Chapter 07 - The Way

Kissing Cards

                                          EXO's Comeback ''XOXO'' Pictures ~

Minseok awoke Saturday morning to his phone alarm blaring in his back pocket. Without opening his eyes, he reached into his jeans and turned it off before rolling onto his stomach. He heard Luhan whimper from across the room and let out a groan of agreement.

Too early. No classes. Not worth the effort.

“Coffee,” Luhan croaked a minute later, just as Minseok was about to return to peaceful slumber.

Minseok tried to say ‘no’, but his mouth wasn’t cooperating and all that came out was a disinterested mumble.

“Get me coffee, Seokkie,” Luhan demanded with a tired whine, and Minseok shook his head and burrowed deeper under the covers.

“Asdfghjkl,” he replied, voice muffled from under the blanket. “Ejjibusshi.”

Luhan whimpered again, this time in defeat, and Minseok smiled smugly into his pillow until he felt something heavy drop onto the bed beside him.

“You shouldn’t call people mean names,” Luhan grumbled, snuggling into Minseok’s shapeless form from where he’d hidden under the blankets. “And no one says ‘ nugget’ anymore.”

Minseok hissed and half-heartedly elbowed him in the stomach in an attempt to push his best friend off of the bed. It was too hot to cuddle. Unfortunately, Luhan didn’t go away, and after a moment Minseok gave in and kicked the blankets off of himself so that he could pull Luhan into a more comfortable position.

Minseok managed to doze off for a total of ten minutes before he was woken up by Luhan letting out another quiet groan and saying “I think I have to pee.”

Minseok scoffed and snuggled his face further into Luhan’s chest, tightening his arms around the other man’s waist to hold in him place. “If you ing move I will murder you,” he muttered threateningly. Luhan only sighed again.


Minseok was woken up again on Saturday morning by a loud, obnoxious knock on their dorm room door followed by an equally loud, obnoxious voice shouting “Are you guys decent? We brought chicken!”

Minseok was suddenly reminded of why he hated Saturday mornings. Group studying had been a horrible idea. Whichever one of them that had been stupid enough to think of it needed to die a horrible death.

“It’s too early!” Luhan called back, much too loudly for Minseok’s taste, and they heard a signature scoff of disapproval before the door swung open and a crowd entered.

Minseok finally had a reason to lift his head off of the bed, doing so only to see way more people than he’d been expecting.

Usually Saturday mornings were just the two of them finishing all of their homework with Yixing, Minho, and sometimes Jinki. But there were five people walking into the room, the two new additions carrying bags of takeout Chicken in their arms.

“What the is on your face?” Jonghyun (Jonghyun and Chanyeol, to be exact) stated, staring at Minseok with raised eyebrows.

Immediately Minseok began wiping at the sides of his mouth and chin, suspecting that he’d been drooling again - an unfortunate side-effect of sleeping - but after much rubbing his hand came away clean. “I don’t know,” he decided, looking over at Luhan, who had managed to start pouting with his eyes still closed. “What’s on my face?” He asked, watching as Luhan scrunched up his nose unhappily.

“You weren’t supposed to say anything,” He snapped, finally opening his eyes and sitting up, only to glare daggers at Jonghyun. “We wanted to see how long it would take him to notice.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Minseok demanded as Minho, Chanyeol, and Jinki began giggling incessantly.

“Did you let a five-year-old attack you or something?” Yixing asked, apparently not quite as amused as the rest of them.

Luhan took out his phone and began punching buttons with a frown.

Minseok got unsteadily to his feet (sleeping for over sixteen hours made things a little wobbly) and went into the bathroom to see what the hell they were talking about. He the light, looking in the mirror, and blinked. “The ,” he stated tonelessly, causing Minho, Chanyeol, and Jinki to begin laughing anew, with Jonghyun’s decidedly stupid gaffaws chiming in to create an imperfect harmony of evil amusement.

It was probably Jongdae, Minseok surmised, peering at the colorful artwork covering his face. There were pink swirls decorating his cheeks, a new carefully colored red tip to his nose, and what appeared to be a lazily drawn spider on his forehead. His eyebrows had been colored in with orange and green stripes and his lips were a terrifying shade of blue. Multi-colored hearts had been drawn into his chin, jaw-line, and neck, stopping just above his collarbone.

And it didn’t end at his face. Random artwork was scattered all over his arms - squiggles and stars and even a few dinosaurs - and after a moment he nervously raised his shirt to see that yes, a giant unicorn head had been drawn on his chest. Wonderful.

With a sigh, Minseok the tap and grabbed a wash rag, fully intending to get his face clean before taking a shower to get rid of the rest of it (whether Luhan approved or not) but plans almost never worked out the way they were meant to.

“Is this ing permanent marker?” It came out as a girly shriek, but Minseok was past caring as the entire room began laughing uproariously at him.

He scrubbed frantically at the oodles of doodles, ignoring the stinging of his eye when he got soap in it because the damn things weren’t coming off.

“Minseok,” Luhan whined, poking his head into the bathroom and staring at Minseok through the mirror, “hurry up and get out - I need to pee.”

“So then ing pee,” Minseok snapped, leaning over the sink to stick his face under the tap. “It’s not coming off,” he added as Luhan let out an irritated sigh and closed the door. Soap and water entered his mouth at the statement, and he hurriedly spit it out though he refused to move his head in hopes that constant water would make the horror go away. “What kind of dumb son of a writes on someone’s face with permanent ing marker, Luhan!”

“Jongdae,” Luhan answered promptly, and Minseok heard the tell-tale sounds of a stream of piss hitting the inside of the toilet. “You gotta admit,” he continued when Minseok let out a low growl at the name, “you should’ve seen it coming.”

Minseok finally straightened up, his wet hair dripping into his equally wet face, and looked to see that the colorful drawings on his skin hadn’t faded a bit. He glowered angrily at his reflection.

“I’m gonna need that sink you know,” Luhan reminded him, smirking amusedly at Minseok’s expression.

Without a word, Minseok swung open the bathroom door and reemerged into the crowded room. Minho stood up from where he’d been lounging lazily on Luhan’s bed and produced something from his pocket, holding it out to Minseok expectantly. “Non-washable,” he explained as Minseok plucked the marker out of his grasp. “He should still be asleep.”

Minseok nodded his thanks and was about to leave when someone grabbed his arm with an excited ‘wait, wait’.

“For the 'Kissing Cards’ article,” Jinki explained right before a bright flash temporarily blinded Minseok and he lowered the camera strapped to his neck.

“I will ruin everything you love,” Minseok stated flatly before resuming his quest of retribution against the diabolical Kim Jongdae.

As expected, Jongdae was in his bed, sleeping like an innocent baby angel. Luckily for Minseok, he was already in the prime position - spread-eagle on his back with his mouth hanging open - and without a second thought he jumped onto the younger man, sitting easily on his chest and trapping Jongdae’s arms with his knees.

Jongdae’s eyes popped open in surprise, and Minseok allowed himself a vindictive grin as he uncapped the marker and grabbed Jongdae by the hair to keep his head in place.

“Hyung, what are you-” Jongdae began before seeming to spot the marker coming closer to his face. He began struggling, thrashing in an attempt to escape Minseok’s evil clutches though it was all in vain as Minseok began scribbling on his well-defined cheekbones. “No! No, please! Have mercy, hyung, it was just a joke no it burns my skin PLEASE GOD NO WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME! ! ! !”

Minseok pulled back slightly, putting his wait on Jongdae’s stomach as he admired his work. Beautifully drawn es were scrawled all over Jongdae’s face, but it lacked something. With a thoughtful frown, Minseok leaned forward once more as Jongdae continued to scream in horror.

Finally, the revenge was complete, and Minseok smiled happily. On Jongdae’s forehead, in well-done calligraphy, were the words ‘Jesus is my homeboy’.

Without a word, Minseok got off of Jongdae long enough to haul him to his feet and pull him over to Minseok’s dorm. Jongdae had apparently given up his hopes to escape, barely struggling as Minseok deposited him in front of Jinki.

“Do you want me to use this for the article too?” Jinki asked, head cocked to the side as he stared interestedly at Minseok’s work of art.

Minseok shook his head. “Nope,” he said, smiling brightly, “I would simply like a picture for personal use.”

“Me too,” Chanyeol agreed, and Minseok shot him a grin.


Jongdae ended up sticking around as they all began doing their homework despite the fact that he wasn’t in the same grade as the rest of them (though come to think of it neither was Chanyeol. Why was Chanyeol even there?), moving between beating up Minho for enabling Minseok’s revenge and cuddling up into Minseok’s side as Minseok explained Trigonometric Integrals to Luhan and Jonghyun.

“I don’t think they’re going to get it,” Yixing muttered as Jonghyun once again questioned how problem number thirty-four could be a Dirichlet integral.

“No, probably not,” Minseok agreed just as Chanyeol snapped “it’s not absolutely convergent you ing idiot, just do it like this-” and proceeded to snatch Jonghyun’s calculator out of his hand to show him the correct way of solving the problem.

Minseok finally figured out why Chanyeol was there. Also, watching Chanyeol get all up-in-arms over Dirichlet integrals was kind of hott.

“I am so confused,” Jongdae admitted without moving his head from Minseok’s shoulder, pouting so that his lower lip covered the tip of a on his chin.

“Amen to that, bro,” Luhan agreed, giving a lost sigh as he watched Chanyeol’s animated explanation.

It took the rest of the morning for them to finish their homework - Minseok’s pile unnaturally high and tedious thanks to the many distractions that had befallen him over the course of the week - but when they finished everyone decided that a celebratory game of Soul Caliber was in order.

“Damn button-mashers!” Luhan shouted when he once again lost a round to Jinki’s unskilled hands. He threw the controller to Jongdae, who was half-laying in Minseok’s lap.

“So, Minseok,” Jonghyun began as Luhan unceremoniously shoved Jongdae off of Minseok’s lap so that he could lay there instead (“because he’s the most comfortable!” Luhan explained when Jongdae began protesting), “who’s supposed to be making out with you today?”

It took Minseok a moment to remember that everyone knew about the Kissing Cards, and that Jonghyun wasn’t just some weird stalker who knew way too much about Minseok’s life despite how little they usually hung out.

“I don’t know,” he admitted with a nonchalant shrug. “I looked last night before going back to sleep but the card wasn’t there.”

“What do you mean ‘the card wasn’t there’?” Luhan asked, looking up at Minseok in confusion.

Minseok shrugged again, ignoring how uneasy Luhan suddenly seemed. “It just wasn’t. I mean, I figured Jongdae’s card would’ve disappeared, but I couldn’t find today’s anywhere. It just went straight to ‘The Rhythm.’”

Chanyeol began coughing. Minseok maneuvered his way around Luhan’s body to hand him a coke.

“It’s ‘The Way’,” Jongdae said distractedly between low curses as his character slowly but surely began losing health.

Minseok found himself honestly surprised by Jongdae’s knowledge, and turned to give him a sharp look. “How do you know that?” He demanded, watching as Jongdae shrugged slightly.

“We all know each other,” he explained, and suddenly Luhan and Yixing were coughing as well. Minseok ignored them, since they weren’t important. “Kind of hard not to - I mean, Kibum made us go to an introductory meeting when we all signed up for it, and then someone keeps getting cold feet and calling meetings to try and switch cards with other people-” for some reason that Minseok couldn’t fathom, Jongdae shot Yixing a glare. Jinki used Jongdae’s distraction to pull off a throw move, effectively winning the match, and Jongdae began cursing him loudly.

Jonghyun was using both hands to clap Yixing and Chanyeol on the back, the two of them hacking away into their hands.

“Respect your elders!” Jinki finally snapped after Jongdae called him a tool.

“Learn how to play the game,” Jongdae snapped back, glaring at him. “Everyone knows that only cheaters use Maxi!”

Rolling his eyes (because there were much more important things to discuss than Jinki’s crappy playing skills) he shook Jongdae’s shoulder to get his attention.

“So you know who ‘The Way’ is?” He asked, and Jongdae - after shooting Jinki another glare - nodded.

“Well yeah,” he said as though it were obvious. It probably was. Minseok wasn’t very good at noticing obvious things. “I mean, even if we weren’t always getting stuck in god-awful meetings -” he glanced at Yixing again “- I’m actually pretty good friends with the guy. We’ve been bros since he came to Kor-”

“So, Minseok-hyung!” Chanyeol exclaimed loudly, cutting Jongdae off. “My band has a show tomorrow-” (“our band,” Jonghyun corrected, sending Chanyeol an wounded look) “-you should totally come see us!”

“Thanks for inviting the rest of us, ,” Minho grumbled, glowering at Chanyeol in distaste as Jongdae handed him the controller.

Chanyeol sent him a bright smile. “Everyone can come,” he said happily, and Minseok wondered if his cheeks ever hurt from smiling so much. It couldn’t be easy. “Except for you, hyung,” he added, pointing to Luhan. Luhan stuck his tongue out in response. “No one likes you.”

“I like you!” Jinki exclaimed, grinning at Luhan while waiting for Minho to make a choice between Talim and Yoshimitsu. Luhan stuck his tongue out at Jinki too before curling further into Minseok’s lap.

Minseok felt something vibrate against his leg, causing Luhan to let out a yelp of surprise and fall to the floor in an effort to get away, and pulled out his phone curiously.

From: 02-314-3291
To: Minseok

Yah its baekhyun have u been kissed today???

From: Minseok
To: 02-314-3291

How did you get my number?? And why? Are you offering?

From: 02-314-3291
To: Minseok

u wrote it down on ur info sheet during the festival. i might b ;-)

“Who is it?” Luhan asked, clambering back on the bed to peer at the Minseok’s phone screen.

“Baekhyun,” Minseok answered, letting out a disturbed snort of laughter when he read the reply.

From: Minseok
To: 02-314-3291

kekeke That was so nasty. you and your emoticons.

From: 02-314-3291
To: Minseok

:-P like id ever subject myself 2 that again. neways thx 4 letting me no. the problem will b corrected shortly :-)

“Why are you texting Baekhyun?” Luhan asked, giving Minseok a skeptical look. Minseok shrugged.

From: Minseok
To: 02-314-3291

Wonderful. Now kindly delete my number from your phone.

There was no response, which Minseok took to mean a good thing.


It was around dinner time before anyone mentioned food. As far as Minseok was aware, no one had eaten since the chicken that morning and it was nice to know that he wasn’t the only one slowly starving to death.

“Jongdae,” Luhan mumbled, still curled up on Minseok’s lap despite the fact that Jongdae was currently pressed into Minseok’s side (Minseok thought it was lucky that he wasn’t claustrophobic, because they weren’t really giving him any breathing room), “you should go buy us food.”

“Why me?” Jongdae whined, playing distractedly with Minseok’s fingers. In the background, Minho and Jonghyun tried to explain the plot of 71: Into the Fire, which they’d begun watching as per Chanyeol’s suggestion. “I’m just a broke college student. And I have on my face,” he added as an after thought, scrunching up his nose in distaste before shooting Minseok a wounded look. “Plebeian,” he mumbled under his breath, and Minseok elbowed him in the side in retaliation.

“Because you’re the youngest,” Luhan answered, his voice muffled by Minseok’s shirt as he pressed his face into Minseok’s chest. Seriously, Minseok thought with a frown, what was up with all of the cuddling? Not that he was complaining, but still.

“You don’t know that,” Jongdae pouted, tracing the lines on Minseok’s palm like they held the answers to life. “Chanyeol could be younger than me.”

“But I’m not,” Chanyeol pointed out from where he was laying spread-eagle on the floor, long limbs taking up the majority of the walkway.

“But you could be,” Jongdae insisted, and Chanyeol shook his head.

“But I’m not.”

“Buy us food,” Yixing demanded, not looking away from the television screen.

“But I’m watching the movie though,” Jongdae exclaimed, his pout becoming more pronounced.

“No you’re not,” Jinki disagreed, hiding his hand behind his mouth as he yawned. “Just do your , Jongdae.” Jongdae shot him a glare, obviously still upset about being beaten at Soul Caliber.

“ing tool-” He began, cutting off when Minseok elbowed him again.

“Don’t be so lazy, Jongdae,” Minho said from where he sat with Jonghyun’s head on his lap. At least Minseok wasn’t the only one being cuddled.

“Everyone knows you don’t let explosives anywhere near food supplies,” Jonghyun mumbled, sounding absolutely disgusted as he watched the scene play out on the screen. Minho shushed him and patted his head comfortingly. “Why so stupid, movie?”

“But I don’t want to,” Jongdae whined. “Make Minseok-hyung do it! He’s gotta leave the room anyways!”

“That’s true,” Chanyeol agreed, looking up at Minseok expectantly. “You need to leave the room, hyung.”

Minseok was honestly confused. “Why?” He asked, and Jongdae scoffed.

“So that the next Knight in Shining Armor can make his move,” he explained with an over-dramatic roll of his eyes. “Poor guy’s been ready for hours.”

“Why didn’t he just come in here then?” Minseok exclaimed, feeling the slightest bit defensive. “Being in my room hasn’t stopped anyone else!”

“So true,” Luhan sighed, frowning unhappily. “It’s never-ending in here, yo.”

“He’s shy,” Jongdae told Minseok. “He’s afraid everyone will make fun of him if he comes in.”

“Is he a figment of your imagination?” Minho asked, glancing back at Jongdae with raised eyebrows. Minseok was glad that someone had asked, so that he wouldn’t have to.

Jongdae scoffed again. “Don’t be dumb, dude, you know who it is too.”

“Does everyone know except for me?” Minseok asked incredulously, watching as Jonghyun lifted his head from Minho’s lap long enough to shake his head.

“I don’t,” he stated.

“I don’t either,” Jinki added.

No one else spoke. Minseok was suspicious.

“Come with me,” he demanded, poking Luhan expectantly in the side.

“Make Jongdae do it,” Luhan replied, his head rolling back against Minseok’s shoulder. “I don’t want to.”

Minseok stared at Jongdae. Jongdae stared back. Finally, the younger man sighed and bowed his head in defeat. “Fine.”

It was nearly an hour after leaving that the two finally made their back to Minseok and Luhan’s dormroom, weighted down with bags full of Chinese takeout after Luhan had texted Minseok telling them that they’d been joined by Sehun and Taemin. He’d also gotten another, slightly more unfortunate text, from Yifan reminding him of the tutoring session that was supposed to take place later.

Minseok was starting to think that Yifan would be the only one he’d be kissing for the day (not including earlier, when he and Jongdae had been waiting for food and Jongdae had kissed him on the cheek just to see the disturbed reactions they’d get from the store’s other patrons) when suddenly they were stopped by an unfamiliar voice calling out Jongdae’s name.

They turned around to see an equally unfamiliar figure walking towards them.

“Hey Zitao,” Jongdae greeted, sending the stranger a toothy grin before looking at Minseok. “Meet your newest conquest, hyung.”

Minseok’s ‘newest conquest’ was tall (of ing course) and decidedly emo, with blood red hair falling into his dark eyes and a plethora of jewelry decorating his ears and fingers. And apparently his name was Zitao, and he was friends with Jongdae.

Minseok decided he should probably start paying more attention to underclassmen, because he couldn’t imagine how he’d managed to miss ever seeing this guy’s face before.

“Why are you here?” Zitao demanded, giving Jongdae a dark glower. “This is going to be awkward enough without you staring at us - and why the hell do you have a bunch of on your face?”

“My new conquest is emo?” Minseok asked Jongdae, raising his eyebrows skeptically.

Jongdae shook his head quickly, wide-eyed, just as Zitao let out an offended gasp. “I’m not emo!” He squealed, and the look he gave Minseok made him feel as if he’d suddenly kicked a puppy.

“Sorry,” Minseok mumbled, abashed.

“I’m not gay, either,” Zitao continued, crossing his arms over his skinny chest defensively. “So don’t go getting any ideas, buddy.”

Minseok shrugged. “That’s fine,” he said nonchalantly. “You’re not really my type.”

Jongdae winced and Zitao’s expression darkened further. “Don’t be stupid,” he snapped, flipping his hair out of his face expertly, “I’m everyone’s type!”

Minseok heaved a sigh, frowning up at him. “There’s no winning with you, is there.”

Zitao stared hard at him, and Minseok unconsciously tensed up nervously. “You were supposed to be a cute younger girl who fell madly in love with me and called me ‘oppa’,” Zitao stated flatly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jongdae started coughing - though it sounded suspiciously like a laugh - until Zitao glared at him, after which Jongdae mumbled something about going back to the room, grabbing the bags out of Minseok’s hands, and promptly ran the hell away.

“All things considered that seems like a really stupid thing to-” Zitao glared at him, and Minseok promptly shut the hell up. He managed to keep it up for a full three seconds before words burst out of him once more. “I refuse to call you ‘oppa’, but if it’s that big of a deal for you you’re more than welcome to -”

Minseok felt obligated to stop talking again, but only because Zitao had decided to grab him by the cheeks and kiss him as though he’d been compelled to do so by modern witchcraft.

Minseok’s first instinct was to pull back (he was really getting tired of guys just throwing themselves at him without even asking first - so impolite) but for the sake of this stranger’s uality he was willing to go with it. He squeezed his eyes closed and kept his hands clasped tightly behind his back, trying to remember the words to a song - any song would do, just so long as it was distracting. After a second his brain landed The Champs ‘Tequila’ and it took every ounce of self-control he possessed not to start bobbing his head to the imaginary beat.

Duna duna duna dun da

Zitao kissed like a kid being forced to plant one on his great aunt Bernice.

Duna duna duna da

It was a little offensive, actually. Yes, Minseok was definitely offended. So rude.

Duna duna duna dun da

Still, he couldn’t deny that there was some swag there. Zitao probably would’ve been a great kisser, if he was, you know, not kissing Minseok.

Which was, once again, terribly offensive.

Duna duna duna da

Actually, Zitao had some pretty nice lips. Not that Minseok was interested, but still. They were soft. And his hands were kind of nice too, though Minseok despised the fact that they were touching his cheeks. His future girlfriend would be really lucky.

'Duna dunaaaaaaa duh! Wow! Duna dunaaaaaa duh! Wow! Duna dunaaaaa duh!'

But really, though, Zitao was totally emo. He was like those kids in school that thought they were straight while everyone else was going ‘no man, you like the D’ and they were like ‘I don’t like the D, I like the V’ until the day of the ten year reunion when they walked in with their husband and everyone said ‘told you so, bro’. Yeah, it was exactly like that.

'Duna-nuh da da da-'

“Tequila!” Minseok shouted just as Zitao let him go, pumping his fist in the air now that he could dance around the hallway freely.

“The ?” Zitao asked, and Minseok shot him a wide grin.

“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule of listening to The Cure and crying in a dark room to make us both feel incredibly uncomfortable,” Minseok exclaimed, clapping Zitao roughly on the shoulder before the power of ‘Tequila’ overtook him once more and he began the slow process of dancing his way back to his and Luhan’s shared dorm.

“You are...welcome?” Zitao half-asked, still looking terribly confused.

“Just remember that you’re a special snowflake and the world would miss you if you were gone!”

“I’m too fabulous to be suicidal - or emo, you bastard!” Zitao snapped, and Minseok’s grin widened.

“You're so emo, Taozi-” Zitao went to open his mouth, most likely to give Minseok hell for the impromptu nickname, but Minseok hurried on before he could get a word out. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go eat dinner and then teach Wu Yifan how to kiss!”

Zitao’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait seriously? Yifan-ge?”

“Goodbye, random emo child!” Minseok exclaimed, shaking his booty once more before rounding the corner.

He could swear he heard Zitao mutter ‘what a ing fairy’, but assumed that it was just his mind playing tricks on him.


“Okay,” Minseok began an hour later, letting himself into Yifan’s dorm room without preamble, “I don’t have a whole lot of time, because there’s an impromptu party in my room - and in my pants - and I can’t leave Luhan to tend to everyone by himself. Also, I’m pretty sure if I’m gone too long he and Jongdae will complain about not having anyone to cuddle with.”

Yifan glanced up from where he sat at his desk, round glasses perched precariously on his nose as he scribbled on what was presumably his homework, and immediately did a double take. “Who drew on your face?” He asked curiously, and Minseok shrugged, stopping a foot away from where he sat and placing his finished Chemistry homework on the desk for Yifan to copy at his own leisure.

“It’s a long story-”

Yifan’s eyes lit up and a mumbled an appreciative “ooh, thank you!” before snatching Minseok’s homework from the corner of his desk and peering at it interestedly.

“-And not a very important one,” Minseok finished, crossing his arms over his chest and peering down at Yifan interestedly (it was doubly interesting simply because he was peering down at Yifan, which was rare and exciting). “I think the more important question here is ‘why did you steal Harry Potter’s glasses’? I’m pretty sure he needs those to defeat You-Know-Who, and play Quidditch and stuff.”

He watched amusedly as Yifan’s impressive eyebrows furrowed for a second before realization dawned on his face and he hurriedly took off his round spectacles, setting them carefully down on top of his homework. “Shut up, Minseok-”

“Sunbae,” Minseok corrected, and Yifan rolled his eyes.

“I might look ridiculous, sunbae, but at least I didn’t let a drunk five-year-old take a marker to my face.”

Minseok opened his mouth to argue, only to promptly shut it immediately after. It was an accurate description of Jongdae, after all. There was no point in trying to deny it.

“I concede,” he agreed, and Yifan’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“You what?”

“Concede,” Minseok repeated patiently, watching as Yifan frowned thoughtfully.

“What does that mean?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Minseok replied, waving off Yifan’s question easily. “I’m not actually sure I used it right anyways - I’m high on life at the moment, things get kind of fuzzy as soon as I open my mouth and words come out.”

“You mean like they’re doing right now?” Yifan asked, and Minseok nodded.

“Exactly. Now are we gonna make out or what? Time is of the essence, Yifan. I’m a very popular cuddle-buddy, I can’t spend too much time here or the masses will feel lonely.”

Yifan shrugged. “We might have to reschedule,” he admitted, and Minseok raised his eyebrows skeptically. The hell they would. “I’m not sure I can take you seriously with that crap all over your face.”

Minseok rolled his eyes, grabbing Yifan by the front of his shirt and attempting to haul him to his feet. It was difficult, since Yifan was such an uncouth giant and Minseok, admittedly, was not. “I’m already here,” Minseok stated, pulling Yifan towards the nearest bed. He briefly wondered where Yifan’s roommate was before deciding that he simply didn’t give a damn.

Yifan sighed and nodded in agreement.

Minseok sat them both down and gave him a bright smile. “Now, let’s get started,” he exclaimed enthusiastically. Yifan looked decidedly nervous. Minseok ignored it. “Go ahead and kiss me.”

Yifan’s eyes widened considerably and he looked a little bit like Luhan did whenever they were walking down the street at night and he saw headlights. “Just like that?” He squeaked - not a pitch that Minseok had thought he could reach.

“Just like that,” he agreed, nodding his head resolutely. “I can’t help you if I don’t know precisely where you’re at.”

Yifan simply stared at him, all hunched shoulders and clenched fingers.

Minseok heaved a sigh and reached forward, grabbing Yifan’s hands and carefully placing them carefully on his shoulders. “Whenever you’re ready,” he promised, and Yifan let out another feminine squeak.

It was going on three minutes (‘Three. ing. Minutes.’ Minseok mind supplied helpfully) before Yifan finally began to lean forward. “I’m beginning to regret my life decisions,” he mumbled, and Minseok nodded in agreement. It was a mutual feeling. “Promise you won’t judge me?”

“I promise I’ll try,” Minseok replied, and Yifan’s soft sigh hit Minseok’s chin.

“Close enough,” Yifan mumbled before closing the distance between them fully.

The second time wasn’t half as bad as the first, Minseok decided as Yifan tentatively moved his hand from Minseok’s shoulder to carefully cradle the back of his head. Though perhaps he was a little biased, considering the fact that this time he knew it wasn’t Yifan’s first kiss.

Still, it was a little obvious that Yifan didn’t know what he was doing, and Minseok found himself wordlessly taking the lead, Yifan’s bottom lip between his teeth until some of the tension left Yifan’s shoulders.

Minseok could feel Yifan unconsciously pulling him closer, until he was straddling the linguistic major’s hips, and obligingly draped his arms around Yifan’s neck, their bodies molding together. He swiped his tongue over the crease of Yifan’s lips, suppressing a victorious smile when Yifan let out a quiet gasp and tightened his grip on the back of Minseok’s head -

Duna duna duna dun da

“Son of a !”


Jongdae had taken over Minseok’s bed again.

It was past midnight and everyone else had left back to their own dorms with the exception of Jongdae, who decided that Minseok was simply too squishy to let go of (which Minseok found to be highly offensive) and had promptly passed out curled up into Minseok’s side like a kitten.

It wasn’t that Minseok was opposed to sharing his bed with Jongdae - the kid was cute and it was always nice to feel wanted - but Jongdae had an unfortunate habit of spreading out over the mattress and leaving Minseok virtually no room for himself. Between feeling kind of squished and still having ‘Tequila’ stuck in his head (no matter how much he tried to get rid of it) it just made it really difficult for Minseok to fall asleep.

Half an hour after the lights had been turned off, and Minseok was staring dead-eyed at the ceiling, debating the pros and cons of simply staying up for an extra hour to study the next chapter of his Chemistry textbook. He really wanted to - if for no other reason than to have something to do - but he was afraid that if he moved Jongdae wouldn’t let him get back into bed.

“Seokkie?” Minseok jumped in surprise at the sound of Luhan’s quiet voice drifting from across the room, and Jongdae let out a sleepy coo and slammed his fist down on Minseok’s stomach. “Are you awake?”

Trying to ignore the sudden pain inflicted by his new bedmate, Minseok raised his head off of the pillow and stared through the darkness and into the general direction of where Luhan’s bed was. “Unfortunately,” He answered, keeping his own voice down so as not to wake up Jongdae.

Luhan didn’t say anything for a while after that, and after a minute Minseok let his head drop back onto the pillow, ignoring the fact that the arm pinned underneath Jongdae’s torso was starting to go numb. He was just starting to think that maybe Luhan had passed out as well, leaving him alone once more, when his roommate spoke again. “You’re not gonna abandon me, right?”

Minseok sat up so quickly that he managed to unpin his arm from beneath Jongdae, causing the younger boy to roll over, squeal, and fling his hand out to collide painfully with Minseok’s jaw.


“Nothing,” He heard Luhan mumble, suddenly sounding embarrassed. “I’m being stupid. Go back to sleep.”

Maybe another night Minseok might’ve just let it go, but Luhan had sounded serious and Minseok wasn’t really all that tired anyways. “Luhan?” He demanded, listening intently as Luhan let out a defeated huff.

“I just - I’ve been, like, spending a lot of time with a lot of people lately, and it’s like...I just kind of feel like maybe you’ll decide you like them better than me, and I’ll be forgotten, and I mean, like, people get bored of each other all the time so if you get bored of me it’s fine, you know, what the ever, just like, ing tell me in advance...uh...okay?”

Minseok could only stare dumbly in Luhan’s general direction as Luhan mumbled out his worries. Eventually the words became a muffled mess and Minseok assumed that Luhan had decided to curl up on the bed in a big ball of embarrassment, as Luhan was prone to do when talking about his feelings.

“Minseokkie?” Luhan prompted in a tiny voice when Minseok didn’t immediately respond.

Sighing, Minseok got out of his bed - careful to not jostle the mattress so that he didn’t wake up Jongdae - and began the treacherous journey to Luhan’s bed. “You are stupid,” he muttered, hands out in front of him and feet walking unsteadily forward. If he could’ve remembered what he’d done with his phone, this wouldn’t have even been a problem.

Luhan let out a quiet, anxious wail at Minseok words, and Minseok had to bite back an amused grin - and then bite back an cry of pain when his hip collided with the corner of what felt like his desk.

Minseok put a hand to his mouth and another to his hip, trying not to make a sound as his eyes watered in pain. darkness, they were sleeping with the lights on in the future.

Finally Minseok felt his knees bump into Luhan’s mattress and immediately fell down in relief, ignoring the fact that he landed on Luhan’s legs, causing Luhan to let out a manly squeal of surprise. “Holy Minseok! I’m being eaten by the monster under my bed! I told you it was real!” Luhan hissed loudly, and Minseok felt something hard collide with his shoulder and his best friend began thrashing underneath him.

“Why is everyone attacking me tonight?” Minseok despaired, barely managing to blindly dodge an attack on his face.

Immediately Luhan stilled, and Minseok felt a familiar finger poke tentatively at his cheek. “Seokkie?”

Minseok rolled his eyes. “No,” he began wryly, struggling to sit up, “It’s Kibum. I’m here to steal your soul.”

“Why are you in my bed?” Luhan asked, ignoring the joke and attempting to pull Minseok further up on the mattress.

Minseok shrugged, sliding under the covers. “Because you’re stupid and it’s more comfortable over here anyway,” he explained lightly, feeling the way Luhan tensed up for a moment before relaxing and pulling Minseok into a hug.


Minseok grinned, wrapping his arms around Luhan’s torso and tangling their legs together before closing his eyes.

Crisis averted.

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Ephers #1
Chapter 3: I would like you to know that I'm bookmarking this fic not just because this is amazing, but also because your gif game is on point. I hope you update this someday. Thank you for writing.
Chapter 9: Wow. Okay. I think you my soul? I was only going to read a fic but then I got invested and stayed up all night and then started thinking what a nice life it is when I get to read fics like these. Also, all these people just randomly kissing Minseok gives me life. So yes. You took my soul and I don't think I'll ever have it back since this isn't complete
Xiuhanisloveok #3
Chapter 9: Dude if you alive please update....DO IT FOR THE ART
KimHyunaTaeyeon #5
Will you update?
Chapter 9: Aww why so cute, Xiuhan? I'm in love :3
Chapter 7: Heyyyy...The Cure is my favorite band :((( I'm offended.
warmfuzzysocks #8
this is so cute. im seriously in love. omg i love this so much im squealing!
qxcqxc #9
Chapter 9: Woah this is really good i really enjoy this, so sad the story hasnt finished. I know 2 years has passed since this chapter was published, but do you consider to continue this? Thank you though for writing it this far
KimHyunaTaeyeon #10
Chapter 9: It is such a pity that this is the last chapter... I would have really liked to see Xiuhan kiss..