sense...eventually.

And yeah, Suho is reading the words in the main image. If you are Christian I am not trying to offend you AT ALL, and even to those that belong to another religion (or not) I am just using the Bible because it fits, you know? It will make sense when I fully explain everything. 

Can you guess who is the person talking in italics at the beginning of the chapter??

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2441 streak #1
Chapter 1: seems interesting, wish it was continued...
Chapter 1: Let me guess, is it Luhan? XD

And great story so far, hope you update soon! :D
shiningdorks #3
Waiting for the first update o/
This seems really interesting! I can't wait for the first chapter!