First encounter

Head over heels

(just bear wuth me it's still a bit boring in the begening and then she will meet someone ;))





As Haemi went on her way to find her class-room, her mom headed to Mr.Choi’s office. The secretary told the principal of this sudden visit and let Mrs.Kim Haejin (Haemi’s mother) enter.


“Morning Haejin-ah!” Mr.Choi greated and she slightly bowed her head smiling.

“Sorry for this sudden visit of mine.”

“Oh my Haejin! You know it’s always pleasure seeing you; it reminds me of my old days and your father. But of course you aren’t here early in the morning to hear me talking about this.”

Haejin smiled “No, I would like to talk with you about those days… those happy old days.”

“You are the same Haejin that I know. What’s wrong with you?” Mr.Choi questioned.

“It’s Haemi! I know she is a strong person and she will be fine. But for now she is really having a hard time. Now, she is having some memory troubles; like 3 days ago I told her that she’ll have to wear a uniform for the school but today she forgot everything about it. And this isn’t the 1st time that something like this happens. She doesn’t feel comfortable talking to me about her feelings. So please look after her.” Mrs.Kim answered.

“Don’t say that we are a family after all; I’ll keep an eye on her. But tell me what happened between you and your husband I thought you were back together for good.”

Haejin paused for a while “You know I am not so much into my dad’s construction company’s business. My dad used to work and me enjoying the benefits. I only cared about my work as a designer… the happy life” she continued with a sad smile “when my dad got sick before he passes away 4 years ago, Haemi’s father got back in touch with me and he took care of his daughter for the first time after years of absence. I liked the idea of us getting back together for the sake of my daughter. My dad passed away and I didn’t know what to do with my parts of the company… *she pauses, take a cup of water and adjust her position* To make a long story short he convinced me that the work is going down and faked the accounting papers. He made me sign some papers to transfer my parts for him. I trusted him… It turned up that he only wanted to get back to me in order to take over the company. And he got what he wants; he stole my money and kicked me out of my house… I am waiting for the court; I have to get everything back and the divorce.”

Mr.Choi was left speechless for a few seconds.

“He married you because of your father’s name. You should have figured that out by yourself. He isn’t a family man so why is he coming back to you? You should have at least asked for someone’s opinion before you get involved with him again; someone who sees the whole picture. There’s no point of this now.” He was harsh on her but it was out oflove. He couldn’t hold it back anymore, he can’t just comfort her. Furthermore he is a straightforward type of person. And she isn’t a stranger. They are family, even though he lost a bit of her news when she moved to the US but they are still a family and family don’t lie to each other, family support each other no matter what…

“I was childish I thought he’ll change and we will live a fairy tale.” She said wearing the same sad smile from before.


She looked at her expensive Rolex and talked once again “I have to leave now uncle. I got a job as a shoes designer. I am really happy with it. It’s going to help me to start everything afresh.”

Mr.Choi nodded his head saying “That’s everything that matters now. You are happy with your child and you’ll get everything back.”





Haemi was walking in the corridor as usual drowned in her thoughts that shegot lost. It was a bit early so none was there but a cute boy in front of his locker.

She got closer to him carefully after all he is a stranger and she is not that confident of herself when it comes to communicating with others. She took a deep breath and –

“Good morning, please I’m new here” *he turned around and gasped as he saw her* “And I couldn’t find my classroom. It is C9.”

She was confused by his gasp and the way he looked at her.

(His POV) (all the bleu italics in this chapter are his POV)

OH! MY GOD! Am I still asleep and angels visiting me?... She isn’t cute or has chubby cheeks but pretty. She is not even trying: no make-up, her hair in a ponytail, side bangs, honest eyes, pointed nose, naturally reddish lips and a V-line jaw.  

“Eh! Eh! A… Are you talking to me?” Really? You couldn’t do anything better to impress her. As he cursed in his mind.

“To your closet!” she answered sarcastically.

“Really sorry. I… I’m still sleepy.” whaaat! She is being rude early in the morning and me asking for forgiveness and looking for excuses. 

She looked at him with bored eyes and said “C9? New student here.”

“I am going there. Follow me.” He said trying his best to look cold but ended up smiling widely.


Haemi felt so guilty. She was having a bad temper and got mad at this cute boy. 

She is pretty but it doesn’t give her the right to be this rude. Also I’m doing her a favor. Pabooo~ I was smiling like an idiot.


Haemi tapped on his back and he turned around.

“Sorry, bad day… Haemi… Kim Haemi.”

“No problem. You can call me Taeyang”

“Your name Taeyang???” she said a bit confused.

“No, it’s Dong Yongbae. My close friends call me Taeyang.” What did I just say! She is a stranger. How can I let her call me as my friends do? Well… she is a beautiful stranger who doesn’t use verbs.

Haemi gave him her widest smile and he stood there frozen.

“Yes! So we are friends now. Taeyang… Taeyang is a cute name, it suits you…” she was so excited.

The hell! he thought to himself.


Haemi kept talking about how she was scared of this whole new life and stuff. But he didn’t hear a word; he was out of this world. He was mesmerized by her smile. He couldn’t focus on anything except that she found him cute.

“Do I talk a lot? Oh! Sorry. I am so happy to make a new friend.” Haemi said, slightly running to keep the same pace as her new friend.

Suddenly he stopped and took a look at her. She is happy because of me? And she calls herself my friend… I must have saved the nation in my previous life.

“No! No! That’s okay. Here we are C9. The teacher is already here."


He went in with a wild smile on his face and bowed to the teacher.

The teacher stood up and walked to the door she turned to the class: “We have a new classmate who joined us today. Kim Haemi come in. She was in the USA. San Francisco, right?” 

She turned again to face Haemi as the new student nodded and bowed to them. She took some steps in and introduced herself again.


Everyone was looking at her carefully. They have heard some rumors about the Kims are coming back to Seoul.

For Haemi and her mother’s luck people don’t know that much about what happened; they don’t know that the famous construction company doesn’t belong to them anymore. Or they would have treated them differently for sure.


“Haemi go sit in 3rd row next to eh… eh… Seunghyun.” The teacher sighed. She looked annoyed at the mention of the name.

The new student glanced at the so-called Seunghyun and – “Please may I sit next to Taeyang”

And everyone got shocked: some whispered “Yeah the kim’s daughter” and some didn’t believe that she just refused to sit next to the famous Choi Seunghyun. She is really something.

The teacher seemed to like the idea: she heard that the new student is really smart, Taeyang rarely talk to girls so having her sit next to the top student is a brilliant idea. They will encourage each other to do better in studies… well at least this seemed more logical than having her sit next to Seunghyun.

“Yes you may. But I’m afraid that when it comes to projects you will work with Seunghyun. Other groups are full. He has never worked anyway. *she turned to Seunghyun* May be this way you will change a bit of your attitude and start considering studies…”

Their teacher never missed an opportunity to mention how disappointed she is in Seunghyun. She feels a bit sorry, he has the abilities but he doesn’t take studies seriously.

Seunghyun was taking aback. Well of course he didn’t care about what the teacher is saying. But his pride as a flower boy was stepped on. He looked to his side and he forgot about the new coming when accidently his eyes met Yuri’s for a while.


Those 2 hours of literature followed by another 2 of physics were really long. Only Taeyang was enjoying it. Acutally he doesn’t hate any subject, and today was exceptionally amazing. He couldn’t believe everything that happened to him. He couldn’t explain it either. He was just happy. And from time to time he would secretly take a look at her.

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Chapter 2: Omo I love it :D !!! I'm shipping her with Taeyang ^^ he's so cute <3
Chapter 2: Authornim! I really like this so life stories i really enjoy?!!!!!!!!