I Hate When We Fight

To Love is to Receive a Glimpse of Heaven [MBLAQ Scenarios]


Sometimes it's hard.


“H-Hey,” Seungho sits down in front of you, “I’m sorry. It was my fault, I was too pushy and I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Argh just go away!” You scream and hurl a book at him, which he luckily avoids.

“I-“ Seungho blinks and bites his bottom lip. “Okay.”

You watch as he simply gets up and walks out the door.

You don’t get it. Why did Seungho have to be so freaking understanding? Why did Seungho have to be so unbelievably lovable? Why did Seungho have to make everything right?

All you wanted to do was yell, to take out your anger on something, anything. And Seungho just happened to be around. So you did.


“Hey!” Seungho smiles as he places his keys on the table and holds up two plastic shopping bags. “I went out and I brought something to eat. Since you didn’t seem to like what we had yesterday I thought that maybe you’d like these. They’re my favourite so-“


Your boyfriend laughs nervously at your harsh tone. “Um well you didn’t eat much yesterday so I thought you must not have liked the-“

“Maybe I just wasn’t hungry yesterday ok!”

“Ah…” Seungho gently places the bags on the kitchen counter and takes out a packet of biscuits. “Well you told me you felt sick after eating so-“

“Maybe I felt sick so I wasn’t hungry yesterday! God Seungho think for a second!” You interrupt him again.

He looks down at the packet of cookies he’s holding and offers them to you. “Well how about-“

“How about,” you snarl, “you just leave me alone for two ing seconds, alright?”


Seungho had to think of everything. He had to make it up to you, he had to take the blame, he was always alright when you yelled at him. Even though he was an idol and had the stress of MBLAQ and everything else on his shoulders, he still accepted your break downs as well.

It was stupid, you had absolutely nothing to blame him for. And now he was gone. He’d left just like you asked him to.

“Why Yang Seungho?” You mutter as you put your shoes on and grab your jacket. You slip your keys into your pocket and take a deep breath. Apologising was one thing, finding him was another. He could be anywhere by now.

You open the door with your eyes closed, thinking of where to look first.

“Ah, hi there.”

You look down and Seungho is lying at your feet.

“W-What?” You feel yourself shake a little.

“I didn’t really know where to go so…”

You kick him lightly in the head with your foot. “Idiot.”

“Yeah well,” Seungho stands up and dusts himself off. “Then that makes two of us.”

“H-Hey,” you’re shaking a little more now, trying to find the words to apologise and thank him for not leaving and not being mad and being so kind and-

-and before you can do any of that, he captures your lips and tugs you inside.

“All this you being mad at me has made me hungry.” He grins, “And if I remember correctly, there’s a packet of cookies inside that I bought.”

“Mm hmm.” You allow yourself to be tugged onto his lap as he positions himself on the couch. Seungho’s arms wrap around you and he nuzzles into your neck. You open the biscuit packet and offer him a cookie. You watch as his tongue slips out and gingerly scoops up the sweet treat.

“I love you, you know that?”

“Y-Yeah,” you smile and lean into him. “I love you too.”




For aegyoful who wanted a Seungho one ^_^

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info. http://ourhouserp.tumblr.com/
Irene91 #2
Chapter 3: wow! WOW!!!! :))))))
im smiling like a total idiot now! :D
OOOHS. They were really good! You should write a Joon and Thunder one any topic!
I want a Seungho one :) any situation
FuyumiMairen #5
<br />
Seungho~ SO CUTE!
asdfjgkhlldsa the seungho one.. ; u ;<br />
i'm dying!
msthanatos #7
aww! really cute scenarios! hope you write more!
Write a SeungHo one!!! Quick!!! XD
taikachi #9
really cute stories :) hope to see more soon.<br />
i feel like i'd be even clumsier though -_____-