Because You Make Me Feel Loved

To Love is to Receive a Glimpse of Heaven [MBLAQ Scenarios]


I love you because you make me feel loved.




“Are you alive?”

“Yes I am alive.”

You are currently winning your staring contest with Cheondung and there is no way you’re going to let him win, even if Joon is tapping you on the shoulder.

“Hel-lo?” Joon tries again and shakes you a little.

“Yeah hi,” you reply flatly, straining to keep your eyes open.

“[Name]!” he whines, and when that doesn’t work. “[Name] [Name] [Name] [Name] [NAMMMEEEE]!” He starts batting you on the shoulder. Your tired eyes give in and you spin around to face Joon, reasoning that it’s all his fault that you lost and not the fact that Thunder has mad skills.

“SERIOUSLY, WHAT?!” you snap, now irritated that Thunder has won and is currently writing down a list of what he wants from the local 7-Elevn.

“I-I…” Joon stutters and takes a step back. He smoothes down his t shirt and blinks twice. “Wow.”

“Wow what?” you ask, still a little annoyed.

Joon points to your eyes. “What on earth have you been doing all day? Did Seungho hyung infect you with his eye circles or something?”

Now it’s your turn to blink twice and sit there stunned. You stare at Joon’s genuinely worried face which has been perfectly made up and is practically radiating freshness.

In the background you hear Cheondung fall of his chair at Joon’s ‘observation’.

“Shut up,” you mutter and turn around to snatch the shopping list.

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
Irene91 #2
Chapter 3: wow! WOW!!!! :))))))
im smiling like a total idiot now! :D
OOOHS. They were really good! You should write a Joon and Thunder one any topic!
I want a Seungho one :) any situation
FuyumiMairen #5
<br />
Seungho~ SO CUTE!
asdfjgkhlldsa the seungho one.. ; u ;<br />
i'm dying!
msthanatos #7
aww! really cute scenarios! hope you write more!
Write a SeungHo one!!! Quick!!! XD
taikachi #9
really cute stories :) hope to see more soon.<br />
i feel like i'd be even clumsier though -_____-