Seoul University

Minsoo In Love.


10 years later.

"_____nie !! Appa have a good news for us!" Tell your dad while running to you with a phone in his hand.

"What the good news is appa?" ask u. "Appa....Got....A....Job....At TOPMEDIA ~!!" "What ? TOPmedia? In Seoul?" asking u with rounded eyes to your dad. Seems like u mis-heard what he just said. 

"YES !! Appa got a job, your Hyuk Jin Ahjushii just call me and ask me to be his new idol group called as baek percent (100%) manager and appa accept it !" Explain yor dad.

"But appa, we need to move there. Then how bout my study here? infact i cant leave u alone in the big town, who can take care you ?" nagging to your dad, 

"Hyuk Jin Ahjushii already set a place for you to study there. at SEOUL UNIVERSITY !!" he scream on you. your dad were too happy.

"MWOO?! Seoul University?!" U shocked and "Where can we move there appa ?! I cant wait anymore!!" u jumped happily because your dream is want to study there, in Seoul University and now it become reality. 'Thank you Hyuk Jin Ahjushi' u said it and smile alone.

"Appa know u will like it" Said your dad while walking to his room.



After a week, you entered Seoul University.

At time you arrived at the main gate, u feel awesome with the nice and big entrance sign. (here the sign)

you feel so happy because your dream is come true and you already here, at Seoul University. 

Then you walk to front office to register your course there, and one more time you feel amused with the big and beautiful stairs heading to front office. (Here the stairs, beautiful isn't?)

'wow, this is DAEBAKK~!' you mumbles alone

After done register your course, you and your dad heading to your dorm. your dad was helping you to carry the bag and your belongings into the room. 

"Appa, here rooms 27A" said to your father. 

Knock~! Knock~! "anybody bere?' Asking you. 

The the door open, and "Hii, i'm Shin _____, and you can call me ____. His my father, Shin Jung Myon. I'm a new student here." you introduce your self and bow infront a cute girl with a pink shirt. 

"Oh~! Hii, Im Kim Hye Jun, But u can call me Hyejun." she said and smile. 

"Ahh~! I'm forget, i'm your roommates and come in." Said Hyejun. 

When you entered your new room, your mouth automaticly opened ! Because the room look very beautiful and you like it so much ! 

Small bedroom but furniture arranged is so perfect ! 




After done unpacked your things, Hyejun invite you to cafe for eat something cause her hungry, same like you too. 

when you arrived at cafe, guess what, u amused again ! 

the cafe is so big and the design concept is awesome. u never watch something like this. 

"Dont worry, all food here, is free, the university already pay it for all student here. and we can took as many as we can" Told hyejun to you cause you look so shocked while order her food. 

"Ahh. arrasso. !" You rubbed your back neck. Embarrassing alone. 

Done pick your food, you walk to empty table with Hyejun while chat with ecah other.

Suddenly. BANGG ~!! you fall down and your food spill on floor.

"Ommo, Mianhae Sunbae. I'm so sorry" u apologize to him many times but he just smiling look at you and walk away.

'Huh ? why so cocky ?' you talk with your self.

You stand up and heading to toilet to clean your self with Hyejun help.

"Who's that arrogant guy ? I already apologize to him, but why he just walked away?" you asking Hyejun. 

"Oh, he's Yong Junhyung, the hottest men in our University. The smartest guy!" She explain and "he's soooooo handsome isn't? Kekekeke" Hyejun said it with a giggles. 

'What ? Handsome? Hell no, he !' you tought alone. 




Chapter two is done ! Awww, Junhyung is here ~! Kyaaahhhhh !!

Okay, i'm tired, tomorrow i'll update the new chapter okay.

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HanLay #1
Chapter 30: I'm fall in love with this story...DAE TO THE BAK!!!!
Chapter 34: Wah 5 kids and counting more. Finally all bad guys are gone haha.
Chapter 33: Good story plot but I think you rushed it >.<
Chapter 34: Hahaha yess twins again . like this story . goodjob author . itd rarely for minsoo to be the main character . but you did a great . thumbs up :D
angelavender #5
Chapter 34: YEAHHHH I LOVE HAPPY ENDING ^^ OMO TWINS AGAIN ?? Thats too many,rite ?? btw Lee Chan Hee & Lee Yeochin yeongwonhi !!!!! BTW NIEY UNNIE THE BEST !!!
This was a great story!
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 34: Awwww....great ending, hehehe, anyways done reading this one ^^
Aii GOOD !! well i love junhyung more than minsoo here kekeke~
Chapter 34: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... unnie ><
hyejun_afi #10
Chapter 34: Happy endiiiiiiiinngg!!!!! I love happy ending.. haha next time unnie should make a new story ^^ kkk~