Diets, Starvations


Jongup takes the other's hand. "Hyung, you're so pretty. I don't care what anyone says. You're the best."

Himchan chokes at the sight of Jongup's smiling face. "Guppie..."

"Wait here, hyung. I have a present for you." Jongup lets go of the visual's hand and rushes to his room.

"It's okay. He's going to be alright." Yongguk pulls the visual close, worry etched into his features. "It's going to be okay. J-Jongup will be fine."

"Hyung." Jongup runs in, nearly tripping over the rug. "I found it. Look." He plops down next to the visual. "I got you that pair of jeans you kept staring at. Try it on and see if it fits." He pouts at the other's silence. "Come on, hyung. I spent all my money on it. Just try it and if you really don't like it, I'll take it back."


"Stop stalling." Jongup jumps up with a frown. "I bet you look great it in." He grabs Himchan's arm and pulls him up. "Let's go. I'm going to make you try them on." He pulls the visual into the bedroom, closing the door behind them. "Hyung, you better take off your pants before I pull them off myself. I won't be nice with you."

"What should we do?" Daehyun asks, squeezing himself between Youngjae and Zelo. "We can't let him continue like this. What if someone finds out?"

"Will hyung be okay?"

"Don't worry. Jongup will be okay. He's just...stressed." Despite his words, Yongguk feels uneasy. "We just have to keep him inside the dorm and keep an eye over him."

"All this worrying is making me hungry." Youngjae heads to the shove, grabbing the mountain of containers of food Mama Jung brought over a few days ago. "Daehyung hyung, you need to tell your mom to visit more often. Her food is delicious."

"Why else do you think I love to eat? Her cooking is fantastic."

Zelo spread his arm out, putting his head down on said arm, dangling his hand above his head. "I'm worried about hyung."

"We are too, but we can't do anything right now." Yongguk pats his the maknae's head in comfort. "If it's stress, then we need to give him some room to relax."

"Hey, you guys hear that?"

"Hear what? I don't hear..."

"We'll be back later!" Jongup yells from the front door. "Hyung and I are going out shopping. We'll eat out so don't worry about us."

"No, wait. Jongup!" Yongguk rushes to the front door, tripping over their shoes and rushes out. He misses the elevator by a few seconds. "Damn it! This is bad." He hurries back into the dorm, heading towards his room. Grabbing a shirt, he pulls it on, grabbing his keys from the hook. "I'm going after them."

"Me too!" Daehyun zooms pass the leader and grabs his shirt from the bed. "Where would they go?"

"I'm hoping they're not going underwear shopping." Youngjae pulls his shoes on, meeting Yongguk's eyes. "You'll need our help."

Daehyun nods his head in agreement. "Jongup won't want to come back so easily. He's stressed and we don't know if he'll lash out at us."

"We might as well take him to the doctor." Yongguk turns to the male next to him, interrupting what the other was about to say. "You stay here. We don't need even more attention." He hurries to the door, reaching to pull it close. He can hear the elevator arriving.

"What about me, hyung?"

Yongguk bites down on his lower lip nervously. "Stay here with Channie." He pulls the door close as Daehyun tells him to hurry. "I'm coming. Wait up." Adjusting his shoes, the leader rushes into the elevator.

"Hyung, where should we go first." Jongup asks excitedly, clutching the older man's arm. "Should we go look for clothes? Pants? Shoes? Accessories? Or maybe we can even go underwear shopping." He teases, looking over to the other. "We can give advice to what kind of underwear looks best. What do you think?"

A group of passing girls turn to look at the two members, whispering and pointing at the two.

"See? I told you the pants look good on you. Those girls are looking. They're staring at your squishy ." Jongup turns to the window of a nearby stop.

The winter air seems into his clothes, causing his bones to shiver as he leans closer to Jongup.

"Cold aren't you?" Jongup frowns in concern. "Maybe I shouldn't have dragged you out when you're feeling a bit sick." His frowns deepens at the glare and rosy cheeks. "Okay, okay. I'll hug you and keep you warm." He warps his arms around Himchan's waist. "You should really stop dieting, hyung. It's not good for you."

He turns to Jongup, a smile on his face as the other pulls him along.

"Okay, fine. You can diet, but I don't really like it hyung. What if you turn into nothing by skin and bones? You'll flying away in a blink of an eye."

The three members follow closer, sneaking after the two like amateur spies. The leader lifts his phone to his ear, mumbling about finding Jongup.

"This is ridiculous." Daehyun pulls out his phone, dialing Yongguk's number. "Merge the call."

Frowning, Yongguk follows the directions. "What are you going to do?"

"Trust me." He pockets the phone carefully in his inner chest pocket. "Just keep out of sight if you want to know what's going on." Leaving the sneaky Yongguk-Youngjae duo, he hurries after Jongup. "Hey, Gupppie!"

"Daehyun hyung. What are you doing here?"

"I want to go shopping for a present for my mother. Can I join you?"

"Sure, hyung."

"What were you talking about?" Daehyun glances towards the figure next to Jongup. "I saw you talking just before I got here."

"We were talking about Himchan hyung's diet. I still think he shouldn't lose weight." Jongup grabs Daehyun's hand and puts it on Himchan's arm. "He feels like skin and bones. What if he flies away or collapses on stage? BAP isn't BAP if we're not together as six members."


"Oh look hyung!" Jongup tugs Himchan close to another shop. "Hey, Daehyun hyung. That would look good on you. See?" He points to the shirt on the mannequin doll, a large grin on his face. "You should try that on. I bet you'll look great in it."

"I don't know." Daehyum mumbles, biting his lips. It does look good, but...

"Hey, do you think Youngjae hyung will look good in that one?" Jongup points to the one next to the first. "It looks like a couple shirt. Maybe you should get it. I bet the fans will go wild for couple shirts."

"We're not like the other groups, Jongup. Won't wearing couple shirts be similar to them?" Daehyun counters, despite his eyes glancing towards the other shirt, his mind thinking of all the giggling fans.

"So what? Maybe they'll have it in different colors and we can all get one. We'll be like little matching dolls."

"You want us to be a doll set?"

"Maybe we can have matoki-wear." Jongup pulls Himchan into the store. "Come on, hyung."

Daehyun sighs and follows after them, frowning at the quiet visual as he's being dragged all over the place by their dancer. He glances back, noticing the stalker duo standing outside the shop. He sighs as the leader points to his phone. "What?" He whispers into his phone after tugging it out slightly. 

"What are you doing? We need to get them back to the dorm before we get in trouble!" Youngjae hisses at him.

"You think I don't know? We need to do this carefully or we'll be caught."

"Who are you talking to, hyung?" Jongup asks, frowning at Daehyun as the other turns towards him from facing the wall.

"No one, Guppie." He notices the bag in the dancer's hand. "You got something?" Daehyun frowns as the bag is shoved towards him. "For me? T-thank you." Taking the bag, he looks inside to find the shirt Jongup was looking at moments ago at the window. He frowns at the slip of paper inside, opening it to read.

"Hyung, come on!"

"O-okay." Daehyun shoves the note back inside and hurries after the two. "Wait for me." He wraps his arm around Jongup's neck affectionately. "How dare you leave me behind! I'm gonna eat you like strawberry shortcake."

"Then maybe I should buy some for you so you won't eat me."

"Yah, really?"

"Come on. I know this store that sells really good cake. If we're lucky, then we can buy some before they sell out." Jongup links his free arm with Daehyun. "You need to hurry. They only have limited cakes and once it's gone, you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"What are we waiting for then? Let's go!" Daehyun grabs Jongup's arm and pulls him forward, making the younger male wrap an arm around HImchan's waist and usher him along with them.

"This is...bad." Youngjae frowns as he listens into the phone. "They'll end up eating everything before they head back to the dorm. We are so gonna get in trouble."

"We'll have to follow them, then. Come on." Yongguk hurries from their hiding place and runs after the racing trio.

"Is this it?" Daehyun's eyes glues to the display case full of cake. "They look so yummy."

"Let's go find a seat."

"Wait for me baby. I'll come back soon." Daehyun waves goodbye to the cake, a pout on his face. "I love you~!" He says, blowing a kiss to the glass case. "I love you so much."

Sitting down, Jongup turns to the visual. "Hyung, wait here okay? I'm going to order our drinks." He slides out of the booth and heads towards the counter, pulling Daehyun along with him.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"Can I have a hot chocolate, one iced Americano, and..." He turns to Daehyun. "What do you want, hyung?"


"Give him a triple hot chocolate." Jongup finishes his order with a wide smile. "They have the best cakes and drinks here, hyung. Let's eat lunch here. My treat." Jongup grabs the menu, turning towards the vocalist. "Hey hyung." He his lips nervously, glancing back at the visual. "Can you help me?"

"What's wrong?" Daehyun asks, despite knowing what's wrong.

"I want to convince hyung to stop dieting. He feels all bony and stuff. I keep having nightmares about him turning into a skeleton and falling off the stage because he hasn't eaten enough. I don't want anything bad to happen to him." Jongup bites his lips worriedly. "Daehyun hyung, let's order a lot of food and make him eat."

"I don't know if that's going to work." Daehyun glances back at the slumped figure sitting in the booth.

"We have to try." Jongup grabs another menu and pushes into Daehyun's hands. "We have to make him eat." He turns and heads back to the booth, a smile in place. "Himchannie hyung, are you hungry?" He slides in next to the slumped figure. "There are a lot of stuff here. There are different pasta dishes. And seafood."

Daehyun sits down and watches as Jongup elbows the unmoving visual, listing the menu out loud to the slouching man next to him. "Jongup?" He calls out hesitantly. "Maybe we should order soup for hyung. Eating so much solid food might upset his stomach."

"Oh, okay." Jongup flips the page. "Hyung, there's clam chowder, seafood stew, tomato soup, cream and corn." His eyes lights up. "Hey, they have some of your favorites here too, hyung."

Daehyun bites his lips and glances towards the unmoving visual. "Jongup, why don't we order a bunch of stuff? We'll take back what we can't finish okay?"

"But I don't know if I have enough."

"I'm sure if we put together our money, we'll have enough. If not, we can call Yongguk hyung to come and help us pay." He glances at the duo standing outside in the cold and nods his head towards them, motioning for them to enter.

"What to order, what to order..." Jongup motions for the waitress, a smile plastered on his face. "Can I have this? And these, this one, this one, that one, these here, and..."

Yongguk and Youngjae enters the cafe reluctantly. If they allow the dancer to continue ordering, he'll draw attention to the visual. They wait until the waitress leaves before sliding into the booth, Yongguk next to Daehyun and Youngjae next to Jongup.

"Hyung? What are you doing here?" Jongup shifts closer. "Did you come out to eat to?"

"Yeah, we didn't want to stay in the dorm."

"What about Zelo? Is he at the dorm by himself?" Jongup frowns at the abandoned maknae. "He wouldn't like how you left him all alone."

"It's okay. He's with hyu..." Youngjae winces at the kick to his shin. He turns to Daehyun, receiving a menacing glare from the vocalist. "I mean he's tired."

"You're acting weird hyung." The frown disappears and Jongup grabs the menu, pushing it into Youngjae's hands. "Whatever, look at the menu and order. We need to feed Himchannie hyung. A diet's not good if it's making him tired and sleepy all the time." Turning to the visual, Jongup tugs on the other's arm. "Hyung, don't sleep. It's time to eat."

"Jongup..." Yongguk reaches a hand to Jongup, stopping him from shaking the visual.

"You're right hyung."


"I should let hyung sleep. He looks pale, like a skeleton." Jongup bites his lips worriedly. "We'll just take the extra back for him and Zelo."

After an hour of uneasy eating, only a quarter of the food is eaten. None of them could eat with the current situation with Jongup and the dancer couldn't eat with his favorite hyung starving himself. Twenty minutes later, the small group stands outside the cafe, bundled up against the cold and feeling down.

"Why don't we go back to the dorm? Zelo's waiting for us." Daehyun suggests, frowning at how Jongup's body tenses up. "Jongup?"

"I promised Himchannie hyung to take him out and have fun though."

"Jongup ah, hyung looks tired. Why don't we go back and let him take a nap first?" Youngjae coos with a smile. "Besides, Zelo's probably worried about hyung too. Maybe hyung will eat after Zelo aegyos him. You know how strong Zelo's aegyo is."

Jongup tightens his grip on the visual's arm. "Hyung? Is Zelo's aeygo better than mine?" His lower lip scrunches up and his normally smiling eyes frown. "You're so mean hyung! I hate you!" He shoves the skinny visual towards Daehyun and runs off.

"Jongup!" Daehyun grabs a hold of the bundle, not knowing what to do or how to react. "What happened?"

"Did hyung say Zelo is better or something?" Yongguk questions, glancing between the two.

"Does it matter right now? He's heading back to the dorm now." Youngjae turns and heads after Jongup. "Wait for me! Yah! Moon Jongup!" He hurries after Jongup, linking his arms around the dancer's.

"This is...frustrating."

"You can say that again." Yongguk sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "Let's go."

"When do you think they'll get back?" Zelo asks, staring at the phone as if it'll disappear any second.

"I don't know. I hope soon." His head spins around at the sound of the front door opening and Youngjae's voice floating in.

"Don't be mad. Hyung didn't mean it."

"Of course he did. Why else would he have said it?" Jongup turns and heads into the bedroom, crawling in bed and pulling the covers over his head. The covers flies off his head a second later. "Hyung hates me so I hate hyung too!" Jongup covers his head again, rolling up like a spring roll on the bed.

"Jongup, hyung doesn't hate you. You know that." Daehyun sits down next to the large lump, patting the other's covered arm. "He's just grumpy from his diet."

The covers flings off, revealing a very irritating Jongup. "That's why he shouldn't diet. Do you know what's inside a diet? Do you know what it means to be dieting?"


"To go on a diet means to DIE! And dieting means DYING!" Jongup reasons, puffing up his cheeks before hiding under the covers again.

"Jongup, Himchan hyung isn't dying." Youngjae sighs dejectedly at the dancer's reasoning. It does make some kind of sense, in a strange way, in Himchan's case anyways.

"Come on." Daehyun tugs on the covers. "Jongup, you can't hide forever. What about practice and performances?"

"You can't hide from Himchan forever." Yongguk grabs his shoulder and shakes him. "Come out of there."

"You're right, hyung. I can't hide forever." Jongup agrees, sitting up on the bed. "I'll just avoid him as much as possible and only talk during interviews and stuff. It'll be strictly work. Once we're by ourselves, it's only me and no hyung."

"Guppie..." Himchan bites his lips, his eyes sad and eyebrows frowning. "Listen..."

"GET OFF MY BED!" Jongup kicks the visual violently off the said bed, causing the others to stare at his outburst.

Zelo blinks at the sight of his grumpy hyung and the lump on the bed. Happy, angel face Moon Jongup is never angry. It's kinda scary. "Hyung?"

"Go away, Kim Himchan-shi!" Jongup glares at the figure on the floor.

"I think it's getting more serious." Himchan bites his lips as he watches the enraged Jongup.

"You think you're so great because of that pretty face of yours, but you're not! You're stupid, ugly and fat. You're as big as a cow! A stupid, fat cow!" Jongup yells, pointing an accusing figure towards the other. "Oh way, you're not. You're dieting. You're a stupid, ugly, skinny, twig now! You're so pale and skinny that we won't need anything scary for Halloween this year. We'll just put you at the door!"

"Jongup..." Daehyun reaches towards the other.

"You're stupid! I don't care about you anymore! Go on your stupid diet! Go eat your stupid carrots. Go and stupid starve your stupid self. I don't care if you get pale and look like a stupid ghost! Be stupid ugly! I don't care anymore. I hate you! I hate you!"

Daehyun pulls the dancer closer, tears streaming down his face from the outburst. "It's okay. It's okay, Guppie."

"No it's not! Hyung is starving himself. And for what? For some stupid fans that think he's fat? Hyung's not fat! He's perfect the way he is. He's not fat or ugly. Only the people who call him that are ugly. Hyung's beautiful and he should see that. He's best when he's eating, not what he's starving himself. He's like a living skeleton when he's starving himself. Who does he think he is? Jack the Pumpkin King? Well, guess what? He's too damn short to be the Pumpkin King. He's too damn short!" Jongup clings to Daehyun's arm, burying his face and tears into Daehyun's shoulder. "I want my Himchannie hyung back. I want my healthy Himchannie hyung back."

Zelo picks up the figure on the floor, his fingers digging into the fabric of the black hoodie. "Hyung's right, you know. HImchan hyung looks better when he's eating." Turning to the visual, he places the object in his hand. "If you don't want to be like this, you should stop dieting, hyung."

"They're right you know." Yongguk puts a hand on the visual's shoulder. "You shouldn't starve yourself. Health is most important. Without it, you can't get anything done."

"But I..."

"Himchan hyung, do you really want to be like this?" Youngjae asks, pointing to the object in the visual's hand. "Do you want to make it a reality?" He watches as the man frowns in thought. "We can fix whatever is going on now, but what if you turn into this? How can we fix it then? If this happens and Guppie reacts the same way, how will BAP bounce back up? We need you hyung. BAP isn't BAP without you."

"Himchan hyung." Daehyun calls out, interrupting their talk. " I don't think Jonguppie will be Jonguppie without you either." He lays the exhausted dancer back in bed on his side, pulling up the covers.

"I just wanted to..." Himchan wipes the tears on his face.

Daehyun walks over with a sigh. "You're just lucky that this isn't you." He teases, pointing to the object. "Or Guppie will definitely go crazy."

"Yah, stop it."

"So what do you say to food? We brought back a ton of food from the cafe." Yongguk smiles widely at the visual. "It's all paid and hardly touched." He nudges the visual affectionately.

"Okay, okay. Let's eat."

"Hurray!" Zelo rushes out excitedly, jumping towards the kitchen like a deer prancing in a meadow. "Food~!"

"I'm hungry too." Youngjae follows after Yongguk as the leader pushes Himchan out by his shoulders. "Daehyun? You coming?"

"Yeah, in a bit. I'm just going to make sure Guppie's comfortable."

"Alright." Youngjae leaves the vocalist by himself and joins the others.

Daehyun sits back down on the bed, exhaling deeply. He glances at the door before leaning backwards onto Jongup's shoulder. "They're gone."

Jongup lifts his head and takes a peek. "That was fun." He lays his head back down, snuggling into the pillow and closing his eyes.

"No, that was exhausting." Daehyun groans, his body relaxed against Jongup's frame.

"It worked, didn't it?" Jongup smiles into the duvet.

"Yeah." Daehyun breathes out. "Where did you come up with this idea?"

"I'm just a genius like that."

"And the skeleton? Where did you find it?"

"I found it at this store that was selling it at a low price. I though I should bring it back for Youngjae hyung so he can prank people."

"Like what?"

"Like scaring HImchan hyung to see if he can scream higher than you."

Daehyun laughs at the comment. "So, you going to do this again?" He turns to look at the dancer's sleepy face.

"Yup, whenever hyung wants to starve himself." Jongup snuggles deeper to the duvet. "Hyung?"


"I'm sleepy."

"Sleep then, you deserve it after bring down the almighty Kim Himchan's defenses."

"Promise you'll save me some food?"

"Sure. I'll save you lots." Daehyun ruffles Jongup's hair affectionately. "Just this time because you deserve it."

"Don't save me too much. You have to shove food down Himchannie hyung's throat and make him healthy looking again."

"Sure, I will. Don't worry about it."

"Thanks, hyung."

"Just sleep. You deserve it."

"Night, hyung."

"Night, Guppie."

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rararakun #1
Chapter 1: OMG I didn't see it coming :o
but that was clever XD
xXaoifeXx #2
Chapter 1: Omg I though himchan had cancer or something! Cause he was really skinny and was dying?
Thank God I was wrong :)
this was very well written :D
Chapter 1: i was scared this was actually a fic where chan died and up was having a meltdown for a sec. than god. our up is smart!