New Kid

Luhan`s Voice

  Oh Sehun, 8 years old, currently schooling at Seoul Elementary School. He wore a white collared shirt, short navy blue trousers, white socks and white shoes just like the other students except for girls who wore skirts instead of trousers. Sehun sat at the left side of the class near the window so that he could see the view outside.

  Sehun was observing the class, with his head resting on his palms as support. Few students talking, some were thumb-wrestling. The girls were just doing each other’s hair as usual. “Sehun! Want to play in the sandbox with me later? I brought a shovel this time!” Said the boy as he reached out a plastic toy shovel from his pants. “Sure, Baekhyun” Sehun grinned. Baekhyun made a small jump and yelled out hooray. The bell rang, and the students knew it was time to head back to their sits. Students were running around class for their sits. By the time they were sitting in their sits the students who sat near the hallway heard footsteps, assuming it was the teacher.

  “She’s coming! She’s coming!” Students blurted out and made a ‘shh’ sound with their index finger placing on their lips. The door knob turned and it made a squeak sound, a woman came in with a young boy with his head lowered. Students were eyeing the young boy and whispered to each other, class was full of murmuring of voices. The teacher placed the books down and finally broke the murmuring, “Good morning class” The teacher greeted.

  Students stood up. “Good morning Ms.Kim!” They greeted back and sat down. “Class, we have a new student today!” Ms. Kim smiled warmly and place her hand behind the boy’s back, making a little push to him.

  “His name is Luhan, he’s from Beijing. Do you know where is Beijing, class?” One of the students stretching out her hand as high as she can to be noticed.

“It’s in China! Right?” The teacher nodded.

“Yes, it’s in China. Luhan is from China, hes our new foreign transfer student” All the students were at awe.

“So I would like you all to be friends with him and be nice to him. He’s a bit “different” but I’m sure you all won’t mind that”

  Sehun raised an eyebrow, what did she meant by “different”? Does she meant by him cannot speak korean? Sehun won’t mind that, as long as Luhan plays in the sandbox with him and play tag with Sehun, he won’t mind. “Luhan, you would be sitting at the back of Jinri” The teacher pointed at the empty back sit behind Jinri, or Sehun would like to call her, Sulli. Luhan nodded and walked to his sit. Sehun was happy, he’s gonna make new a new friend who’s from China.

       And so class continued with their learning, it was math period and Sehun hated math. The word “math” makes Sehun go “ugh”. So for the whole time, Sehun didn’t bothered to listen to what the teacher was saying and started to play with his fingers.

       After few periods of studying, it was recess. Everytime the bell rang every student would ran out of their class bringing lunch box and toys to play with. Luhan was the only one left in class, just sitting there looking gloomy.

       “Luhan, aren’t you going out to eat? You can’t stay in class during recess” Asked the teacher as she gathered the papers on the table. Luhan shooked his head, avoiding eye contact.

       “If you’re not hungry you should at least make friends with the others outside, they’re all the same age as you.” Said the teacher, trying to persuade him to go outside. Luhan shooked his head again. The teacher let out a small sigh.

       “Luhan, if you’re not gonna go outside you won’t make friends and they might think you’re arrogant.”

        Luhan didn’t shook his head this time but got out from his sit and carried a lunch box with him. Still avoiding eye contact, he went towards the door and got outside.

       “Good boy.” said the woman as her lips formed a smile.





       The school’s playground was filled with children running around, laughing, chasing each other and playing.

       “Sehun!” came Baekhyun running to Sehun with his plastic shovel, looking excited as ever. “Let’s play in the sand box! Let’s play! Lats play!” Sehun didn’t get to respoond and Baekhyun already pulled Sehun’s wrist with all his might and together they ran to a sandbox.

       “Let’s make a contest to see who’s castle is bigger!” Said Baekhyun sounded estatic. “And I’m going to win.” Baekhyun pointed to himself and sticks his tongue out to Sehun.

       “Not if I make it first!: Said Sehun before he went down t the sand and start digging followed by Baekhyun. Sehun had already started the bottom part of his castle but ruined once Baekhyun purposely hit Sehun’s castle with his shovel.

       “Hey! No fair!” Sehun pushed his bottom lip out. Baekhyun laughed. Sehun and Baekhyun rebuided their castle, once Baekhyun finished his castle, he took his plastic shovel and pointed it towards Sehun.

        “You are no match against me, weak warrior.” Baekhyun said in his deepest voice. Sehun grinned and played along. “Hah! You are wrong.” They both stood up and Sehun took his plastic shovel and dove it at him, his so-called “sword” outstretched, and his “sword” met with with Baekhyun’s “sword”. There was no sound of metal crashing into each other, just a dull thunk of plastic smacking plastic. Sehun and Baekhyun both hit hard which sent Sehun darting backwards. Baekhyun let out an evil laugh. While Baekhyun was too busy Sehun glanced around the playground and saw a boy sitting alone on a bench looking down to his lap.

        “Hey!” Baekhyun shouted.


        “What are you looking at?” Baekhyun pushed out his lower lip.

        “Oh, sorry. I was looking at him” Sehun pointed towards the boy sitting on the bench.

        “That must be the new kid in ur class! What was his name again? Lu..Lu...” Baekhyun made a I’m-thinking-face, then after a while Baekhyun’s face lit up.”

        “I remember! It’s... Han!”

        “Luhan.” Sehun corrected.

         “Yeah, what you said.”

         “Should we play with him?” Sehun glanced at him one more time, and look back at Baekhyun.

         “He looks lonely.”

         “Sure, we’ll play with him” – Baekhyun took his “sword” and pointed at Sehun- “Right after we battle! Hiya!” Sehun giggled and proceed to their sword playing.




Hello guys ^^

Sorry for the bad grammar or something ;-;

anyways, I can only update during the weekends OTL

Sehun and Baekhyun are so cute ;u;

Please suscribe and comment ^^

byebye, see you on the next update ^^


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Chapter 3: this is so cute! aw sehun wants to be luhans friend :) lol baekhyun. kris and kai r so mean
i like how ur writing, thank you i will be anticipating for the next chapter~
itsjustmecindy #2
I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS STORY ALREADY! <3 I can't wait for the next update!
Peaches-xo #3
Chapter 2: Kris and Kai aren't very nice :-( but thank God for Sehun and Baekhyun, those little detectives shall find Luhan. I really hope they can make him stop crying and make him smile or something, maybe? Or maybe Luhan will be hostile and think they're just like Kai and Kris? Ohhhh! Exciting ^.^

Again I've gotta enthuse on the cuteness, I can't handle this. They're both so adorable and so nice too. Awe, great, great work! I love this, impatiently waiting for the next Chapter! <3
Peaches-xo #4
Chapter 1: This story is adorable so far, I'm literally squeaking. They're so cute and innocent, I love these types of stories when they're small. I love little Sehun and Baekhyun, I can totally imagine them being like this as children, therefore I applaud you on your amazing writing skills! Luhan is kinda cute too, even though he hasn't really done anything yet. If it wasn't for the fact that you'd already mentioned in the description that he can't speak, I would've thought he was extremely shy. Awe!

I have a really good feeling about this story! Well done on an amazing start <3
Chapter 1: baekhun is soooo sooo sooo cute!!! looking forward for the next update!! \(^_^)/
yunjae86 #6
Chapter 1: i like your story...baekhyun and sehun are absolutely doubt about that(:
looking forward for the next update.
TinyDancer8va #7
omo is this xiuhan? kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa