Euphoria of the Soul


"Kim Minseok, October 30, 2014 7; 08 PM." Kai's 9th customer for the year. 

A barista. A talented one indeed. It was a pity his life had to end so soon but what can he do? He was just doing he was told to do. To collect dying souls. To be a death God.

Ad now he's off to his next target. The short large eyed regular customer of the deceased barista's cafe. 


have you watched Death Note? :3


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MidnightNightingale #1
Chapter 1: You're a troll. A troll. Noooo!!!!!!! Jongin run away from Kyungsoo!!! XDD
Great job!!! I loved it..!!!!!!!!! Bwahahaha
Buing* Buing*
Chapter 1: I love it! Though I think the part when Kyungsoo died is a good enough of an ending lol Good job anyway! XD
Chapter 1: Aaaaaahhhhhh this is so beautiful!!!!
Loved it!!! It was so good!!
MidnightNightingale #4
Hey you.... WHy you post a foreword with no chapter one????? T_______T