A New Friend For The New Kid

Luhan`s Voice

         Luhan leaning against a wall behind one of the buildings, sobbing quietly so no one would hear him crying. He couldn’t contain himself, tears exploded from his eyes as he buried his face in his hands and sliding down against the wall to the floor. Luhan could feel the damnpness of his skin as he wipe the tears with his palm, he then hugged his knees and snivel in them. Luhan knew his first day in his new school was going to be bad. I wanna go home, I miss my mommy, he thought. Then, the bell rang. Luhan was still new to the school and he dosen’t even know where he is right now. Luhan stood up, his eyes were puffy and his eyes were red, he wiped the mucus from his nose with his shirt.


         The sounds of footsteps made by the students made Luhan jumped abit. He looked at the other side of the builind and saw students running up the stairs, that was probably the way to class. Luhan scurried into the group of running children, trying to follow wherever the group went. The kids kept pushing each other when running down the hall , Some of them even pushed Luhan but they didn’t seem to bother. The hall was crowded with kids running into class, Luhan tried to find the familiar faces he saw in his class but he couldn’t remember any faces of students in his class. Luhan was too busy finding familiar faces he didin’t realize that someone had pushed him that made his body fell onto the floor, his forehead and nose hit the floor so hard he cried in pain.


         “Stop crying!” Someone said, Luhan covered his nose and looked up. His vision was vague.

         “You! Don’t cry” Luhan rubbed his eyes until his vision was clear, the person who was standing there was most likely a girl with very short hair, like a boy’s haircuy. The girl crouched down and offered him her hand.

         “Stand up” Said the girl. Luhan looked surprised, no one had ever helped him before. He took a minute to look at her hand and hold it. The girl held his hand and pulled him up until Luhan’s feet support his body, Luhan bowed his head as thanks.

         “You’re welcome.” She made a small smile and bowed back at him.

         “Anyways, Let’s go to class together!” She smiled and turn her back, she ran towards the class nearby.

         “Aren’t you coming? We’re classmates, remember?” She said as she looked back at Luhan. Luhan snapped out of his daydreaming and hurried over to her, Luhan tried to memorize the way to his classroom just in case he gets lost. The girl went to her sit, Luhan, prbably forgotten where he sat, he followed the girl.

         “Luhan, you sit behind me!” Said the girl signaling Luhan to his sit. Luhan nodded and went for his sit.

         “My name is Sulli, Let’s be friends!” Said the girl, Sulli as she twisted he body to face Luhan. Luhan was surprised, and was somewhat... happy? Luhan didn’t know what reasn why he was happy but he liked it. Luhan had a smile on his face and nodded, It’s nice to have a friend from time to time, especially for someone like Luhan.





         “I don’t think he’s anywhere here, Sehun.” Said Baekhyun, his eyes wandering around the surroundings. Sehun and Baekhyun had searched for Luhan high and low but no results, they both started to get tired so they took a break at the school’s cafeteria, drinking banana milk together.

         “Is it almost time for recess to end?” Asked Sehun. Baekhyun made a ‘hmm?’ sound and looked down to his pororo themed watch without letting go the straw from his mouth. Baekhyun nodded. Sehun sighed.

         “Why do you want to find him so bad? You never talked to him before” Said Baekhyun, still sipping from his straw. Sehun didn’t know why he was so eager to find Luhan in the first place.

         “He looked lonely” Sehun explained. “I wanted to be his friend, he looked lonely.” Baekhyun nodded, as if he understands.

         The sudden bell rang made both of them jumped, which made Baekhyun dropped his banana milk onto the floor causing a small puddle of milk formed on the floor.

         “My milk!” Cried Baekhyun. Sehun laughed and without realising, Baekhyun made a small punch to Sehun’s shoulder which made Sehun yelped. Sehun then apologized for laughing at Baekhyun and offered Baekhyun his banana milk as an apology. Baekhyun jumped in happyness and took Sehun’s banana milk away from his hands. Sehun, who exhaled in relief that Baekhyun wasn’t crying. Now that Baekhyun’s banana milk incident has been solved. Sehun and Baekhyun begin to race their way to class.


          Sehun and Baekhyun made their way up to the staircase leaading the way to their class. Both of them was squished by the other students. Lots of pushing and nudging occured, one of the kids pushed Baekhyun which made him bumped someone infront of him and made that person fell on the floor. Baekhyun was rushing to his class so he hadn’t noticed. Both of them made it to class. Sehun hoped that Luhan knows his ways around the school, he also hoped that Luhan won’t get lost and hopefully he would ask for directions like how everybody would always do if they get lost. When Sehun looked up he saw Sulli, who was his best female friend. People would always tease them saying they look like a ‘couple’. Sehun didn’t understood why but he didn’t care, Sulli was always there for him. Suddenly, a figured came behind her, who was that person?


         It was Luhan! The one he had looked all over at school. Was Luhan with Sulli all along? Sehun watched them walking towards to their sit. Sulli in the front, Luhan at the back. Sulli turned back to Luhan, who was smiling. What did she said to Luhan that could made him smile? The smile on Luhan’s face made Sehuns heart feel enlighted with joy, it was a nice warm feeling,  Sehun wished he could be friends with Luhan so he make him smile too. 



Hello guys! ^^

Sorry to keep you waiting, I started to procrastinate ;u;

Anyways, there's this fic I read and it's called Last January.  It's so freaking sad I'm gonna cry a river ;AAA;

I seriously recommend it for you guys ;u; it's kaisoo btw heuheuhe

so have a nice day ^^ next update coming soon!

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Chapter 3: this is so cute! aw sehun wants to be luhans friend :) lol baekhyun. kris and kai r so mean
i like how ur writing, thank you i will be anticipating for the next chapter~
itsjustmecindy #2
I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY ALREADY! <3 I can't wait for the next update!
Peaches-xo #3
Chapter 2: Kris and Kai aren't very nice :-( but thank God for Sehun and Baekhyun, those little detectives shall find Luhan. I really hope they can make him stop crying and make him smile or something, maybe? Or maybe Luhan will be hostile and think they're just like Kai and Kris? Ohhhh! Exciting ^.^

Again I've gotta enthuse on the cuteness, I can't handle this. They're both so adorable and so nice too. Awe, great, great work! I love this, impatiently waiting for the next Chapter! <3
Peaches-xo #4
Chapter 1: This story is adorable so far, I'm literally squeaking. They're so cute and innocent, I love these types of stories when they're small. I love little Sehun and Baekhyun, I can totally imagine them being like this as children, therefore I applaud you on your amazing writing skills! Luhan is kinda cute too, even though he hasn't really done anything yet. If it wasn't for the fact that you'd already mentioned in the description that he can't speak, I would've thought he was extremely shy. Awe!

I have a really good feeling about this story! Well done on an amazing start <3
Chapter 1: baekhun is soooo sooo sooo cute!!! looking forward for the next update!! \(^_^)/
yunjae86 #6
Chapter 1: i like your story...baekhyun and sehun are absolutely cute...no doubt about that(:
looking forward for the next update.
TinyDancer8va #7
omo is this xiuhan? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa